

Study for Structures and Design Methods of Full Flexible Long Life Asphalt Pavement (FF-LLAP)

【作者】 聂忆华

【导师】 张起森;

【作者基本信息】 中南大学 , 道路与铁道工程, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 在全世界范围内,交通量随经济的发展增长很快,道路荷载均在不断的增加,这对沥青路面提出了新的挑战,使得沥青路面出现破坏的时间大大提前,当前的沥青路面结构应如何改变才能适应新的公路交通形势是当前各国公路建设中一个急需解决的问题。自20世纪以来,长寿命路面成为世界各国沥青路面最为热门的研究内容,在美国、欧洲、加拿大、澳大利亚甚至南非都在广泛研究。本文结合我国实际情况,主要运用线弹性多层体系理论,研究目前国际上使用较为广泛的柔性基层与底基层长寿命沥青路面(Long Life Asphalt Pavements,后简称LLAP),本文称为全柔式长寿命沥青路面(Full Flexible Long Life AsphaltPavements,后简称FF-LLAP)的结构及其设计方法。本文第一部分,在充分论证了LLAP两个理论前提的基础上,主要针对FF-LLAP结构,提出了一套合理的、全面的设计指标与标准。在对国外LLAP结构设计指标进行分析,结合我国高等级公路沥青路面的设计指标,考虑国内外高等级公路沥青路面的破损情况的基础上,提出FF-LLAP结构的三个主要力学控制指标:沥青混凝土疲劳极限、路表极限弯沉和沥青层最大剪应力,并给出三个指标的确定方法。本文第二部分,主要从理论上研究FF-LLAP结构的力学响应规律,在探讨三层结构模型的基础上,提出FF-LLAP典型结构模型。在探讨其沥青层力学响应沿深度分布规律基础上,提出沥青层的层位划分及其各层力学性能要求。研究结果将FF-LLAP三层结构的沥青层应化分为三层,即磨耗层、联结层、下承层,并提出各层的适宜厚度取值范围及其相应的力学性能要求。本文第三部分,主要从理论上探讨多层FF-LLAP结构组合设计方法,基于各结构层参数与三个设计指标的关系,提出FF-LLAP结构设计指标的力学响应模型和厚度设计方法。文中给出了FF-LLAP结构厚度设计方法的流程图,并根据各设计指标的力学模型,给出了FF-LLAP结构层厚度确定的简便方法,通过查阅相关的图形确定层厚。本文第四部分,主要研究多层FF-LLAP结构材料组合设计方法,在结构层位功能基础上,借助明确的控制指标将结构设计、路用性能和材料设计三者有机统一。首先根据沥青路面两大类层位功能:结构性使用性能、功能性使用性能,进行FF-LLAP结构层位功能分析,提出FF-LLAP各结构层的层位功能要求及其满足层位功能要求的相关控制指标,通过各控制指标将结构与材料设计统一起来。在满足层位功能基础上,研究发现在材料组合设计中主要是控制原材料选择与混合料设计两大方面,对于不同的功能要求,所控制的指标及其标准有所不同。本文第五部分,主要针对FF-LLAP结构特点,提出一种基于可靠度分析理论的结构设计及优化方法。给出FF-LLAP结构可靠度概率模型、抗力概率模型、效应概率设计参数等,采用蒙特卡罗法进行FF-LLAP结构可靠度计算,在国内外学者对沥青路面可靠度研究基础上,提出FF-LLAP结构目标可靠度指标,采用逐步逼近法进行可靠度设计。综合考虑路面在整个设计期内的结构可靠性、使用性能和经济性能,提出FF-LLAP结构可靠度优化设计模型式和约束函数,采用网格法进行可靠度优化设计。本文第六部分,根据所提出的FF-LLAP结构设计方法,对山东滨州2005年铺筑的三个长寿命沥青路面试验路段结构的力学指标、动态力学响应、材料选用及组成设计、结构可靠性等进行分析,验证文中提出的结构设计方法的可操作性、可信度等。通过理论分析与实例分析表明,文中所提出的FF-LLAP结构及其设计方法是合理的,运用可靠度设计方法进行评价和优化是行之有效的。

【Abstract】 Over the world, the traffic load and volume are increasing fast with the rapid economic growth, especially the number of heavy truck. So the actual using life of asphalt pavement becomes shorter and shorter. Because of this, new changes for asphalt pavement are brought forward. Since the 20th century, long life asphalt pavement (LLAP) has become a hot field of study in many countries, such as American, Europe, Canada, Australia, South Africa. Based on our Chinese conditions, using the Linear Elastic Multi-layer Theory, the paper studies the representative FFAP structure and design methods with flexible base and sub-base, which is termed Full Flexible Long Life Asphalt Pavement (FF-LLAP) in the paper.In the first part of the paper, a reasonable, general design indexes and criteria are put forward for FF-LLAP. Respectively they are: fatigue limit (the flexural-tensile strain limit under asphalt layer), pavement surface bending limit, and maximum shear stress in asphalt layer. The methods to determine the design indexes are given too.In the second part of the paper, the representative FF-LLAP structure is put forward based on the mechanics response regularities of the three-layer FF-LLAP. Based on the mechanic regularities of asphalt layer of three-layer FF-LLAP structures, the asphalt layer is divided into three layers. The mechanic demanding and thickness range are put forward tooIn the third part of the paper, based on the theoretical analysis of the relationship of parameters and design indexes for FF-LLAP structures, the paper put forward the mechanics analysis models and thickness design methods for FF-LLAP structures. Based on the analysis of FF-LLAP structure, the thickness design flowchart is put forward, and an easy and quick thickness design method was given out by looking up a series of thickness-determining charts.In the fourth part of the paper, a series of control indexes are put forward based on the layer function contribution, and used to study the unifying FF-LLAP structure design and material design. According to two layer functions of structure performance and functional performance, a series of controlling indexes are put forward based on the layer contribution and used to unifying the structural design and material design. The study shows that choosing primary material and mix design are two major aspects of the design methods. With different layer functions choosing, the controlling indexes are different too.In the fifth part of the paper, the paper put forward a reliability design and optimizing method based on the reliability theory and the characteristic of FF-LLAP. The paper puts forward reliability probability model, resisting probability model and effecting probability design parameters of FF-LLAP, by using Monte Carlo Method to calculate the structure reliability. Based on the reliability optimizing theory, the reliability optimizing model and constrains for FF-LLAP are put forward considering structure reliability, using performance and economic performance during the whole design period.In the sixth part of the paper, using the FF-LLAP structure design method is put forward in the paper, three LLAP trial pavement sections constructed in Binzhou of Shandong in 2005 are analyzed from follow aspects: mechanical indexes, dynamic parameters, material choosing and combination designing, structure reliability etc. So the feasibility and reliability of the methods put forward in the paper are checked.Based on the theory and example analysis, the study shows that the FF-LLAP structure design method is reasonable, and the reliability design and optimizing methods are feasible.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 中南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 12期

