

Study on Resources Utilization of Validity and Industry Development

【作者】 郑重

【导师】 史清琪;

【作者基本信息】 中国地质大学(北京) , 资源产业经济, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 资源有效利用与产业升级是经济转型的关键,也是实现新型工业化的必由之路,与发达国家数百年传统工业化过程相比,我国厘定了信息化、工业化与现代化三步并作一步走的跨越式发展战略。因此,研究我国新型工业化道路条件下的经济转型,应突出国家经济社会发展的质量特征,其核心是资源有效利用与产业发展。本研究从基本概念和现状入手,运用系统工程及其相关经济管理理论;借鉴国内外经济转型的理论成果与实践经验;分析了我国新型工业化过程中的资源有效利用与产业发展的各种问题,经过国内外资源利用效率分析和产业发展模式的比较、并结合我国国情进行了实证研究。提出了相关理论的创新与方法。研究表明,我国走新型工业化道路的需要改变高投入、高消耗、高污染、低效率、低产出的现状,要依靠技术进步、产业结构调整、生产素质提高和管理创新,以及产业、科技、资源与创新机制协同带动转变。本论文主要研究资源有效利用与产业发展及其协调促进系统的相互关系。研究主要成果与创新:1.通过国外资源有效利用和产业发展战略及政策分析,首次总结了国外如何结合资源禀赋形成优势产业,运用技术进步与创新以及市场运行机制等促进资源有效利用与产业升级的经验,率先提出了我国转变发展方式的关键是资源有效利用和产业发展。2.深入分析了我国产业发展的阶段化、区域化等内容,创新性的提出了在市场经济条件下,地方经济应该与资源禀赋、产业优势协调发展:实现产业区域空间布局,多范围、多层次相关循环的创新理论与思路。3.剖析了我国新型工业化过程中资源利用效率低与产业发展层次不高的问题及原因;论证了我国资源有效利用与产业发展的关系、原则和路径;探讨了我国转变发展方式及科学发展中的基本问题。4.重点论述了调整产业结构与产业布局在我国转变发展方式中的意义,并对我国经济转型中的资源利用、产业发展的结构、问题、历史原因和改革方向进行了深入分析和探讨。5.阐明了建设创新型国家对促进资源有效利用与产业发展的作用与意义,论述了我国资源有效利用与产业发展的战略及政策选择。6.本文主要采用了历史分析、比较研究;预测分析、交叉研究、实地调查等研究方法;并从跨学科的角度,实现了从理论到实证研究、以及国内与国外对比研究、定性与定量分析的较好结合。

【Abstract】 Resource utilization of validity and industry upgrade is a key of economic transformation, and it is also a path for realizing new industrialization of China, it compares of the developed countries that had been careered the process of traditional industrialization for several hundred years, our country has established a span strategy to take the three phases of information, industrialization and modernization as one. Therefore, study on the transformation of China, it should stand out the quality characteristic of country’s economic and social development, and it is the core of resources utilization of validity and industry development.From a common concept and actuality to study, it applies that the theory of system engineering and the relative theory of economic management, by using for the reference of developed counties’ practice experience analyze the problems of resource utilization of validity in new industrialization of our country, put forward that some correlation innovation theory and methods. Throughout comparing the pattern of resources utilization of validity and industry development between developed countries and our country, and combined the national conditions of China to take research of demonstration. It indicates that when we take the road of new industrialization, we must change the situation of high investment, high consume and high pollution, low efficiency and low output. We change the situation should depend on all the factors of that technology progress, industry structure adjustment, produce staff improve and management innovation, including industry, science and technology, resource and innovation mechanism together to drive and transfer. This dissertation mostly studies on the utilization of validity and industry development with its harmony promoting system on the relationship one another.The maim fruit and innovation of the study would be included as below:1 Throughout analyzing the strategy and policies of overseas for resources utilization of validity and industry development, it firstly explores that developed countries’ experience of that how to combine the resource gift to form their advantage industries, apply technology progress and innovation or market run mechanism etc. Putting forward that resources utilization of validity and industry development is a key for transferring the development manner of China firstly.2 Deeply analyzes the industry development content with the phase and district characteristics of our country, putting forward a new consideration of that local economic development should assort with the resource gift and industries advantages under the condition of market economy; however, it realizes the space overall arrangement of district industry should establish an required number range and including an administrative levels in a relatively circular way with innovation.3 It explores the issues and causations with low efficiency of resources utilization of validity and industry development arrangement in the new industrialization of our country. And it deeply demonstrates the relationship, principle and path with the utilization of validity and industry development of China. Discusses some basic questions of transformation of our country’s developing manner and take a scientific development road of China.4. It discusses that the significance for adjusting industry structure and carrying on the industry overall arrangement with transformation of development manner in our country. Deeply analyzes the structure, matters, history’s caution and reform direction with the resources utilization of validity and industry development of our country.5 It illustrates that the effect and meaning for constructing innovation country is facility to promote resources utilization of validity and industry development, discusses the strategy and policy choice of resources utilization of validity and industry development of our country.6 It manly adopts the study methods of that the history analysis, comparing study, forecast analysis, across research and fieldwork investigation etc. From the perspectives of straddle courses, it realizes that the research on all of the theory and demonstration, domestic and overseas compare relatively, qualitative analysis and fix quantify analysis in a better way.


