

Research on Ecological Environment Dynamic Changes and Ecological Water Demand in the Tarim River Basin Based on RS and GIS

【作者】 闫正龙

【导师】 黄强;

【作者基本信息】 西安理工大学 , 水文学及水资源, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 随着科技水平的不断提高和人口数量的急剧增长,人们正以前所未有的速度和规模改变着自身赖以生存的生态环境,由此带来了水土流失、土地沙化、植被退化等一系列给人类生产活动构成巨大威胁的生态环境问题,因此,监测、分析生态环境及其变化已成为当前国内外众多专家、学者广泛关注的热点问题。塔里木河流域地处我国干旱少雨的西部地区,人类活动的不断加剧及水资源的无序过度开发和低效利用,使得流域的整体生态环境十分恶劣,已成为制约绿洲生态稳定和社会经济可持续发展的主要障碍,并直接影响到我国西部开发的战略问题。为改善流域生态环境,自2000年5月至2004年6月,塔里木河流域管理局会同有关单位组织实施了6次应急生态输水,使流域的生态环境发生了很大变化。本文以塔里木河流域多源遥感影像和多类型、多尺度的基础地理数据为研究基础,选取可反映塔里木河流域不同区域生态环境特征的指示性指标,通过对遥感影像信息自动提取、跨带海量数据建库、生态环境动态变化监测以及天然植被生态需水估算等关键问题进行了研究,取得了以下主要成果和结论:(1)根据流域生态环境本底特征,分别选取土地利用、土壤盐渍化、植被覆盖、植被类型、土地沙漠化等五个生态因子作为为评价对象,基于分级分类思想及密度分割技术,通过分类体系划分、解译标志设置、生态模型建立、遥感信息自动提取、野外验证、知识库构建等方法,完成了1999~2004年多源影像数据的信息自动提取,提取精度高达87.7%,校正后达到95.4%,满足了研究区生产的实际需求。(2)通过分析研究区的数据现状和未来发展需求,采用空间数据和属性数据一体化、多源数据无缝集成的建库思想和分层、分级及分块的数据组织方法以及双机互备的集群服务器架构体系,通过要素编码设计、数据组织、数据无缝拼接、一键入库、优化存储等关键技术,构建了DLG库、DRG库、DEM库、DOM库、水利工程库、生态环境库、社会经济库、多媒体库、元数据库及成果库等十大数据库,完成了研究区50多年来多源、多尺度、多类型、跨带海量空间数据和属性数据的无缝集成和统一管理,入库数据高达600GB左右。(3)针对海量数据入库效率低、操作繁琐等问题,提出“一键入库”的建库思路,将Arc/info脚本、SDE命令及Oracle命令有机结合,融数据库结构设计、数据检查配置、入库脚本生成等众多命令为一加密批处理文件,通过运行该文件完成了海量基础数据的自动入库及跟踪管理,极大地提高了海量数据的入库效率。(4)基于多源遥感专题数据和多尺度基础地理数据,进行了塔里木河流域五个生态因子的动态变化监测及定性定量分析,揭示了应急生态输水前后研究区1999~2004年间各生态因子的面积变化幅度、年变化率、时空演变趋势和引起变化的主要驱动力。分析结果表明:应急输水工程实施后,流域的整体生态环境趋于好转,下游“绿色走廊”正处于积极的恢复状态,人口压力以及人类活动是引起塔里木河流域生态环境变化的主要驱动力。(5)通过分析塔里木河干流区域天然植被生态需水状况,建立了研究区天然植被生态需水概念及量化模型,并基于RS、GIS技术和潜水蒸发理论计算分析了干流上、中、下游区域对应于3期遥感影像数据(1999、2002、2002)天然植被现状生态水平下的生态需水量,提出了流域面向可持续发展的生态建设模式。本文构建的集RS、GPS、GIS、SDE及数据仓库等多种信息技术为一体的运行化流域生态环境监测服务体系,具有信息提取精度高、数据管理方便、移植性好、可操作性强等优点,可为流域水资源的统一调度管理、生态环境评价及经济的可持续发展规划制定提供科学依据,具有重要的理论和现实意义,可在其它流域推广使用。

【Abstract】 With the development of science and technology and with the explosive growth of world population,the natural environment has been intervened and worsen on a large scale at an unprecedented speed,which has resulted to a severe succession of ecological problems such as soil and water erosion,land desertification, vegetation degradation,etc.threatening the human beings’ lives,properties and their normal production. Therefore,the monitoring and then analyzing and researching the dynamic changes of the ecological environment in a given area has become one major concern of the hot topics in the concerning research fields. The Tarim River Basin is located in the arid inland with the rare rainfall in the western area of China,whose extremely fragile ecological environment resulted from the increasing human beings’ activities and the excessively disorder development and ineffective utilization of the water resources constantly keeps itself in the foreground of the ecological stability of the oasis and the sustainable development of the local society and economy.It thus directly prevents the developing strategy from implementing in the west of China.In order to improve the local ecological environment,the Rarim River Basin Management Bureau and the relative departments started the Emergent Water Transportation Project in May 2000 and since then has provided six times of emergency water supplies till June 2004,on the basis of which great changes in the ecological environment have taken place in the local area.The multi-source remote sensing images data and the basic ground data of multi-type and multi-scale are collected before and after the emergent project.Five ecological factors such as land use,soil salinazation,vegetation coverage,vegetation type and land desertification are selected as the research objectives by means of automatically extracting remote sensing information,building databases of massive datum of more projection zones,dynamic monitoring the ecological changes of environment,and estimating the natural vegetation ecological water demand,and so on.The creative methods and the major conclusions of this research are summarized as:(1)The five indicative factors are chosen on the background characteristics of the Bason ecological environment and evaluated under the classification and grade scales system,the density slicing technology. The methods of system classification,interpretation marks setting,ecological conversion models building, automatically remote sensing information extracting,field investigations and knowledge base constructing, etc.are applied to automatically collect the multi-source images information from 1999 to 2004.The extraction accuracy of the target data mounts to 87.7 percent,up to 95.4 percent after calibration,which meets the practical needs for the production in the research zone.(2)The theory of the integrative spatial and attribute data,seamless integration of multi-source cata are used to build the massive databases in terms of the analysis of the actuality and the future developing requirements in the Tarim River Basin.The data are arranged and organized as their layers,classification and blocks and the cluster server frame of double PC in interback-up model.Ten massive databases namely Digital Line Graphic(DLG)Database,Digital Raster Graphic(DRG)Database,Digital Elevation Model (DEM)Database,Digital Orthophoto Map(DOM)Database,Hydraulic Engineering Database,Ecological Environment Database,Social Economic Database,Multimedia Database,Metadata database and the Result Database,have been firstly accomplished to integratively manage and research the spatial and attribute data since fifty years in the target research zone.The volume of the data stored in these bases mounts to 600 GB or so.(3)The thought of input with one key is put forward by virtue of ineffective of data storage and the complicated operation.Under this process,the Arc/info scripting language,spatial data engine(SDE) command and oracle command are combined with database structure design,data checking and configuration, database building scripting generating and others to form a encrypting batch file,which is then run to complete the automation data input and data tracking management.This one-key-input technology promotes the efficiency of data storage dramatically.(4)Based on the multi-source remote sensing special data and multi-scale basic geographic data,the five ecological factors are dynamically monitored and analyzed in the qualitative and quantitative methods,which reveal how the areas of the five factors change and their changing tendency before and after the eme(?)gency water supplies during 1999 and 2004.The ecological environment tends to improve after the eme(?)gency water project in the local basin as a whole.The Green Corridor is positively recovering in the lower reaches of the Tarim River.The population pressure and human beings’ activities are the major driving forces degenerating the ecology of the target zone.(5)The concept of the ecological water demand for the natural vegetation and its quantitative model are put forward and established in terms of the corresponding analysis of the current situation in the mainstream of the Tarim River.The remote sensing(RS)and geographic information systems(GIS)technologies and the phreatic evaporation theory are applied to extract the current vegetation situation in the three periods of the remote sensing images in 1999,2002 and 2004 respectively and calculate their ecological water demand for the natural vegetation in the corresponding year.On the basis of it,the ecological construction mode is set up to secure the sustainable development of the target zone. The information technologies of RS,geographic positioning systems(GPS),GIS and SDE,etc.used in this research have favorable characteristics of high information extraction accuracy,convenient data management,excellent transplantation and strong operability,etc.which offer possible unified dispatch and management for the basin water resources,and the scientific guides for the ecological environment evaluation and economic sustainable development planning.Its theoretical and practical significance can be extended to other relative areas.

  • 【分类号】X171.1
  • 【被引频次】10
  • 【下载频次】1846

