

A Research for the History of Helian Cathay

【作者】 胡玉春

【导师】 张久和;

【作者基本信息】 内蒙古大学 , 北方民族史, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 赫连氏大夏国是十六国后期匈奴铁弗氏在朔方建立的一个政权。从407年赫连勃勃叛后秦建国到431年为吐谷浑所灭,虽仅存二十五年,却与十六国时期许多政权发生了疏密不同的关系,成为中国古代史、民族史的重要组成部分。与同为匈奴后裔政权——汉、前赵、北凉以及鲜卑诸燕相比,大夏国历史具有自身的独特性。目前学界的研究主要集中在“统万城“一点上,于其他则成果寥寥,原因之一就在于铁弗大夏的史料匮乏且零散,缺乏系统。本文试图通过对大夏国的基本史料作全面的比较研究,确定其史料来源、传承关系和价值,在此基础上系统梳理大夏国从建立到强大直至衰落的的历史,从政治建构、思想文化、经济建树等方面试作具体叙述分析。从政治体制的构建来看,大夏国胡汉分治体现的并不明显,取而代之的是一套完整的以皇帝为中心的中原政治体制,皇帝名位制度体现明显。思想方面,赫连勃勃更加渴望民族认同,标榜自己继承中原正统政权的合法、合理性。在此基础上,对铁弗到赫连的立宗立姓活动、赫连勃勃的思想和业绩作出阐述,并对代表大夏国史学成就和文学成就的《大夏国国史》和《统万城铭》的修纂时间和作者作了具体分析,提出了自己的观点。大夏国经济并非如前人所说毫无建树,社会经济属于半农半牧。对手工业形态根据常理作大胆的推断,就货币、人口等问题提出了新见解。此外,还对大夏国的军镇做了粗浅考证。大夏国与周邻诸国的和战关系,分成鼎盛、衰亡二个时期。其中鼎盛时期对后秦的吞食和衰亡时期对北魏的防御是大夏国外交的重点。

【Abstract】 HELIAN CATHAY was a regime that founded by TIEFUHUN at THE NORTH. In the later period of THE SIXTEEN COUNTRY,HELIANBOBO had defected from HOUQIN,founded his own state.In the period of CHANG who was a son of BOBO,The war broke out between HELIAN and THE NORTHERN WEI dynasty,HELIAN had suffered a heavy blow,lost it’s political power in 431.From start to finish,HELIAN CATHAY only survived for twenty-five years.During this period,HELIAN CATHAY had established relationship with many country,strain or relax,what was the impoant part of minority nationality’s history in our country.HELIAN CATHAY had it’s distinguishing feature compared with the others, such as HAN,QIANZHAO,BEILIANG and every SIENPI’S YAN.Up till the present moment,the achievements in educational circle centred upon TONGWAN city,we must pointed out with regeat that was not enough,One of reasons for that was the historical materials of HELIAN CATHAY which scattered and deficiented have not formed a systerm.The thesis,I would like to make a systematic study to the hisyory of HELIAN CATHAY,from it’s founded to it’s perished including policiticy、economy、ideology and culture,by means of comparative study to histoyical dates,for it’s origin and inherit.As far as political structure concerned,HELIAN CATHAY’s political had followed the example of CENTRAI PLAINS in which emperor was it’s heart.On the contrary,HUN’s traditional political structure was not abivious,About the concrete details of the six reign title,I would point out it’s time,and significance, clarify it’s difference.For ideology and culture,BOBO had flawnted legal and reasonable who was eagered for national identify.Among which,the typical event was chang they surname,from TIEFU to HELIAN.HELIANBOBO also has his own praiseworthy achievements that deserve to be discussesed.Fourthermore,I would advanced my new idea about some probiems that were not to be reach a common understanding in circle,for instance,when "THE NATIONAL HISTORY OF HELIANCATHAY" and "INSCRIPTION OF TONGWAN CITY",the representative achievements in the field of history and literature,were compiled and who were their autors.Some scholar believed that HELIANCATHAY’s economy was not make a contribution,but I don’t thing so.Firstly,HELIANCATHAY had gone in for agriculture and animal husbandry.Secondly,to a certain degree,handicraft industy and commerce were all developed.I would also go into the field of population of HELIANCATHAY.With the exception of this,Diplomatic relation, war or peace,between HELIANCAMTHAM and other starts was the next keynot in thesis,ranging fome prosperous and flourishing age to declining age,in which the relationship with HOUQIN and BEIWEI were even more important.

【关键词】 赫连氏大夏国政治体制思想文化经济人口
【Key words】 HELIANCATHAYpolicticyeconomyideologyculturepopulation
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 内蒙古大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 02期

