

Investigation on the Technologies of High Efficiency Mining and Ground Pressure Monitoring and Control for Deep Metal Deposit Mining

【作者】 杨承祥

【导师】 罗周全;

【作者基本信息】 中南大学 , 采矿工程, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 大规模开发深部金属矿产资源,是我国矿业可持续发展所面临的重大前沿课题之一。针对冬瓜山铜矿深井开采关键技术问题,结合“十五”国家科技攻关课题“复杂难采深部铜矿床安全高效开采关键技术研究”(2004BA615A-04),采用理论分析、数值模拟、现场试验相结合的方法,对深井金属矿床高效开采与地压灾害监控关键技术进行了深入系统的研究。(1)针对冬瓜山矿床初步设计推荐的采矿方法所存在的技术问题,开展了深井高应力环境下、缓倾斜特大型金属矿床采矿方法优化研究。优化了盘区和采场布置方式,简化了采准工程,降低了采切比;确定了合理盘区隔离矿柱宽度和采场结构参数,提出了长进路双采场堑沟式底部结构,形成了以暂留隔离矿柱阶段空场嗣后充填采矿方法为核心的深井缓倾斜金属矿床大规模安全高效开采方法,有效地突破了初步设计推荐的采矿方法存在的技术瓶颈。(2)采用数值模拟分析的方法,结合冬瓜山铜矿的具体开采技术条件,研究提出了深井大盘区、大采场、大产能缓倾斜厚大矿体安全高效开采合理的回采顺序,以确保矿山具有持续稳定日产万吨的生产能力和回采过程安全。(3)设计并构建了服务于回采区域关键地点和重点工程的围岩应力应变监测系统和服务于整个回采区域的微震监测系统,实现了深井开采岩爆与地压灾害致灾环境的网络化实时监测。(4)开展了基于微震监测的深井开采地压活动规律研究。圈定了首采地段不同时段的地压活动集中区域,研究获得了井下不同震动检测波形的特征和成因;采用量化地震学原理研究了开采岩层的应力变形强度分布,评价了现有开采条件下盘区隔离矿柱和回采采场的地压活动状况及其稳定性。提出了不同类型震动波形的分类识别和处理日常地震信号波形的方法,提高了地震信号处理速度和准确性。(5)通过对微震监测数据的研究,揭示了现有开采条件下首采地段开采诱发的地压活动时空变化规律。研究表明,目前的地压活动主要是由采掘活动引起,首采地段地压活动集中区与采掘工程相对应,在时空上随采掘活动的改变而发生变化;随着回采和采准工作的进行,应力不断地重新分布,应力和变形是波动的。目前累积位移量和应力都较小,说明地压活动较弱,总体来看,岩层是稳定的。(6)结合冬瓜山铜矿采矿巷道不同的围岩特性和工程部位,研究确定了采矿巷道(硐室)岩体失稳破坏的主要模式,提出了对于不同的巷道进行有效支护的不同方法和有关参数。(7)根据充填对地压控制的作用机理,结合冬瓜山铜矿开采实际,研究确定采用高浓度全尾砂料浆充填采空区,以有效地控制开采引起的地压灾害。通过全尾砂充填料浆配比和强度试验研究,以及对采场充填档墙进行受力分析,提出了采场不同位置采用不同料浆的灰砂比,并确定了底部结构单次充填高度。(8)研究了冬瓜山矿爆破振动控制技术,获得了爆破振动衰减规律以及爆破振动作用下采矿巷道动态应力比安全判据,提出了采用控制段药量降振的具体措施。研究成果已成功应用于冬瓜山铜矿首采地段的生产实践中,取得了良好的实际效果。

【Abstract】 Developing the deep metal deposit on a large scale is one of the most important tasks which the continuable developing of domestic mining industry is faced with. Aim at the key technical problems of deep mining of Dongguashan Copper mine, combining the tenth-5 national science and technology attacking task which is called the key technology research on deep copper deposit mining safely and efficiently under complex and difficult conditions, using the methods of theoretical analysis, numerical simulation and locale test, the paper carries out the research on the key technology of safe and effective mining and geostatic disaster monitoring and control in deep metal deposit mining.(1)Aim at the technique problem of mining method which is recommended by the primary design of Dongguashan Copper mine, the large-scale mining mothed of gradual incline metal deposit under the condition of high stress is studied. The disposal of the mining area and stope are optimized, the mine-preparing projects are simplified, and the ratio of mine-preparing is reduced. The reasonable width of the insulating jamb of panel and the structure parameters of stope are confirmed. The bottom structure of the stope of long-route and double-stope is put forward. The safe and efficient mining method of big panel, big stope and high throughput of deep and gradual incline metal deposit is worked out, which with the characteristics of sublevel excavation and filling the stope afterwards, and keeping the insulating jamb transitorily. The new method breaks the bottle-neck of the mining method which is recommended by the primary design effecitvely.(2)Using the method of numerical simulation, according to the mining technology congditions of Dongguashan Copper mine, the reasonable mining sequence of the safe and efficient mining way of big panel, big stope and high throughput of the gradual incline metal deposit deep mining is puts forward, which insure that the daily production of the mine can achieves ten thousand tons continually and keep the mining process. (3)The stress and displacement monitoring system which serves the key places of the mine and the microseismic monitoring system which serves the whole mining area of the mine have been designed and built. So that the real-time monitoring network of the disaster-causing environment of the rock burst and the geostatic disaster of deep mining in the Dongguashan Copper Mine is come true.(4)The geostatic activity law has been studied based on the microseismic monitoring system. The relative concentrating area of the geostatic actives is compartmentalized in the first mining area of the mine within different periods of time. The characteristics and cause of different underground vibration waves are obtained. The intensity distribution of the stress and displacement of the mining terrane has been gotten by using the principle of the quantification seismology. The geostatic activity situation and the stability of the insulating jamb and stope have been evaluated. The methods of identifying different kinds of waveforms and managing the routine seismic signal waveform have been also put forward, which improves the processing speed and veracity of the seismic signal.(5)The temporal and spatial change rules of the geostatic activity produced by the first mining area under the current mining condition are discovered preliminarily via the research of the macroseismic monitoring data. The results show that the geostatic activity mainly caused by the mining activities. The geostatic activity concentrating area in first mining area depends on the mining position and changes in time and space along with the change of the mining project position accordingly. Along with the mining progress, the stress redistributes continually and the stress and displacement are fluctuant. So far, the accumulative displacement and stress are less which indicates that the geostatic activity is weak. In conclusion, the terrane is stable now.(6)Combining the different rock’s characteristic and positions of the mining laneways in Dongguashan copper mine, the breakage modes of the mining laneway have been confirmed, and the different maintenance motheds and correlative parameters have been also put forward.(7)According to the filling control mechanism of geostatic activity, considering the mining situation of Dongguashan copper mine, determine to use the full-tailing slurry with high concentration to fill the stope in order to control the geostatic disaster causing by mining. Via the ratio and strength experiment of full-tailing slurry and force analysis of the filling guard wall, the different cement-sand ratio of slurry for different places of the stope and the single filling height of the stope bottom structure have been determined.(8)The blasting vibration control technique for Dongguashan Copper Mine has been worked out. The attenuation rule of the blasting vibration and the dynamic stress ratio safety criterion of the mining laneway under the effect of blasting vibration are obtained. The depressing vibration measure by controlling segment dynamite quantity has been brought forward.The research results have been used in the first mining place of Dongguashan copper mine successfully and obtained a nice effect during the actual production of the mine.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 中南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 12期

