

Theory of Block Rockmass Slope Collapse Monitoring and Prediction and Its Application

【作者】 田卿燕

【导师】 曾庆元; 傅鹤林;

【作者基本信息】 中南大学 , 道路与铁道工程, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 随着国民经济的快速发展,铁路、公路、水利水电、矿山等工程建设的高陡岩质边坡越来越多,崩塌的问题越来越突出。根据统计,近年来发生的崩塌中,块裂岩质边坡崩塌占据的比重达到67%,给工程建设和运营安全造成严重的威胁。为了防止崩塌地质灾害的发生,保护人民生命财产的安全,本文结合交通部课题“西部公路地质灾害监测预报技术研究”(编号:200331880201)、和湖南省交通厅课题“衡炎高速公路崩塌滑坡地质灾害预测与控制技术研究”(编号200506),开展块裂岩质边坡崩塌监测预报理论体系及工程应用研究,力求达到预测预报崩塌地质灾害,实现防灾减灾的目的。本文主要内容包括:1)总结了块体理论在解决工程问题中存在的有待进一步研究的问题。在块体理论中引入概率方法更精确地分析了边坡中潜在崩塌块体的稳定性,找出了关键块体,推导了崩塌沿单面与双面滑移模式的稳定计算公式;2)提出了结构面迹长统计的的概率分布模型,对块体大小分布概率进行了分析,并划分块体大小区间,分析各区间内块体的出现概率、失效概率,并计算了块体总失效概率,揭示了块裂岩质边坡崩塌机理,为定量评价块体发育特征、工程监测和预报提供了依据;3)将边坡崩塌落石分为五种运动形式,研究了各种崩塌速度和位移,确定了可动块体一旦发生崩塌产生的破坏能量和破坏范围;4)借助非线性数值分析手段,综合考虑岩体节理裂隙,进一步分析了岩质边坡崩塌的机理和潜在范围,应证了用块体理论分析崩塌稳定性的结果;5)研制了岩质边坡崩塌监测和预报理论体系。通过室内声发射试验找出了块裂岩体的声发射规律和崩塌破坏的临界判据,制定了合理的崩塌现场监测方案,结合灰色突变预测预报模型对声发射监测结果进行了分析,预测预报了崩塌的产生时间和范围。6)将块裂岩质边坡崩塌监测预报理论体系应用于贵毕公路k79+380~k79+500右边坡和湘黔线k303+600右边坡稳定性分析和崩塌预测,验证了该理论的有效性。

【Abstract】 Along with the fast development of basic engineering construction, problems of rock slope collapse cut by railway and highway become more and more serious. By statistic, among the recent collapses, block rock slope fallings take up 67%, which greatly threaten safety of engineering and its working. The research of Theory of Block Rockmass Slope Collapse Monitoring and Prediction and Its Application is carried out to develop an effective monitoring and predicting theory and technique to avoid collapse geological disaster and protect safety of people’s life and property. This work is completed based on pivot project fund of Ministry of Transportation & Communication (200331880201) Research of Highway Geological Disaster Monitoring and prediction, and Hunan province transportation & communication office project (No. 200506) Research of high steep slope collapse and slide geological disaster prediction and control technique in Hengyan expressway.There are six main sections in this paper:1) Problems of block theory for engineering application are summed up for furture studying in the first chapter. Negative exponential probability method is introduced to block theory to analyze slope potential failure block stability and find out the key block more accurately. Stability equations based on collapse down with single surface and double surface are deduced to computer the stability of block crack rockmass.2) The joint trace length probability distribution model is proposed to calculate block size distribution probability and its failure probability in block size zone. The joint trace length probability analysis is very available for opening out the mechanism of block rockmass slope collapse and evaluating block character quantificationally.3) Five kinetic types of collapses are studied to evaluate its damage energy and area by calculateing velocity and displacement of fallings.4) With nonlinear numeric analysis measure, the rockmass slope collapse mechanism and its potential movable area are further studied, which takes the rockmass joint cranny into account, to verify stability analysis results by block theory.5) A theory system of rockmass slope collapse monitoring and prediction is developed to predict collapse occurrence. In this system, block rockmass acoustic emission character and collapse critical failure criterion are proposed by laboratory test, and a reasonable blue print for field test is constituted based on the test results, then a gray and catastrophic model is deduceed to forecast the failure time and scope of collapse.6) The theory system of block rockmass collapse monitoring and prediction is verified effective by its application in k79+380~k79+500 right slope in Guibi highway and k303+600 right slope in Xiangqian road.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 中南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 12期

