

Movement Analysis and Structural Parameter Optimization for Valve Slices in Air Compressor

【作者】 柯常忠

【导师】 杨明忠;

【作者基本信息】 武汉理工大学 , 机械设计及理论, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 汽车空压机的研究有助于空压机部件与汽车整车系统的合理匹配,从而保证其稳定性与效率。气阀是空压机的最重要的部件之一,气阀的设计合理与否会直接影响空压机整机工作的可靠性和经济性。因此对气阀运动分析是空压机研究中极其重要的一环。本文在研究空压机气阀工作原理的基础上,重点分析了簧片阀的结构、工作过程及影响因素。在上述深入研究的基础上,通过建立空压机气阀运动的数学模型,进气过程流量、排气过程流量、簧片阀运动和进排气簧片阀工作过程的微分方程组,揭示气阀的运动规律;并运用有限元法和Ansys软件探讨对簧片阀运动的数学模型的求解方法。对空压机簧片阀阀片进行受力分析,并进行相应边界条件的处理;结合相关实验数据,完成了进排气阀片的有限元分析。通过对空压机气阀阀片的固有频率与振型、阀片工作状况的测试、试验和分析,在得到该进、排气阀片的固有频率、振型的基础上,通过空压机整机试验,对阀片的运动参数进行了测量,并得到阀片的工作特性;将整机试验结果与理论分析计算进行了对比分析研究,验证上述空压机气阀理论计算的合理性。从数学建模入手,分析影响空压机容积效率的因素,对空压机容积效率进行了理论计算,将空压机容积效率理论分析结果与实验结果进行对比分析,并探讨影响空压机容积效率的因素,为簧片阀的优化设计提供相应的依据。在上述理论计算和实验分析的基础上,采用COSMOSWorkS软件对空压机的阀片进行了结构优化分析,为改善空压机的整机性能提供了理论依据,而且通过实际工程应用表明,在提高空压机气阀性能和容积效率方面取得了较为满意的应用成果。

【Abstract】 To guarantee the stability and efficiency of the car, the research of the air compressor is very important for reasonable matching of the air compressor and whole car system. Air valve is one of key parts in the air compressor. Whether the design of air valve is reasonable or not will directly influence the volumetric efficiency and working reliability of the air compressor. The research on the operating principle is the most important field for the air compressor.Based on the study of the operating principle of the valve slice in the air compressor, the author analyzed the structure, the work process and the influential factors of the valve slice. On the foundation of the above-mentioned thorough research, the movement mathematics model of the valve slice in the air compressor is established. The differential equations of the intake process flow, the exhaust flow, the movement and operation for intake and exhaust valves are also presented. They have discovered the movement principle of the valve slice in the air compressor. Then, by means of the limited unites method and Ansys software, it is revealed to solve the movement mathematics model for the valve slice in the air compressor.The dynamic analysis and treatment of the boundary conditions for the valve slice in the air compressor are accomplished. According to related experimental data, the transient dynamics modules are analyzed for intake and exhaust valves.From the experiment and analysis for the natural frequency, oscillation, working condition of the valve slice in the air compressor, the author has got the natural frequency and oscillation of the valve slice. By means of experiments for the whole air compressor, the movement parameters of the valve slice are measured and the operating characteristics obtained. Making the comparison between the results of compressor experiments and its theories calculations, the reasonable theoretical calculation has been proved.The dynamics mathematics modules are established, the influential factors for the compressor volumetric efficiency analyzed, and the compressor volumetric efficiency calculated theoretically also. The author has compared the experimental results with the theory analysis of the volumetric efficiency for the air compressor, and explored the influential factors for the volumetric efficiency of the compressor. They will be the corresponding foundation for the optimized design of the valve slices.Based on the above-mentioned theoretical calculation and experiment analysis, the author has optimized the structure of the compressor by means of the software COSMOSWorks, and got satisfactory results to improve the performance of the valve slices and the volumetric efficiency of the air compressor.

  • 【分类号】TH45
  • 【被引频次】10
  • 【下载频次】792

