

An Inquisition into Innovation in SMEs in Developing Countries

【作者】 PereraG.A.T.R.

【导师】 赵玉林;

【作者基本信息】 武汉理工大学 , 产业经济学, 2008, 博士


【摘要】 斯里兰卡的中小型企业数占全部工业企业数的99.21%,其就业数占全部工业企业的47.6%,因此,中小企业在斯里兰卡的经济发展中发挥重要作用。然而,斯里兰卡的中小企业发展却是不正规的和无序的。由于斯里兰卡缺乏对中小企业的研究和统计,以至于我们无法得到现成的和准确的数据,这使得以斯里兰卡为例研究发展中国家中小企业创新问题难度很大。因此,以斯里兰卡为例研究中小企业特别是更深入地研究以创新促进中小企业发展进而促进国家经济发展的规律和对策,无疑具有重要的理论和现实意义。本文集中研究了斯里兰卡中小企业缺乏创新的原因及其创新的决定因素。研究发现:决定企业创新成功的因素主要有:2个全球性环境方面的因素、6个区域性环境方面的因素、8个管理方面的因素、9个企业家方面的因素。在此基础上,对这些因素的重要程度做了进一步的深入分析。同时,本文还研究了创新与斯里兰卡中小企业成功的相关关系以及企业成功的决定要素。本文认为,除了创新以外,企业成功的主要因素还有:管理技能、营销能力、熟练劳动力、采用新技术的能力以及政府扶持等五个决定要素。本文通过问卷调查、深度访谈和随机抽样的方法,搜集了斯里兰卡西部地区(加姆珀哈,科伦坡,并卡卢特勒区)中小企业数据和资料,对所获取的613份调查问卷的数据进行定量研究,对深度调研的6个案例进行了定性分析。6个案例中有3个创新企业和三个非创新企业。在斯里兰卡,大约有44%的小企业、52%的中型企业聚集在西部地区。被调查的613个企业占西部地区中小企业的7%,占全国中小企业的3%。因此,所采用的样本具有足够的代表性。本研究还对相关的7个假设条件进行了检验。对调查数据采用判别分析法,深入分析了创新企业与非创新企业在企业内部要素和环境要素方面的差异;对两个独立的样本进行t检验和卡方检验,找出最能有效判别创新企业与非创新企业的变量,分析创新与企业成功的相关关系。案例分析基于ABC原则进行分类,其中A代表“高”,B代表“中等”,C代表“低”。研究显示,问卷调查的定量研究与案例调研的定性分析结果没有本质差异且相互支持。研究结果表明:全球性环境因素对企业创新的成功影响重大,而地域性因素对创新企业和非创新企业的影响没有什么差别:管理要素对企业创新的成功也影响较大,创新企业比非创新企业有着更有利的管理要素和企业家要素。根据判别式分析和“ABC分析”,企业内部因素对中小企业创新成功的影响比环境因素的影响更大。研究还验证了企业创新与其成功之间的正相关性,根据检验结果和案例分析,创新企业比非创新企业拥有更有利影响其成功的因素。

【Abstract】 There are around 99.21% SMEs out of total industrial establishments in the country and they provide an employment of 47.6% out of the total employment provided by the all industrial establishments in the country. This shows that SME sector is an important sector for the country’s development. Even though the situation is so, it was found that Sri Lankan SMEs sector is informal and disorganized. Unavailability of timely and reliable data in this sector is a crucial problem when carrying our research. There no much research carried out in the field of SMEs in Sri Lanka and when it comes to SMEs and innovation this situation is very serious. The researchers need to carry out much research in the field of SMEs and especially in the filed innovation to develop SMEs to contribute to the country’s development. Thus, this study will be an eye opener for policy makers and academics as well.This study focused on finding out the reasons for lack of innovations in Sri Lankan SMEs and the determinants of innovation in Sri Lankan SMEs. Two Global environmental factors, six local environmental factors, eight management related factors and nine entrepreneur related factors have been considered as the main determinants of innovation in organizations. After finding out the main determinants of innovation in Sri Lankan SMEs it has also made an effort to find out the most important factors affecting an organizational innovativeness. Subsequently, in this study it was made an attempt to find out the relationship between innovation and business success in Sri Lankan SME sector and to find out what are the determinants of business success in Sri Lankan SMEs. In addition to innovation five factors such as management skills, marketing ability, skilled labor, ability to adopt new technology and government assistance have been considered as main determinants of organizational success.Study data was collected in Western province (Gampaha, Colombo, and Kalutara districts) of Sri Lanka. Both survey and case study methods were used in this study. Self-administered questionnaire has been used to collect data for survey and Depth interview method has been used to collect data form case studies. Random sampling method was used to select the sample for survey. Six hundred and thirteen respondents were used in the survey and six case studies were use to qualitative analysis. Six case studies consist of three successful innovative and three stagnating non innovative businesses. Six hundred and thirteen businesses comprise around 7% of the total SMEs in Western province and 3% of total SMEs in the country. There are around 44% Small businesses and 52% medium businesses located in western province only. Therefore it justifies that the sample used for survey is representative. This study also tested seven hypotheses in relation to research issue. Survey data was analyzed using Discriminant Analysis, Two Independent Sample T Test, Chi-Square Test. Discriminant analysis has been used to understand the difference between innovative and non-innovative entrepreneurs in firm specific factors and environmental factors. Two Independent Sample T Test has been used to find variables that can best discriminate innovative and non-innovative entrepreneurs. Chi-Square Test has been used to see the relationship between innovation and business success. Case study data was categorized based on ABC principles. In ABC analysis A represents ’High’, B represents ’Medium’ and C represents ’Low’.There is no disparity between survey results and case study results and found to be compatible with each other. According to the study results impact of global environmental factors on innovative businesses is higher than non innovative businesses. Study results also show impact of local environmental factors is equivalent to innovative organizations and non innovative businesses. According to study results innovative businesses have favorable management related factors than non innovative businesses and impact of management related factors are higher for innovative businesses than non innovative businesses. Study results confirm that innovative businesses have favorable entrepreneur related factors than non innovative businesses. According to Discriminant analysis and ABC analysis it was found that firm specific factors found to be more important than environmental factors for a SME to be innovative. Study results also confirm that there is a positive relationship between business success and innovativeness of the business. It means that success of a business depends upon innovativeness of the business. According to study results and case study results innovative businesses have favorable other factors affecting organizational success than non innovative businesses.

  • 【分类号】F273.1;F276.3
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】838

