

The Research on the Chinese Modern Occupational Education (1866-1911)

【作者】 吴国荣

【导师】 汪征鲁;

【作者基本信息】 福建师范大学 , 中国近现代史, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 职业教育是中国教育最近几年的发展热点之一,对于中国职业教育的发展的探索也在中国学术界日渐升温,并取得了一定的成果。其中对中国近代的职业教育产生、发展的历史进程和其中所蕴含的历史规律的探索尤为受人们重视。晚清时期是中国近代职业教育产生和初步发展的重要阶段,因此,对这一时期中国职业教育的研究在整个中国职业教育史中尤为重要。本文既注重吸收学术界已有的研究成果,更立足于原始材料,尤其注重对数据的收集和分析,通过对资料和数据的分析发掘史实背后所蕴藏的历史规律。本文对晚清时期的中国职业教育进行了初步的研究,其中包括学术界对中国近代职业教育研究的概况,晚清职业教育产生的背景、动因,晚清职业教育思想的发展和特点,晚清职业教育的发展情况,晚清职业教育发展的特点,晚清职业教育发展的历史意义和局限性等各个方面。通过这些分析,大致勾勒出中国近代晚清时期的职业教育诞生和发展的历史线索,进而认为晚清时期的中国近代职业教育的产生,既是西风东渐的成果,带有浓重的西方色彩,同时也是中国教育发展自身规律的成果,有着与西方的职业教育不同的特征。晚清时期的中国近代职业教育总体上来说是很成功的,在很大程度上促进了中国近代经济、文化、社会等各个方面的发展,在中国近代化的进程中扮演了一个十分重要的角色。虽然在某些方面它还显得很不成熟、很不完善,甚至亟待改进,但是晚清时期中国近代职业教育仍不失为中国近代化的一个骄傲,在历史上占有它应有的历史地位。

【Abstract】 The occupational education is the most impotent one of the Chinese education in the last few years. The research on Chinese occupational education becomes so hot gradually in the Chinese academic circles and has got much result. Among them, the research on the history of occupational education and the history regulation about it is capable to be value by people. The latter Qing dynasty period is the most important stage of the naissance and the initial development of Chinese modern occupational education. Therefore, the research on it is very important to the history of Chinese occupational education. This book not only has pay attention to absorbing academic production which we have got, but also pay attention to the original material, especially the collection and analysis of data. We want to find the historical regulation behind the historical fact by the means of the collection and the analysis on these data. This book researches the Chinese occupational education in the latter Qing dynasty,including the general situation of this research ,its causation ,its back ground, the characteristic of its idea and its history, its historical meaning, and its localization, as so on. By these analyses, we can delineate the clues of its naissance and development. So it is thought that the naissance of it was a result of studying to the West. It has much more the western character than that of Chinese. But at the same time, it is a result of the development of Chinese education. So it has other characters of its own which is difference. It is so successful that it played a very important role in the great progress of that Chinese modern economy, culture, society etc. Although in some aspects it still seems to be so immature or faulty that it needs to improve, the modern occupational education in the latter Qing dynasty was still a great success in the Chinese modern age. It is very important to the Chinese history.

【关键词】 中国近代晚清职业教育
【Key words】 chinamodernthe latter Qing dynastythe occupational education
  • 【分类号】G719.29
  • 【被引频次】14
  • 【下载频次】1665

