

Research on Agility-Oriented Organization Change of Manufacturing Enterprise

【作者】 王铁骊

【导师】 高阳;

【作者基本信息】 中南大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 面对持续变化、难以预测的市场环境,事实证明,只有那些具备了敏捷性(即快速响应市场变化能力)的制造企业才可能获得更大的发展机会。而敏捷性不仅需要先进技术的支持,更需要通过对传统组织模式的变革来实现。近年来,国内外学者先后提出了战略联盟、虚拟企业、流程再造等可供制造企业组织变革借鉴的新模式或新思路。然而这些研究未能从组织变革的角度,对制造企业组织变革的方向和路径进行系统分析。因此,本文在假设制造企业能够获取技术支持的前提下,依据组织变革的相关理论,在吸取制造企业组织变革研究成果的基础上,以敏捷性为组织目标,尝试为基于敏捷性的制造企业组织变革构建具有科学性的概念模型及其实现方法,并对制造企业组织敏捷性进行评价,主要工作有:第一,阅读了大量相关文献,回顾了组织理论和组织变革的演进历程,比较了敏捷性与动态能力两个看似迥异的概念,提出了敏捷性是动态能力在高度动态环境中的具体表现形式的观点,论证了敏捷性是复杂动态环境下动态能力内涵演进的必然趋势,为基于敏捷性的制造企业组织变革提供了理论支持。第二,基于文献综述,分析和总结了战略联盟、虚拟企业、流程再造和集群生态等几种典型组织模式的优势与不足,为构建基于敏捷性的制造企业组织变革的概念模型提供了借鉴和参考。第三,提出了敏捷型组织的概念,分析了其特点和构成。在此基础上,构建了敏捷型组织的概念模型,详细分析了该概念模型中动力层、能力层和实现层的构成要素和具体表现形式,为探讨具体的制造企业组织敏捷性的实现奠定了理论基础。第四,结合敏捷型组织的概念模型,有针对性地探讨了制约制造企业组织变革的关键问题。提出了基于敏捷性的制造企业组织结构设计原则和动态设计流程,构建起两维组织结构模式。进而论证了双重知识管理是组织变革实现的保障,人因分析及管理是组织变革的核心内容,为制造企业明确了基于敏捷性的组织变革对象。第五,在前文的研究基础上,对制造企业组织敏捷性的影响因素进行了初选。在所选择的制造企业样本中就所列出的影响因素的合理性和有效性进行了问卷调查,进而利用隶属度函数和关联度函数,对这些初选因素进行筛选和整合,建立了制造企业组织敏捷性的评价指标体系。基于相关数据收集和整理,应用模糊减法聚类的自适应模糊推理系统方法,构建了制造企业组织敏捷性的评价模型。第六,融合拟生态进化算法的优点,构造了群集拟生态进化算法。利用群集拟生态进化算法对制造企业组织敏捷性评价模型进行优化求解,为基于敏捷性的制造企业组织变革提供了最优参照模型。第七,结合具体的制造企业,依据以上方法和路径进行了验证。

【Abstract】 Only the enterprises response the customer need change quickly and effectively, can the enterprises survive and develop in the high-dynamic market. So agility became the necessary capability in concurrent manufacturing enterprise. However, attaining agility is depending not only on the technology development, but on the right organization model. In recent years, foreign and Chinese scholars put forwarded new organization models or new thoughts for organization change in manufacturing enterprise, such as strategic alliance, virtual organization and business reengineering. But they did not advance a systemic analysis on agility-oriented organization change path. Based on the hypothesis that agile technology and agile business process are attained in manufacturing enterprise, this paper analyze the development trend of organization change, put forward the conceptual model of agile organization and supply an operational and realizing organizational change path. The main research works are the follow contents.Firstly, based on the review of agility-related research papers, the paper compares agility and dynamic capabilities and puts forward the option that agile ability is the concrete content of dynamic capabilities in high-dynamic market.Secondly, the paper reviews the develop process of organization theory and organization change, and discusses the advantages and disadvantages of typical 4 change models( alliance strategy, virtual enterprise, business process and population ecology model).So that it supplies the theory basis for agility-oriented organization change.Thirdly, reviewing the related research reference, the paper puts forward the conceptual model of agile organization in manufacturing enterprise, analyze component factors in the drive hierarchy、ability hierarchy and realization hierarchy, especially emphasis that human factor is the key factor in organization change considering agility. Therefore, it brings forward the target model for organizational change, as well as the basis for discussing the organizational change path.Fourthly, according to the agile organization model, the paper discusses realization means of organizational agility, puts out the principles of organization design and design process. Then is sets up the two-dimensional organization construct model, and demonstrates the double- hierarchic knowledge management model is the right ways to improve the organizational agility and human factor is the core for the organizational agility. Consequently, it points out the main contents for organizational change in manufacturing enterprise oriented to agility.Fifthly, the paper conclude main factors for the organizational agility in manufacturing in terms of research references, and send out questionnaire in manufacturing enterprises to make sure whether such influence factors are right. Based the data collection, the paper use the Membership Function and Association Functional Algorithm to select and set up an evaluation index system for organizational agility in manufacturing enterprises. Then the paper survey the relationship between the evaluation index and organizational agility in real manufacturing enterprises, and use the Adaptive Network-based Fuzzy Inference System to modeling to set up an evaluation model of organizational agility.Sixthly, the paper uses the Swarm Simulation Biology Evolutionary Algorithm to optimize. Then an optimization model for organization agility is achieved. Compare a manufacturing enterprise current organization model with the optimization model, we can find out the existing problems and choose right change measures. Sequentially a scientific method and operational path are attained for agility-oriented organization change in manufacturing enterprise.Lastly, selects a manufacturing enterprise as a case to analysis.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 中南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 12期
  • 【分类号】F406;F224
  • 【被引频次】11
  • 【下载频次】775

