

On Activities and Influences of Catholic Missionaries in Inner Mongolia in Modern Times (1865-1950)

【作者】 刘青瑜

【导师】 薄音湖;

【作者基本信息】 内蒙古大学 , 专门史, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 近代以来,有许多天主教传教士来到内蒙古进行传教活动。他们的主要任务是传播天主教,同时,他们还进行了许多其它方面的活动,如办医院、办学校、开展慈善活动、进行科学考察和研究等。他们的这些活动在客观上对内蒙古的许多方面都产生了深远影响。本文从社会文化史的角度,在概述传教史的基础上,重点研究传教士在内蒙古除传教以外的其它方面的活动,包括社会活动和科研活动,进而总结他们的这些活动对内蒙古近代社会的影响。序言部分主要介绍了选题的意义和目的、研究的概况、资料情况、研究的方法及文章的创新之处等。正文分为三章。第一章以天主教传入中国的历史为基础,重点概述了天主教传入内蒙古的情况。第二章从医疗、教育、慈善、抗战、传教士对鸦片和匪患等社会问题的处理等方面,详细考察了传教士的社会活动。进而总结出传教士的社会活动对内蒙古的影响。本章分为五部分。第一部分以绥远公教医院为个案,深入探讨了天主教传教士在内蒙古所进行的医疗活动。第二部分主要研究考察了天主教传教士在内蒙古开办的各种类型的教会学校。第三部分从救济灾荒、兴办育婴院及安老院等方面具体研究了传教士在内蒙古进行的公益慈善活动。第四部分运用大量史料论述了抗战时期天主教传教士对内蒙古的重要贡献。第五部分详细考察了传教士对内蒙古社会存在的鸦片和匪患问题的态度及采取的措施。第三章以传教士在内蒙古进行的考古学和蒙古学科学研究活动为重点,深入探讨了传教士的科研活动对内蒙占的影响。在考古学方面,主要分析考察桑志华、德日进、闵宣化、梅岭蕊的考古活动及其成果,并阐述了传教士的考古成就对内蒙古考古学的影响。在蒙古学方面,文章具体研究了传教士田清波和赛瑞斯两位蒙古学大师的主要研究成果、学术研究的特点及其对内蒙古学术界的影响。结语部分将天主教传教士在内蒙古的社会活动和科研活动置于中国和内蒙古近代社会发展的背景中进行分析和评价。并得出结论。文章认为,天主教传教士在内蒙古开展的各项社会活动和科研活动对内蒙古近代以来的历史发展产生了深远影响。尽管天主教传教士从事这些活动的主观目的是为了传播天主教,但从客观的角度来看,他们所开展的各项活动确实对内蒙古的社会和经济的发展起了积极的促进作用和深远的影响。天主教传教士的这些活动,一方面增进了他们对中国及中国文化的了解;另一方面,传教士们通过这些活动也把内蒙古介绍给了世界,使更多的人了解了内蒙古。可以说,传教士在中外文化交流中起到了桥梁和媒介的作用。

【Abstract】 There were many catholic missionaries who came to Inner Mongolia to spread Catholicism since modern times. In addition to preaching, they also involved in many other activities, such as establishing hospitals, running schools, launching charity activities, making scientific researches and etc. Objectively, their activities brought profound influence upon various aspects of Inner Mongolia. On the basis of Catholicism spreading history, the author studies from the perspective of cultural history various activities of the missionaries in Inner Mongolia, focusing on social activities and scientific researches instead of their religious works. As a result, the paper sums up the influences of their activities upon the modern society of Inner Mongolia.The preface introduces the significance, purpose and innovations of this subject and shows the general situation of previous studies, materials and methods. The main body of this paper consists of three chapters. Chapter one mainly summarizes the spreading of Catholicism into Inner Mongolia based on the history. Chapter two examines the social activities of missionaries in terms of medical treatment, education, charity, Anti-Japanese War and how they deal with social issues such as opium and banditry. Following it is a summary of impacts of social activities they made upon Inner Mongolia. The chapter covers five parts. The first part takes Suiyuan Catholic Hospital for example to discuss the medical services provided by the missionaries in Inner Mongolia. The second part examines all sorts of Catholic schools operated by the missionaries in Inner Mongolia. The third part studies their public welfare and charity activities in terms of relief-extending and the building of foundling hospitals and rest homes. After consulting a lot of historical materials, the fourth part expounds their important contributions to Inner Mongolia during the period of Anti-Japanese War. In the fifth part, the author details the missionaries’ attitude toward opium and banditry issues in Inner Mongolia and the measures they took. Chapter three inquires into the influence of missionaries’ scientific research works upon Inner Mongolia by focusing on the introduction to their archaeological and Mongolological studies. As far as the archaeology is concerned, the author analyses archaeological activities and achievements of Emile Licent, Pierre Teilhard De Chardin, Mullie Jozef and Kervyn Louis, and explains their influences of archaeological achievements upon Inner Mongolian archaeology. As for the Mongolology, the author studies main research achievements and characteristics of Antoine Mostaert and Henry Serruys, who are masters of Mongolology, and illustrates their influences upon academic circle of Inner Mongolia.The final part puts the missionaries’ activities into the background of the modern history of China and Inner Mongolia for analysis, assessment and conclusion. The author concludes that their activities brought deep influences upon the modern history of Inner Mongolia. Although the main purpose of their activities was to diffuse Catholicism, these activities objectively had a positive effect and far-reaching influence on the social and economic development of Inner Mongolia. On the one hand, the missionaries’ activities promoted their understanding to China and Chinese culture. On the other hand, through these activities they also introduced Inner Mongolia to the world, and helped more people know about the region. In a word, the missionaries worked as a bridge in Sino-Foreign cultural communication in the modern times.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 内蒙古大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 02期

