

【作者】 田宝

【导师】 郭志仪;

【作者基本信息】 兰州大学 , 区域经济学, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 县域经济作为国民经济的重要组成部分,促进县域经济快速发展对于一个地区经济增长、社会发展具有重要作用。欠发达地区县域经济发展严重滞后于中心城市,也滞后于全国县域发展水平,这是由多方面的因素造成的,其中,金融支持不到位已经成为制约县域经济发展壮大的瓶颈。本文以甘肃省69个县域单位经济增长中的金融因素为研究对象,探讨甘肃县域金融发展对县域经济增长的支持情况,并提出对策建议。在对相关理论进行综述的基础上,论文首先描述了甘肃省县域经济发展基本状况,介绍了县域金融制度安排及其发展历程,分析了甘肃县域经济与金融之间的匹配性情况。进而,论文探讨了金融体系的供给、县域经济对金融的需求情况,研究了经济与金融的供求均衡状况,在此基础上,全面审视了目前甘肃省县域经济增长中的融资困境,深入分析了形成困境的体制等方面的原因。在定性认识的基础上,进而,文章用定量分析的方法,探讨影响经济增长的主要金融因素,分析金融支持经济增长的机制,尝试建立了甘肃县域金融支持经济增长的关系模型,科学分析了甘肃县域经济增长中的金融支持情况,剖析了金融支持与经济增长的相关性,并得出了相应的结论。根据定性和定量两个方面的分析研究,文章认为,甘肃县域经济增长未能得到有效的金融支持,金融与经济之间没有形成良性互动,而且近几年甘肃县域金融被不断边缘化,如何结合实际强化金融对甘肃县域经济增长的支持作用,是一个亟待解决的现实问题。最后,为构建有效支持甘肃县域经济增长的金融体系,论文提出了应遵循的原则及其对策建议。

【Abstract】 As an important component of the national economy, county economy plays an important role in promoting a region’s economic growth and social development. The development of county economy in underdeveloped areas is not only seriously lagging behind that in the center cities but lagging behind the average level of the whole country, of course it is determined by many factors, but it is no doubt that the deficiency of financial support is a major bottleneck restricting the development of the county economy. Based on 69 counties of Gansu Province, the article studies the financial support for county economic growth in Gansu.Based on related theory, the article firstly describes the basic situation of the development of county economy in Gansu Province, introduces the arrangement and the development process of the financial system of the county, analyses the match situation between economy and finance of Gansu. Furthermore, the paper discusses the supply of the financial system and the financial needs of the county economy, carries out a comprehensive review of the current difficulties of financing in the process of county economic growth in Gansu Province, analyses the history and institutional reasons. Then, the article, using method of quantitative analysis, explores the impact on economic growth of the main financial factors, studies the financial support mechanism of economic growth, tries to build financial support model for the county economic growth in Gansu, makes a scientific analysis of the financial support, analyses the correlation between economic growth and financial support, and finally draws some conclusions.According to the qualitative and quantitative analysis, the article holds that the county economy of Gansu has not got effective financial support, and the relationship between finance and economic growth is not very harmonious, furthermore, the county financial of Gansu has been constantly marginalized in recent years. How to strengthen the financial support of county economy of Gansu is an urgent problem to resolve. At the end of the article, some principles and suggestions are put forward for the building of an effective financial system.

【关键词】 县域经济经济增长金融支持
【Key words】 County economyEconomic growthFinancial support
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 兰州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 12期
  • 【分类号】F127;F832.7
  • 【被引频次】12
  • 【下载频次】1427

