

Abundance to Be Neglected

【作者】 滕翠钦

【导师】 南帆;

【作者基本信息】 福建师范大学 , 文艺学, 2008, 博士


【摘要】 “底层”问题的兴起是智识阶层面对新的社会事实做出的及时反应,人们开始反思“现代化”在中国社会语境中传统形象,“底层文学”是这种“反思”在文学领域的表现。本文论述的目的在于追问,将“底层文学”设定为“现实主义”其背后存在怎样的意图?它的背后有着怎样的思想传统?这是对目前“底层文学”写作的美学风格的总结呢?还是说,理论界对“底层文学”的合法性做出了预先的确定,从而对底层写作形成一种指导效用?“纯文学”是否是绝对“反现实主义”呢?他们将在那个层面上握手言和?底层文学中的现实主义和社会主义现实主义之间到底又存在着哪些差异?“现实主义”文学中底层的日常性、物质和阶级性等呈现出怎样的风采?具体地说,要弄清楚底层在不同历史时期的对立项,在中国的语境中,“底层”有哪些典型的“社会姿势”,这些姿态是怎样进入“正面叙事的”,它们之前的历史地位如何?物质“贫困”是否成为底层“道德”象征?这种天然的联系是想象出来的吗?这又暗示怎样的权力机制?为什么说“底层”不是“阶级”,这和“革命”和“经济建设”历史模式又有怎样的关系呢?底层的“数量”是否仅仅是干瘪的统计学意义,这对“底层”书写产生怎样的影响?因此,本文尽管阐述的是当下“底层”书写的文学景观,但人们却必须在漫长的文学谱系中确认“底层文学”的品格。“底层文学”是一种新兴的文学范式,尽管它的许多品性在之前的文学形式中也能找到许多相似的地方,但是它们并没有形成全新的文学格局。“底层文学”和前面的文学现象不存在绝对的继承和断裂,从这个角度看是断裂,到了另一个就是延续了。

【Abstract】 The rise of under-stratum is a sign about literati responding to new social facts in time,who start introspecting the traditional image of modernization in Chinese social context,and the root literature means that this kind of introspect related to the literature realm.The purpose of this text is to call after the hidden intentions about people considering the root literature realism and what thought-tradition in back of this intention? To say further,is this the summary of esthetics style about the root literature or the theorists’ definition which will be a kind of instruction to the writing about narrative-style of the root literature in advance? In addition,is the pure literature opposed to realism? If the answer is no,on which aspects the two I have mentioned are one? Which differences exist between the realism in the root literature and the one of the socialist-realism exactly? What of elegant appearance of the daily, material and rank etc.of under-stratum present in the "realism" literature is? Specifically,it is necessary that clearing up all kind of opposites of under-stratum in the different history periods and the typical social postures of under-stratum in the Chinese social context which become positive imagines gradually,the question is what’s position of these postures in the previous history? Is the "poor" the moral-symbol of "under-stratum"? And is the natural contact between them a kind of imagination that suggests many complex power mechanisms? Why under-stratum is not a class,the appearance of this station is related to the history-mode of economic construction.Do the problem about the amount of under-stratum lie in the field of statistics? And which influence happened to the the root literature by these ideal-changes?Despite what this text elaborate is the living-landscape of the root literature,the essential literature-character of the root literature must be confirmed in the long history of Chinese literature.The root literature is a kind of new-emerging literature-type,but it isn’t brand-new.Though people can find out many likenesses between the previous literature-forms and the root literature,the later one have not always the original factor.So no absolutely inherits and splits existed between the root literature and the anterior literatures,when analyzing,the premise conditions of conclusions is important.


