

Research of Es2 High Resolution Sequence Strata and Beach-dam Sandstone in the Dawangbei Area

【作者】 路顺行

【导师】 孙效功;

【作者基本信息】 中国海洋大学 , 海洋地质, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 大王北地区是济阳坳陷西北部车镇凹陷中部的一个次级构造单元,其中沙二段是大王北地区重要的含油层系之一,而且以岩性因素为主的隐蔽油气藏具有较大勘探潜力。但是,对于断坳过渡期的沙二段含油层系来说,滩坝砂岩是该区主要的储集体类型,其分布面积广,埋藏较浅,含油井段长,油气成藏类型复杂,在构造、沉积与成藏方面有其特殊性,不同于其他层系,还没有进行系统研究。本文的主要目的是通过该区沙二段的高频层序(即高分辨率层序的简称)划分,建立沙二段高分辨率层序地层格架;通过沙二段的沉积相类型及沉积体系分布研究,实现预测砂体的时空展布;通过研究,探索针对沙二段储集层薄(一般1~5m)、横向连续性差、宏观非均质性强为特征的滩坝砂体的储层预测技术。本文以钻井、测井、地震及分析化验资料为基础,应用沉积学、高分辨率层序地层学、储层地质学等理论,在掌握构造、地层等基本石油地质特征基础上,运用沉积相、地震相、测井相、地震属性分析等技术,通过单井相分析、沉积环境分析、储层物性分析等大量研究工作,建立了大王北地区的沙二段沉积体系以及滩坝砂体沉积模式,明确了砂体的时空展布,并形成了一套行之有效的适用于滩坝砂体的储层预测技术。该研究不仅指出了大王北地区沙二段滩坝砂体的有利区带,而且所建立的一套适用于大王北地区沙二段滩坝砂岩的勘探思路和技术方法丰富和发展了陆相断陷盆地滨浅湖滩坝相地质理论和评价技术,为其它类似地区的油气勘探提供了借鉴和指导。本文的创新点主要表现在以下几个方面:(1)在地震层序界面识别的基础上,根据T. A. Cross层序地层学原理之“沉积基准面的变化往往会反映在沉积叠加样式上”,用叠加样式来反推基准面变化幅度的相对大小,从而识别各级层序界面和洪泛面。提出了用自然伽玛(GR)测井曲线求取砂泥比,并形成可容纳空间变化的多级次地层旋回变化曲线的方法。据此首次在本区建立了沙二段高分辨率层序地层格架。(2)通过本区沙二段陆相断陷盆地滨浅湖滩坝相的研究,提出了滩坝相的微相划分方案。在总结滩坝相发育展布规律的基础上,提出了“坝”砂与“滩”砂的识别特征,并建立了滩坝砂岩的沉积模式。滩坝砂垂向上为细~粗~细的对称韵律,砂岩和泥岩之间为渐变接触;沉积构造以反映滨浅湖较弱水动力条件下的双向水流作用以及水体较浅为特征。“坝”以粉砂岩、粉细砂岩为主,砂体厚度较大,垂向上多呈细~粗~细对称韵律或向上变粗的反韵律;泥岩和砂岩之间为渐变接触;多与灰色泥岩和灰绿色泥岩形成岩性组合;沉积构造类型以波状层理、小型交错层理、冲洗层理、复合层理及风暴浪形成的泥砾和滑塌变形构造为主。“滩”以粉砂岩、泥质粉砂岩粉砂质泥岩为主,砂岩厚度较小,砂泥频繁互层,垂向上呈细~粗~细对称旋回;泥岩和砂岩之间为渐变接触;多与紫褐色泥岩和灰绿色泥岩形成岩性组合;常见的沉积构造有:小型交错层理、波状层理、复合层理、透镜状层理等,层面见对称波痕和干涉波痕,泥岩中生物潜穴、碳屑、生物扰动等较为发育。(3)根据本区沙二段滩坝砂体单层厚度小,在地震资料上难以直接识别的困难,研究了滩坝砂岩厚度、物性以及含油性与地震属性的关系,发现了砂岩厚度与地震振幅的正相关性。提出了有效储层的概念和标准,建立了应用地震属性进行有效储层预测的技术流程。探索了以短期基准面旋回为单元,应用平均振幅属性预测有效储层分布区的方法,以及以更小级别的油层段为单元,应用波形分类法预测有效储层的方法,均取得了较好的效果。

【Abstract】 The Dawangbei Subsag is a structure sub-unit of the middle of Chezhen Sag.belong to Jiyang Depression. The second member of Shahejie Formation (Es2) is important one of oil-bearing series of strata of the Dawangbei Subsag. The Dawangbei Subsag has more subtle reservoir exploration potential. However, Es2 in the transitional period from fault to sag, the beach and dam sand is the main reservoir type, its wide distribution area, buried shallow wells with a long paragraph, types of complex hydrocarbon accumulation in the structure, sediment accumulation and has its uniqueness, unlike other layer of, no systematic study.The main purpose of this subject through Es2 of the sequence of high-precision, high-resolution establishing sequence stratigraphic framework, through Es2 facies types and distribution of sedimentary system and achieve forecast sand Spatio-temporal distribution; through research, exploration Sec against sand reservoir thin (generally 1 to 5 m), lateral continuity of poor, non-homogeneous macroscopic characteristics of the intensity of the beach sand dam reservoir prediction.The research to drilling, logging, seismic testing and analysis of information-based, application sedimentology, high resolution sequence stratigraphy, reservoir geology, and other theories, in the master structure, stratigraphy, and other basic geological characteristics on the basis of oil, use of seismic, logging phase sedimentary facies, seismic attribute analysis techniques, through the analysis phase Well, sedimentary environment analysis, the direction of the source of reservoir properties such as a large number of studies, the establishment of the Dawangbei Subsag deposition system Sec sand and sand depositional model, the sand clear of the space-time distribution, and formation of an effective set of applicable to the beach sand dam reservoir prediction.The innovation in this project is mainly due to: (1) seismic sequence interface on the basis of identification, according to Cross sequence stratigraphy of the principle of "deposition datum changes would be reflected in the deposition often stacking patterns," and stacking patterns with Backstepping references to the relative rate of change in size, at all levels, so as to identify the sequence of interface and the flood plain. GR curve to strike a sand curve, and because of this space can accommodate changes in the formation of the multi-formation cycle curve. (2) summed up the beach and dam sand of the sedimentary characteristics, the first time the "Dam" sand and the "Beach" sand identifiers. Beach and dam sand vertical fine ~ rough ~ fine symmetrical rhythm, sandstone and shale for the gradual contact between sedimentary structure to reflect weaker shallow lake foreshore hydrodynamic conditions, as well as the role of two-way flow of the shallow water features, including: Small cross-stratification, wavy bedding, composite bedding, lenticular bedding, gravel and mud storm waves slump tectonic deformation, and other main level and see traces of symmetric wave interference wave marks, mudstone in the development of biological burrows, carbon crumbs , bioturbation. "Dam" sand, sandstone mainly fine powder, sand thickness larger, sustained small vertical fine ~ rough ~ fine symmetry rhythm or small upward thicker anti-rhythm; mudstone and sandstone between the gradual contact with more grey Green and gray mudstone shale formation lithology combination of sedimentary structure type wavy bedding, small cross-stratification, washing bedding, composite bedding and storm wave formation of the mud and gravel slump mainly tectonic deformation. "Beach" sand, mudstone siltstone mainly silty shale, sandstone thickness less frequent among sand layer, a thin, vertical fine ~ rough ~ fine symmetric cycle; mudstone and sandstone contacts between the graded multi Purple brown and green and grey mudstone shale formation lithology combination of common sedimentary structures are: small cross-stratification, wavy bedding, composite bedding, lenticular bedding, level and see traces of symmetric wave interference wave marks, mudstone in the biological burrows, carbon dust, bioturbation, and other more developed. (3) Recognition of the dam sand beaches and the thickness of the oil on the characteristics of seismic attributes reflect. And the amplitude values are related to the thickness of sandstone, in the calibration of record on the basis of the average trough amplitude can be used effectively predict reservoir distribution, waveform classification method can be used to better predict effective reservoir thickness and distribution of oil.Through this research projects in the, first, that the The Dawangbei Subsag beach and dam sand of the favorable exploration target area, and was recommended to adopt exploration wells 6, the Da 373 Block reported proved area of 7.4 km2, Proven oil reserves in 380×104t; second is the establishment of apply to the Dawangbei Subsag beach and dam sand exploration ideas and methods, and the entire Chezhen Sag Es2 oil and gas exploration is of great realistic significance to enrich and develop Jiyang Depression subtle reservoir exploration technology, as in other similar areas from oil and gas exploration and guidance.


