

The Study on the Operation System for the E-government of the Science and Technology Government Authorities in the West China

【作者】 张建

【导师】 聂规划;

【作者基本信息】 武汉理工大学 , 产业经济学, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 电子政务主要是指政府电子化、网络化、信息化的应用与过程。其中,政务是主体,电子是手段和形式。实施中主要分为两大类。一是电子与政务。它主要是通过建立虚拟政府的网络平达到政府与政府之间网络协同办公的目的,促进政府管理机制分析,并且通过数据源建设、安全保障,达到资源共享的目的,从而形成政府决策支撑系统。二是以信息化方式、面向公众的服务。如电子商务、数字社区等等。为了便于应用,本文将电子政务界定为政府信息化。随着我国经济体制从计划经济向市场经济变革,社会处于转型期,相应的政府管理模式也正从传统的行政管理转向新公共管理。这就要求政府部门在加强经济调节和市场监管的同时,要更加注重履行社会管理和公共服务的职能,逐步实现政府的治理模式从“管制型”转向“服务型”。本文认为电子政务是实现这种转变的重要载体和途径。我国的电子政务建设近几年得到了快速发展,但由于长期缺乏系统的规划,导致跨行业、跨部门的公共服务项目较少,并且缺乏实际有效的服务,电子政务信息孤岛随处可见,加上部分政府部门缺乏面向公众服务的观念,我国的电子政务建设遭遇了发展瓶颈,走入了重电子轻政务、重建设轻整合、重概念轻应用的误区。所以,本文把电子政务建设放在我国创建服务型政府的背景下,从面向公众服务的视角来研究电子政务,重新思考政府的服务模式。本研究通过对西部10个省(市、区)的调研,根据其特点,结合科技系统的实际,重点对电子政务的运行机制进行了研究。主要内容如下:第一,对研究的背景、框架和方法进行了界定,并在掌握大量相关资料的前提下对国内外相关研究成果和文献进行了综述分析和研究。第二,围绕本论文“运行机制”的研究重点,通过对电子政务理论、公共管理理论、制度经济学理论、信息经济与博弈论等相关理论的分析,为本文的研究提供了有效的理论平台。第三,对我国西部地区电子政务的发展现状进行了分析,对其特点及发展趋势进行了阐述,对其实施模式和实现途径进行了研究。第四,应用已有的理论体系对电子政务过程中的信息供求与风险机制、制度创新机制、技术创新机制、信息博弈机制和信息共享机制进行了深入研究,并就各机制之间的相关关系进行了分析。第五,对西部地区科技系统实施电子政务的激励机制进行了深入研究,重点分析了激励机制的基本原理和激励性规制所要解决的基本问题,对激励性规制的相关政策进行了分析。第六,对西部地区科技系统电子政务运行机制实施的绩效评价进行了研究。重点确立了评价指标体系、评价原则和评价模型,并结合实例进行了实证分析。本文的创新点主要体现在以下几个方面:一是提出了我国西部地区电子政务的五大运行机制;二是设计了西部地区电子政务实施的激励机制;三是构建了西部地区电子政务运行绩效评价模型;四是提出了我国西部地区电子政务发展的对策建议。

【Abstract】 E-government refers to application and procedure of electronic, networking, and informatization of the government. The main part is the governance, and the electric part is the measurements and forms. In the view of its implementation, there are two divisions. One is the computerizing and government affairs, which are represented by the government policy-making supporting system. It aims at network coordination office among different levels of governments which covers virtual network platform and office automation system to improve the innovation of government management system, also by the measurements of data source construction, sharing and security etc. The other part is the use of information technology to exchange information technology to exchange information and services with citizens, like e-commerce, digital community, etc. For the convenience of application, we briefly call the e-government as government informatization.With the development of the economic system in our country from planned economy to market economy, the society is undergoing the process of type changing. Accordingly, the government’s administrative mode is also changing from the traditional administrative management to the new type public administration and community services. So the government departments are required to strengthen the economic adjustment and market supervision, meanwhile we need to put more emphases on performing the function of social management and community services, and gradually change the government’s administrative mode from "control type" to service type". This article holds the opinion that the essence of E-Government is the government’s innovation of service, which is the important carrier and approach of establishing service type government and realizing the transformation of government’s function.The building of the E-government in our country has developed fast these years. The infrastructure to execute E-government and the building of network platform are both mature and some effects have been seen in the application of some upright vocations such as "twelve golden project". On the other hand, the building of the E-government in our country has met the bottleneck in the development. Because of the lack of long-term system planning, the community service items of mufti-industry and mufti-department are less. For the lack of actual effective service, E-government has turned off to the concept sensationalized by IT manufacturers, and information silos are seen everywhere. Moreover, some government departments are devoid of service concept, the huge invested "E-government project" has become to the visual project which lack actual applied value. The E-government in our country has stepped to the mistaken area which pay more attention on electron than on government administer, more on building than on conformity more on concept than on application.Based on the investigation in 10 western provinces, along with the characteristics and practices of scientific system in western China, this dissertation research the operation mechanism of E-government. Its main content includes as follow:Firstly, to the research background, the frame and the method has carried on the limits, and has carried on the summary analysis and the research in under the massive grasping correlation data premise to the domestic and foreign correlation research results and the literature.Secondiy,according to the key point "operating mechanism" of this paper, through to the electronic government affairs theory, the public management theory, the system economic theory, the information economy and the game theory and so on the correlation theories analysis, has provided the effective theory platform for this article research.Thirdly, the western area electron government affairs development present situation has carried on the analysis to our country, the western area electron government affairs characteristic and the trend of development has carried on the elaboration to our country, has conducted the research to the electronic government affairs implementation pattern and the realization way.Fourth, the application had the theory system to in the electronic government affairs process information supply and demand and the risk mechanism, the system innovation mechanism, the technological innovation mechanism, the information gambling mechanism and the information sharing mechanism has conducted the thorough research, and has carried on the analysis on various mechanisms between co-relational dependence.Fifthly, has conducted the thorough research to the western area science and technology system implementation electron government affairs drive mechanism, has with emphasis analyzed the basic question which the drive mechanism basic principle and the excitability rules and regulations need to solve, has carried on the analysis to the excitability rules and regulations related policy.Sixthly, conducts the research to the western area science and technology system electron government affairs operational mechanism implementation achievements appraisal. Has analyzed the appraisal target system, the appraisal principle and the appraisal model with emphasis, and unified the example to cany on the real diagnosis analysis.This dissertation’s innovation mainly manifests in following several aspects: Firstly, proposed the western region e-government five operational mechanism; Secondly, has designed the drive mechanism of the western region e-government implement; Thirdly, has constructed the western region e-government movement achievements appraisal model; Fourly, proposed the western region e-government developing countermeasure suggestion.

  • 【分类号】G322.7;D630
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】651
  • 攻读期成果

