

An Ethnography Interpretation of Yugur’s Cultural Tansition in the Past 30 Years

【作者】 王海飞

【导师】 杨建新;

【作者基本信息】 兰州大学 , 民族学, 2008, 博士


【摘要】 20世纪80年代以来,在“全球一体化”、各民族经济迅速发展、民族间文化传播与交流从未有过的频繁细密的背景下,人口较少民族发生的文化变迁广泛而深刻。本论文选择甘肃特有少数民族之一的裕固族作为人口较少民族的典型范本来探查文化变迁的表现内容和发展趋势,从文化传播这一新的视角阐释人口较少民族文化变迁的特点、意义和问题。在推动民族经济发展,保护民族传统文化、构建民族和谐社会的大时代背景下,此项研究具有一定的理论及现实意义。长期以来,国内外研究裕固族历史和文化的论著颇多,对裕固族文化变迁的研究也有一些,但对裕固族文化变迁过程中文化传播作用的考察与研究却寥寥无几。本研究从文化传播作用于文化变迁这一研究视角出发,在前人论述的基础之上,经过多次、长时间的田野调查工作,结合民族学、社会学、民族志传播学等多个学科理论,并配以在田野工作期间运用影视人类学方法记录的大量裕固族社会文化影像资料,以及与上世纪80年代同类影像资料的对比研究,构建成论文的整体框架。论文内容分为三大部分:第一部分为论文的第一、二章,重点介绍本项研究的进入背景。包括裕固族历史、文化背景及相关研究综述;裕固族文化变迁研究及综述;相关学科理论准备;本论文研究的思路、方法和创新点。第二部分是本论文的核心,包括第三、四、五章,分别考察了外来文化进入裕固族地区的传播渠道;文化传播视角下裕固族文化变迁的表现内容;裕固族对文化传播和文化变迁的回应。论文对大量田野调查资料和影像资料进行解读、梳理后,将外来文化进入裕固族地区的传播渠道概括为媒介传播、教育传播及社会文化传播三种传播模式。对文化传播视角下的裕固族文化变迁从生计方式的变迁、民族物质文化的变迁、民族语言文化的变迁、民族宗教文化的变迁及现代婚育文化的变迁等几个方面加以表述。论文意欲论证,文化传播是一把“双刃剑”,一方面大量外来文化的单向传播对裕固族传统文化起着结构性的消解和冲击作用;另一方面,文化传播对裕固族社会经济发展、文化良性变迁和构建和谐社会起着积极有益的推动作用。文化变迁同时具有不可逆性和可引导性,积极发挥其正面引导作用,减弱其消极影响,是各种文化传播媒介应有之社会功用。20世纪80年代后,裕固族地区社会经济文化发生了普遍、剧烈的变化,特别是世纪之交起肃南裕固族自治县实施的生态移民工程、定居工程等,使数千裕固族牧民告别游牧生涯过上定居、半定居的生活,论文以文字和影像两种方式记录了在这一巨变过程中文化传播所起到的影响与作用。论文还证明这种影响与作用并没有导致“文明的冲突”,相反,裕固族人在以开放的文化心态迎合主流文化、积极吸收以汉族文化为主的其他外来文化的同时,正逐步开始重视本民族传统文化的挖掘、保护与传承,树立民族文化自觉,因为各种原因,这些民族文化回应还显得微弱或存在一些问题,但毕竟已经开始。第三部分为理性思考和一些建议,包括第六章和第七章。思考并阐释了裕固族文化显性变迁之下的隐性内涵;指出民族文化心理“从边缘到中心”、“从趋同到求异”的发展途径;梳理了文化变迁与裕固族社会经济发展的关系;并从个人角度提出人口较少民族文化传播生态建构和重构的可能性、过程及意义。论文以对裕固族接受文化传播和发生文化变迁的调查、考证和研究为基点,由此及彼,由近及远,进而对人口较少民族历史和文化的现状、特点、传播、变迁、融合、发展等问题进行分析,提出全方位构建内外部文化良性传播渠道,充分发挥文化传播的“加速器”作用,促进人口较少民族经济和文化的快速良性发展和整个民族和谐社会的构建。最后是作为论文一部分的电视纪录片,用影视人类学的研究方法对裕固族社会文化生活作了记录、展现和对比,使本研究的过程、目的及结论更加直观和更具有科学性,以增强其可信程度。

【Abstract】 With the globalization, the rapid economic development and the unparalleled cultural exchange between minority groups, the culture transition among minority nationalities has been wide and deep-going since 1980s. This paper takes Yugur ethnical group in Gansu Province as the unique sample to study the content and trend of culture transition and to interpret its characteristic, significance and problem from the perspective of cultural communication. Under the general circumstance of promoting minority economic development, of protecting minority traditional culture and building harmonious society, this research carries great theoretical and practical significance.Over the years, much has been written on the history and culture of Yugur in and outside China, some on its culture transition, but little research on the role of cultural communication. On the basis of the previous research, this research starts off from the perspective of cultural communication on culture transition, carries out several long-term field work, and combines ethnology, sociology, ethnography of communication and other branches together. Filming anthropology is used to record the considerable social and cultural video material of Yugur. The subsequent comparative research between this and the filming materials of 80s constitute the structure of this academic paper.The paper consists of 3 parts:PartⅠ, Chapter 1 and 2, presents the background of this research and includes the following: the history and cultural background of Yugur; the related research overview; the overall research of the culture transition of Yugur; the related theoretical preparation; and the research thoughts, methodology and innovative features.PartⅡ, Chapter 3, 4, and 5, makes up the core of the paper and studies the communication channel of foreign culture into Yugur area; the content of its culture transition; and its reactions to culture communication and transition. The paper investigates and interprets the considerable amount of field work and video-filming materials and categorizes the communication channels of foreign culture into 3 patterns: media communication, education communication and social-cultural communication. From the perspective of cultural communication, there a range of culture transition patterns from living transition pattern to national material culture to national language culture, national religion culture to modern matrimony culture. The paper intends to argue that cultural communication is a double-edged sword. On one hand, the one-way cultural communication of foreign culture affects the construction of the traditional cultural of Yugur, on the other hand, such cultural communication promotes its social economic development, the positive culture transition and the building of harmonious society. As the culture communication is irreversible and directive, it is suggested that various kinds of cultural communication should be guided in a positive way to serve its social function. After 1980s, there have been general and drastic changes in the social economic and cultural aspect throughout Yugur area, especially the immigrant project and settlement project of Sunan Yugur Autonomous County at the turn of this century. This paper records the impact and function of cultural communication during this dramatic change with words as well as video-filming. It is proved that such impact and function has not caused "culture conflicts", however, the Yugur people welcome the mainstream culture with an open-minded attitude, actively absorb in the foreign cultures and gradually attach great importance to the exploitation, preservation and inheritance of its own traditional culture. For various reasons, their culture reactions seem to be weak and problematic, but still obvious.PartⅢ, Chapter 6 and 7, is the rational thinking and recommendations. It studies the implied meaning of the cultural communication manifestations on Yugur and points out that the culture psyche develops from margin to center and from following to preserving. It also looks into the interrelationships between culture transition and the social economic development and suggests the possibility and meanings of the construction and reconstruction of cultural communication among minority groups. This paper takes the investigations into Yugur as the research basis and analyses the current situation, features, communication, transition, integration and development of the history and culture of minority groups, and then suggests that the internal and external positive cultural communication channel should be built to enhance its accelerating role and to promote the economic and culture development of minority groups and the harmonious society.The last part is the television documentary which uses the research method of filming anthropology to record, display and compare the social cultural life of Yugur. It is aimed to make the process, purpose and conclusion of this research more directviewing, scientific and reliable.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 兰州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 12期
  • 【分类号】C95;C922
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】2941

