

On the History Study of "Zou Xi Kou"

【作者】 刘忠和

【导师】 薄音湖;

【作者基本信息】 内蒙古大学 , 专门史, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 《走西口》是二人台地方小戏中的传统经典剧目,该戏的广泛传播和深远影响,促使“走西口”一词成为华北流民北进西口地区谋生的代名词。本文就以该小戏的剧情为中心,运用历史唯物主义的方法,探究“走西口”这种中国近代移民文化和社会历史现象,从而揭示出内蒙古西部地区经济、文化发展的脉络和社会变迁的状况,为更好地促进内蒙古的社会发展和文化繁荣服务。本文五部分。第一部分《西口就是归化城》,笔者运用考据学和社会学方法,在大量史料支持下,探究出人们常说的“走西口”的“西口”就是指归化城(今呼和浩特旧城),“西口”是归化城的俗称,从而推翻了占据统治地位的“杀虎口说”,也有力驳斥了“西口变迁说”,为“走西口”历史研究开拓了道路。第二部分《西口地区的农垦进程》,笔者运用历史文献学和历史地理学方法,以清代西口地区的蒙旗设置为单个研究对象,对绝大多数以农为生的“走西口”者所开垦土地进程展开论述,从而揭开了西口地方农业社会发展的全貌,为认识“走西口”和“走西口”社会现象铺平道路,指出西口地区各盟旗对各自的土地,其认识也是各不相同的,而这种对土地认识的差异,直接导致了“走西口”者踏入这些土地后,处理方式的不同。第三部分《走西口者的主体》,笔者运用传统史学和社会学相结合的方法,对什么人走西口和他们为何要走西口这两个问题进行了深入细致的探讨、分析,得出光绪十年(1884年)的编户立籍,才使“走西口”者及其后裔和新来者,彻底把西口地方看作是自己家乡。第四部分《“丁戊奇荒”与<走西口>》属个案研究,笔者运用历史文献学和社会学方法,对山西地区的“丁戊奇荒”展开全面的研究,从而证明正是在“丁戊奇荒”的历史背景下,产生了脍炙人口、广受人们喜爱的《走西口》小戏,“丁戊奇荒”促使许多山西人口流向了西口地区,出现了近代内蒙古历史上的一次移民大潮。第五部分《西口地区的地名探源》,笔者运用历史地理学和地名学方法,对西口地区各个村名、地名的来源,展开深入研究,从而发现西口地区的地名、村名来源有十六种之多,且有许多种村名、地名的来源,是其他省区所没有的,具有很大的独特性,说明西口地方村名、地名来源极其丰富而复杂。通过此研究,为深入研究西口地区的社会变迁和“走西口”社会现象,奠定了坚实的地理知识基础,为以后开展类似研究积累了经验和方法。通过以上五方面研究,笔者已能把握西口各地社会变迁概貌,能较好阐述“走西口”移民文化现象,为地方文化、区域文化建设特别是为内蒙古建设文化大区、文化强区事业做出了贡献,也为我国政府进一步做好移民安置工作、特别是解决进城务工的“农民工”问题,及各地方政府的“撤乡并镇”和解决人口流动问题,提供了历史借鉴;同时也为多民族地区做好民族工作,增强民族团结,提供了参考。因此“走西口”历史研究,具有极为重要的历史和现实研究意义。

【Abstract】 Zou Xi-kou is a traditional classical program of the local play Er-ren-tai.The sreading of play and its far-reaching influence make the word "Zou Xi-kou" become a term which stands for North China immigrants’going up north to Xi-kou to live.Focusing on the story of the play "Zou Xi-kou" and using the methods of historical materialism, the dissertation examines the immigrant culture and this social historical phenomenon in Modern times of China .The paper reveals the skeleton of economy and culture and the condition of social changes in West of Inner Mongolia in order to serve for social development and cultural prosperity in Inner Mongolia.This dissertation consists of five chapters.In chapter one,after consulting a lot of materials,using the methods of textual research and sociology,the author finds out that "Xi-kou"which people often talk about refers to the"Gui-hua"city(Thatis the old town of today’s Huhhot City).and that "Xi-kou" is the common name of Gui-hua city.As a result,the author repudiates the dominant argument of "Sha-hu-kou" and changes of " Xi-kou " so as to open up a way to historical study of "Zou Xi-kou".In the second part,using historical documents and historical geography, the author takes Mongol banner in Xi-kou region in Qing dynasty for example to expound the process of land cultivated by people who lived on agriculture and reveal the full view of agricultural society in Xi-kou region。The study paves the way for knowing about "Zou Xi-kou" and the social phenomenon of "Zou Xi-kou".In this part,the paper also points out that various Mongol banner in Xi-kou region had different cognition on their land ,and the difference directly led to different ways after they came to Xi-kou region.In the third part,using the methods of traditional history and sociology,the paper analyses two issues including who came to Xi-kou region and why they went to Xi-kou and concludes that establishing household register in the 10th year of Guangxv made the people who came to Xi-kou region and their descendants regard the Xi-kou region as their own native place.In the fourth part, using the methods of traditional history and sociology,the author studies Ding-Wu year’s famine in Shanxi region and proves that it was Ding-Wu year’s famine that brought about traditional opera "Zou Xi-kou". Ding-Wu year’s famine impelled people in Shanxi to move to Xi-kou region and brought about a trend of immigrants in modern history of Inner Mongolia. In the fifth part,using the methods of historical geography and toponomy, the author examines the origin of every name of many villages in Xi-kou region and finds that there are sixteen kinds of village’s name.The author illustrates that villages’ names are very rich and complicated.The study of villages’ names establishes firm geographical foundation for the research of social changes in Xi-kou region and the social historical phenomenon of Zou Xi-kou".This study accumulates experience and methods for promoting the similar research.Through above five aspects,the author has grasped the general picture of social changes in Xi-kou region,and expounded the immigrants cultural phenomenon of "Zou Xi-kou".The study contributes to the construction of local and district culture,especially to enterprise of constructing great and strong cultural district in Inner Mongolia.The research also provides our national government and local government with historical reference for arranging immigrants and dealing with "farmer-worker" problems and for canceling countries and merging them into towns.In the meantime,the research provides reference for doing ethnic work in ethnic area and for enhancing nations united.Therefore,the study has important historical and actual significance.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 内蒙古大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 02期

