

Study on Optimizing the Network of Fresh Agricultural Products Logistics Based on Cold Chain and Its Safety Risk Evaluation

【作者】 邱祝强

【导师】 谢如鹤;

【作者基本信息】 中南大学 , 物流工程, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 我国是农业大国,国内外农产品贸易量逐年增长,生鲜农产品市场需求巨大,但是,长期以来“重生产、轻流通”的思想严重制约了生鲜农产品的安全、快速流通,生鲜农产品产供销体系经常出现脱节现象,流通效率偏低,在很大程度上源于农产品物流发展的滞后。近年来,国内生鲜农产品物流成本居高不下,设施设备陈旧,物流运作和管理水平较低,还没有形成较为完善的生鲜农产品物流体系,农产品物流相关企业总体上呈现各自为战的格局。近年来,食品安全已经成为国际范围内关注的焦点,但目前国内的关注点主要在生产、加工及销售过程,对物流过程中的安全问题没有引起足够的重视,农产品供应还停留在传统的储运模式上,运作主体间协调不够,相关部门在生鲜农产品流通过程中的监管不力,冷藏链体系不完善,生鲜农产品冷藏运输率偏低,直接导致生鲜农产品物流过程中损耗严重,食品安全事故频发。本文在分析国内外农产品物流现状的基础上,对基于冷链的生鲜农产品物流网络的演化规律、物流网络布局优化、物流系统安全风险控制等问题进行了系统研究,主要内容如下:(1)基于冷链的生鲜农产品物流网络形成机理基于国内外冷链的发展历程和现状分析,依据二维空间模型对产供销运作主体进行了初步分类,运用协同学理论和自组织理论分析了生鲜农产品物流主体系统的自组织化过程,进而借助耗散结构理论体系中的三分子模型分析了基于冷藏链的生鲜农产品物流网络的形成机理,依据在广州和长沙两地的实际调研分析,构建了基于冷链的跨区域和区域内生鲜农产品正向物流网络,分析了生鲜农产品逆向物流网络的形成过程和基本特点。(2)生鲜农产品物流网络节点布局优化结合实际调研,提出了基于生鲜农产品物流网络规划的基本步骤和内容,针对基于冷链的跨区域生鲜农产品物流网络,重点研究产地、集中预冷点、集散网点等三个层次,基于问题描述和基本假设,从战略规划和实际运作角度出发,构建了一个内嵌两个指派模型的非线性混合整数规划模型,以确定预冷点和集散点的数量、规模和位置,以及预冷点的集中采购周期,并结合实例运用遗传算法进行了求解分析。(3)基于冷链的生鲜农产品配送优化提出了生鲜农产品配送的基本框架,分析了优化生鲜农产品配送体系的必要性,着重研究配送车辆路径问题,本着生鲜农产品正向物流和逆向物流有效整合的原则,针对总取货量比总送货量大的生鲜农产品配送作业,解决一类具有同时取送货的配送车辆路径问题,通过几类基于插入的启发式算法的比较分析,提出了基于剩余装载能力的插入准则,并结合实例进行了求解分析。(4)生鲜农产品物流安全风险控制研究基于现有的生鲜农产品物流网络体系,依据物流安全相关研究,提出了生鲜农产品物流安全的涵义,给出了生鲜农产品物流安全风险控制的基本框架,借助系统安全控制思想、系统可靠性理论和风险管理理论,分析了安全风险控制的基本原理、步骤和内容,进而对可供选择的物流安全风险分析与评价方法进行了比较和分析。(5)生鲜农产品物流安全风险实证分析与评价依据长沙地区的实际调研,详细分析了跨区域生鲜农产品物流作业流程,以蔬菜物流为例,运用风险坐标图法和GO-FLOW法分别分析和评价了不完全冷链条件下和完全冷链条件下跨区域蔬菜物流安全风险水平,并对运算结果进行了比较分析;依据广州地区的实际调研,借助HACCP思想分析了影响生鲜农产品销售物流的安全风险类型和影响物流安全的因素,基于此,建立了较为完善的物流安全风险水平评价指标体系,运用ISM法分析了指标关系,结合专家评分法,确定了一级指标的权重,进而运用层次分析法和模糊综合评价法组合评价了广州地区生鲜农产品销售物流安全风险水平。

【Abstract】 Agriculture sector has been playing an important role in economic system of China, domestic and international trading volume of agricultural products increases at a high speed year after year, leading to a huge market need of fresh agricultural products. However, the idea of "product fisrt, circulation second" has been restricting the safe and quick distribution of fresh agricultural products. Due to the backward logistics system for agricultural products, the logistics chain composed of produce, supply and marketing disconnects frequently and leads to low circulation efficiency. In recent years, logistics cost of fresh agricultural products stays at a high level; facilities and infrastructure for logistics operation are out of date; operation and management level of logistics lags far behind that of some developed countries. In all, at present, relatively perfect logistics platform for fresh agricultural products has not been constructed and logistics enterprises do things in one’ own way.At present, food safety has become a new focus all over the world. But, more attentions are paid for the operation process consisting of produce, processing and sale than that for some problems related to the safety of agricultural products. Agricultural products supply characterizes with traditional mode made of storage and transport; enterprises at different stages lack enough coordination; related departments at different levels of government pay little attentions to the supervision of food safety during logistics process; a wholesome cold chain system has not come into being; the proportion of fresh agricultural products under the conditions of refrigerated storage and transport is very low. All of these lead to a great deal of loss and accidents related to food safety during operation process of fresh agricultural products logistics.On the basis of the investigation and analysis of fresh agricultural products logistics both at home and from abroad, systemic studies are carried out from different aspects including the formation mechanism and layout optimization of the logistics network for fresh agricultural products based on cold chain, as well as the control mechanism of logistic safety and risk, detailed studies are listed as follows:(1) The formation mechanism of logistics network for fresh agricultural products based on cold chainBased on the developing process and current conditions of cold chain in China and some other developed countries, according to two-dimension space model, the types of operators at produce, supply and sale stages are classified, the self-organizing process of the corresponding three subsystems are analyzed in detail by the theories of Synergetics and self-organization. Furthermore, the formation mechanism of logistics network for fresh agricultural products based on cold chain are presented and interpreted by the Brussel model in the theory system of Dissipation Structure, according to the investigations in Guangzhou and Changsha , forward logistics network for fresh agricultural products based on cold chain in big cities in China are developed, and, the cause of formation of corresponding reverse logistics is analyzed and some characteristics are presented at the same time.(2) Layout optimization of logistics network for fresh agricultural productsAccording to the investigation results, the steps and content of the plan and design of logistics network for fresh agricultural products based on cold chain are presented. The three-level logistics network covering different regions for fresh agricultural products including producing places, pre-cooling stations and collection-distribution points is studied in detail, based on the problem description and basic presumptions, from the point view of both strategic plan and practical operation, to determine the scales, amounts and locations of pre-cooling stations and wholesale markets or distribution centers, as well as procurement periods of pre-cooling stations, a non-line mix integer programming model containing two assignment models is constructed, combined with a specific numerical example, the design and plan problem is solved and analyzed step by step by genetic algorithm. (3) Optimization on distribution system for fresh agricultural products based on cold chainThe basic framework for the distribution of fresh agricultural products is put forward, the necessity to optimize distribution system is analyzed, of which vehicle routing operation and management is especially critical, aiming at the distribuation operation with relatively biger pick-up quantity than distribution quantity, a kind of vehicle routing problem with simultaneous delivery and pick-up is studied, by the comparison and analysis of two insertion criterions with a given instance, a new residual load based heuristics is put forward to make full use of refrigerated vehicle space.(4) Control and management of the risk related to the logistics safety of fresh agricultural productsAiming at existing logistics networks in China, according to related researches, the concept of logistics safety of fresh agricultural products as well risk control and management mechanism are put forward for the first time. With the help of the theories such as system safety engineering, risk management control and system reliability, the basic control principle, step and content are analyzed in detail, and, some optional methods used for risk analysis and evaluation are compared.(5) Risk analysis and evaluation of the logistics system of fresh agricultural products According to the detailed investigation in Changsha, taking vegetable logistics as an example, the operating process of fresh agricultural products logistic covering several regions are analyzed, elementary risk analysis on logistics system with partial cold chain is presented by risk coordinate graph method, and, risk levels of vegetable logistics system in complete cold chain environment as well as partial cold chain are evaluated by GO-FLOW method, evaluation results are compared and analyzed in detail. Based on related investigations in Guangzhou, the risk type during sale logistic process and critical factors affecting logistics safety are presented by the idea of HACCP, a relatively sound index system for logistics safety evaluation is established, combined with the evaluation grades from experts in practical operation and theory research fields, the weights of first-level indices are determined by AHP(The Analytic Hierarchy Process), risk level of sale logistics for fresh agricultural products is evaluated by combined fuzzy evaluation method.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 中南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 12期
  • 【分类号】F252;F326.6;F224
  • 【被引频次】77
  • 【下载频次】8250

