

A Research on System Design for Service Mass Customization

【作者】 陈觉

【导师】 郝云宏;

【作者基本信息】 浙江工商大学 , 企业管理, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 长期困扰运营管理的一个基本问题就是定制与效率的二律背反。大批量定制理念与模式的出现为化解这一矛盾提供了有效的解决途径。然而,这一全新的运营模式更多只是出现在制造业领域,在服务业中的应用还不多见。理论界的研究进展也反映了这一现实情况。关于大批量定制的研究虽然已成为近年来国内外管理理论研究的热点之一,也形成了较为系统的理论框架,但它们基本上都是以制造业为背景的。有关服务业的大批量定制研究不仅少见,而且主要是零散性和行业性的初始研究,并没有形成完整的理论架构。在这一背景下,本文将大批量定制理论延伸应用到服务运营管理领域,力图在服务系统设计方面取得新的理论进展,并为服务业运营实践提供一种更具一般意义的指导原则,从而帮助其化解定制与效率之间的矛盾。因此,本文选择的具体切入点是服务运营管理的核心环节——服务系统(流程)的设计,这是一个主要关于“怎样”的问题,即面向大批量定制的服务系统是怎样构造的。本文首先结合服务产品与制造业产品的区别和联系,对大批量定制理论进行分析、归纳和再认识,以此奠定本研究的理论基础,进而提出面向大批量定制的服务系统设计的基本思路,即从生产的二维结构即对象维和过程维相结合的角度对服务系统从狭义和广义两个层面进行优化。先运用模块化的方法进行对象维的优化,形成基于功能的服务系统模块化架构,而后把这一“虚”的架构与服务系统的载体相结合,确定这些模块在服务系统中的时空特性以完成过程维的优化,进而形成狭义的大批量定制服务系统。最后再从价值链优化的角度来建立广义服务大系统,实现在对象维度上的再次优化。(1)对于服务生产的对象维度的优化,本文考虑到服务产品的特点,综合运用系统工程和信息化建模的方法对服务系统进行从功能角度的模块化分解,定义了服务系统模块与接口,提出了由基本模块、集成模块和系统功能模块三个层次构成的服务系统模块化基本架构以及形成这一架构的基本路径和方法(2)对于服务生产的过程维度的优化,本文结合前述功能模块化架构进行了以前后台分离和服务延迟点决策为核心的服务系统的时空结构优化。在空间结构方面,本文提出了面向大批量定制的服务功能模块的前后台分离决策的基本理论模型,并根据前台与后台子系统的不同特点提出了基于“硬模块”的前台与后台模块规划的基本原则和方法,还探讨了服务系统“中台”的含义和中后台决策原则。在时间结构方面,结合延迟生产理论与服务流程的特点,提出了服务延迟点的概念,认为应该以顾客接触点作为服务提供过程的延迟点来实现延迟生产,并建立了面向大批量定制的服务延迟点决策的影响因素模型和提出了延迟点预制模块的确定方法。(3)大批量定制在对象维的优化还体现为超出狭义的服务系统而在更为广泛的范围内寻找更高效率和更低成本。本文从开放系统的视角出发,结合经济学理论与核心能力理论,探讨了大批量定制与服务系统模块外包的关系,提出了基于大批量定制的服务外包内容决策模型和广义服务系统的概念模型,探讨了组织间界面连接的方式和界面标准及模块封装问题。(4)在上述研究基础上,本文通过基于餐饮服务业的多案例研究验证了理论研究结果的适用性和正确性。本文力图在如下三个方面有所进步和创新。(1)以往相关研究主要关注服务产品内容而忽视服务提供流程,本文则从服务流程与服务内容相结合的角度来研究大批量定制系统,切合了服务业“产品即流程”的特点。(2)本文将大批量定制的观念引入到服务系统的设计中,更新并提升了服务设计研究的视角,为解决定制与效率的二律背反问题建立了面向大批量定制的服务系统设计的基本理论框架,提供了系统性的思路。这集中表现在从生产的二维结构即对象维和过程维相结合的角度对服务系统从狭义和广义两个层面进行优化,并采用了先实施服务系统从功能上的模块化分解而后结合服务系统载体进行时空整合的方法,不仅避免了过多的复杂性,而且体现了服务提供内容与流程相结合的特点。(3)在服务系统的时空优化整合上有了新的论述。在空间结构的优化方面,全面梳理并重新探讨了顾客接触与前后台分离对服务系统效率的影响,并在此基础上建立了面向大批量定制的服务功能模块的前后台分离决策模型。在时间结构的优化方面,提出了基于顾客接触点的服务延迟点的概念,并建立了服务延迟点决策的影响因素模型,提出了延迟点预制模块的确定方法。

【Abstract】 Mass customization provides an effective way to solve the fundamental contradiction between efficiency and customization in operations management. However this revolutionary operation model has been applied mainly in the manufacturing regime while very few could be found in the service sector. This also reflects the status in the academic regime. The existing researches on mass customization have been mainly focused on manufacturing operation and formed a basic theoretical framework. Very few of them have touched the services. The only existing service-related researches stay still in the phase of conceptual discussion and strategic thinking or applications into a specific industry, lacking of systematic and insight view. The paper intends to apply the theory of mass customization into the service operations and achieve theoretical progresses in service system design. And practically the paper aims to providing guidelines for the actual service operation in coping with the conflict between efficiency and customization. The research focus of the paper anchors on the design of service system that is the core of the service operation. Hence this is an issue of "How", namely how the service system of mass customization is constructed.The paper builds up the theoretical basis by re-thinking the mass customization theory in the light of differences and relations between service and manufacturing products. This leads to the construction of the general framework for service system design for mass customization, namely optimizing the service system at the level of both narrow and broad meaning from the view of integration of the two dimensions of production: product and process. Modularity is adopted to conduct the optimization in product dimension to form a modular system based on service functions. This functional module system is then deployed to the "real" service system for identification and optimization of their spatial and time features, thus we finish the optimization in process dimension and form a narrow-meaning service system for mass customization. Afterwards a system of broader meaning based on value chain is then constructed as another way for product-dimension optimization. (1) In the product dimension, the paper conducts the modularity of service system with consideration of the feature "product is process" held by services. By utilizing the methods of system engineering and computing modeling we decouples the service system from the function perspective and proposes a basic framework of modularized functional service system which was made up of modules at three levels, including basic modules, integrated modules and system function modules. (2) In the process dimension, the paper makes discussions on optimization of time and spatial structure in service system with special concern on decoupling of service system and decision-making on service postponement point. The paper proposes the basic conceptual model for decision on decoupling front and back stage for mass customization and principles and methods for deployment of the modules in both front and back stage by considering their characteristics respectively. Furthermore the concept of "middle stage" and decision on "middle or back stage" are also suggested. In the time structure, the concept and selection of service postponement point are discussed and the point of customer contact is regarded as appropriate one for achieving postponement in service process. And a model is then set up for decision-making of the service postponement point aiming to mass customization.(3) The optimization in product dimension for mass customization could be also conducted by breaking through the limit of service system of narrow meaning and seeking for more efficiency and low costs in a broader scope. Based on theories of economics and core competences the paper explores the relationship between mass customization and outsourcing of service modules and proposes the model of decision-making on outsourcing content. Furthermore a conceptual model for service system of broader meaning leading to mass customization is provided after an analysis on classification of outsourcing relationships. Other related issues such as the interfaces connecting organizations and their standards and the packaging of modules are also studied. (4) Finally the suitableness of the above theoretical results is verified in a multi-case study in catering industry.The research intends to achieve progresses in the following aspects: (1) Comparing to previous researches focusing on the contents of service product while ignoring the service process, the paper studies the mass customization issues from the standing point of integrating both service contents and process, which reflecting the characteristic of "product is process" in service sector. (2) The paper takes an innovative view of the service design research by applying the concept of mass customization into the design of service system and providing solutions to the contradiction between efficiency and customization. A systematic framework for service system design based on mass customization is also proposed, which is conducting the optimization of service system at the level of both narrow and broad meaning from the perspective of integrated two dimension of production with consideration of key features of service products. This is achieved by deploying the modules that have been attained through decoupling functionally the system, into the "real system" thus for a system integration. This avoids the unnecessary complexity and is more suitable for the services with an integrated nature of product and process.(3) There also are some contributions in time and spatial optimization of the service system. In the spatial dimension, based on a detailed review and a new discussion of the influences on system efficiency caused by customer contact and decoupling of front-stage and back-stage, the paper proposes a model for decision-making on decoupling front and back stages aiming to mass customization. In the time aspect, the research proposes the concept of service postponement point based on customer contact point in service provision. A model to describe the influential factors on decision of the point is built up and the method to identify the modules for pre-fabrication is also proposed.

  • 【分类号】F272;F224
  • 【被引频次】11
  • 【下载频次】940
  • 攻读期成果

