

Research on Evolutionary Mechanism of the Promotion of Industrial Competitive Advantage Induced by S&T Innovation

【作者】 张倩男

【导师】 赵玉林;

【作者基本信息】 武汉理工大学 , 产业经济学, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 中国加入WTO过渡期结束后,更大范围上参与国际竞争,必须实现从成本比较优势向产业竞争优势转变。要形成和提升产业竞争优势,必须将产业发展的基点放在科技创新,加强科技自主创新能力建设。因此,科技创新与产业竞争优势形成和提升的关系日益引起高度关注。但是,目前还未见有系统分析两者关系的相关文献。因此,研究科技创新对产业竞争优势形成和提升的作用机制具有重要的现实意义和理论意义。本文运用创新经济学、产业经济学、内生经济增长理论、自组织理论等相关理论和方法,对科技创新对产业竞争优势形成和提升的过程机制进行了深入系统的研究,旨在揭示科技创新在产业竞争优势演化过程中的作用机理,总结发达国家和后发国家产业竞争优势提升的经验,评价中国高技术产业竞争优势,寻求提升中国高技术产业竞争优势的途径和对策。科技创新是产业竞争优势演化的内部诱因。科技创新是基于科技的创新,产业竞争优势是特定国家或地区特定时间的优势。科技创新通过诱发生产要素创新机制的形成、国内需求的升级、企业竞争的加剧、相关及支持产业的新增长和这四个因素之间的协同而诱导产业竞争优势的演化。产业创新是产业竞争优势演化的基本途径。产业创新有产业形态创新、产业组织创新和产业结构创新三种形式,产业创新的过程就是产业竞争优势的形成和提升过程。产业形态创新能形成绝对的竞争优势;产业集聚作为产业组织创新的新形式,通过发挥成本优势、规模经济效应和外部性而使产业的竞争优势得到提升;产业融合导致产业结构创新,通过创造新产业、延伸产业价值链和改造传统产业而形成和提升产业竞争优势。产业竞争优势演化的自组织机制即为以科技创新为诱因,沿着产业形态创新、产业结构创新、产业组织创新的产业创新路径,通过产品创新、工艺创新和市场创新三者的相互作用,在非线性机制作用下将科技创新等涨落因素加以放大,从而实现产业竞争优势的有序演化。最后从历史和现实的角度,对科技创新对产业竞争优势演化的诱导作用进行了验证。以三次产业革命中,英国纺织工业、美国汽车工业和日本电子工业为例,总结了产业竞争优势演化的国际经验;在借鉴索洛的外生经济增长模型和罗默的内生经济增长模型基础上,建立产业竞争优势评价模型,并对中国高技术产业及其五部门的竞争优势进行实证分析。针对中国高技术产业竞争优势主要是生产要素导向的现象,提出我国高技术产业竞争优势应该实行跨越式演化路径的观点。

【Abstract】 With the ending of five-year transition period of China’s WTO (World Trade Organization) membership, China will engage in international competition more and more widely, and its cost comparative advantage should be transformed to industrial competitive advantage. To form and promote industrial competitive advantage, it’s necessary to develop industry on the base of S&T (science & technology) innovation and strengthen the construction of S&T self-innovation capability.Academia, enterprisers and governments have paid more and more attentions to the relationship between S&T innovation and the formation and promotion of industrial competitive advantage. But some literatures which analyze the relationship systematically can’t be found. In this sense, this dissertation on the effect mechanism which S&T innovation on the formation and promotion of industrial competitive advantage will have important theoretical and realistic meaning.This dissertation brings together some theories and methods, such as innovation economics, industrial economics, evolutionary economics, endogenous growth theory and self-organization theory to analyze this effect mechanism systematically. After analysis, this dissertation reveals effect mechanism, sums up the experiences that developed countries and later-developing countries increase industrial competitive advantage evaluates industrial competitive advantage of China’s high-tech industry and pursue the route and solution to promote China’s high-tech industrial competitive advantage.Industry competitive advantage is triggered by S&T innovation. S&T innovation is based on S&T. Industrial competitive advantage is the advantage of specific country or specific region in specific period. The evolution of industrial competitive advantage is triggered by the formation of innovative mechanism of factors of production, the upgrading of domestic demand, more fierce competition of enterprises, the growth of relative and supporting industries.Industry innovation is the basic route of the evolution of industrial competitive advantage. Industry innovation includes industrial formation innovation, industrial organization innovation and industrial structure innovation. The process of industry innovation is the process of the formation and promotion of industrial competitive advantage. Industrial formation innovation can promote absolute competitive advantage. Industrial cluster as the new style of industrial organization innovation can increase industrial competitive advantage through cost advantage, economy of scale effect and externalities. Industry convergence which results in industrial organization innovation can also form and increase industrial competitive advantage through creating new industry, extending industrial value chain and reforming traditional industry.The evolution of industrial competitive advantage is a process of self-organization evolution which is induced by S&T innovation. The evolution of industrial competitive advantage is a process of hyper-cycle which is from industrial formation innovation, industrial organization innovation to industrial structure innovation.Lastly, this dissertation verifies the effect which S&T innovation make on the evolution of industrial competitive advantage. Taking textile industry of England, automobile industry of America and electronic industry of Japan which developed in three industry revolutions as examples, this dissertation summarizes the international experiences of the evolution of industrial competitive advantage. This dissertation sets up the evaluation model of industrial competitive advantage on the base of Solow’s exogenous growth model and Romer’s endogenous growth model. With the help of this model, this dissertation evaluates the advantage of China’s high-tech industry and its five sectors. The evaluation results show that the advantage of China’s high-tech industry is triggered by factors of production. So it’s reasonable for China’s high-tech industry to pursue the route of leap-forward evolution.


