

Theoretical and Empirical Research on the Human Capital Value in High-tech Enterprise

【作者】 曹学

【导师】 秦远建;

【作者基本信息】 武汉理工大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 在高科技企业蓬勃发展过程中,人力资本已经超越了物质资本和金融资本,成为高科技企业成长和发展最重要的资本形式。高科技企业存在和发展的根本原因在于企业持续的创新能力,持续创新能力也是高科技企业的基本价值增长要素,而高科技企业持续创新能力的源泉正是来自于高科技企业的人力资本。高科技企业只有充分认识到人力资本对企业的重要性,理解人力资本价值产生、发展、实现的原理,建立以人为本的企业文化,才能对其人力资本进行有效激励和科学管理,才能有效避免和化解在企业经营中的巨大风险,从而使企业走向成功。基于此,本文在进行价值理论、企业理论和人力资本理论等理论基础的梳理后,从人力资本价值形成、价值投资与整合、价值增值与价值实现几个方面系统研究了高科技企业人力资本价值产生、发展和实现的基本理论,通过实证研究揭示了高科技企业人力资本价值运营与企业绩效的相关关系,从而为高科技企业进一步经营人力资本价值提供借鉴。本文共分八章。第1章导论。介绍课题研究的背景与意义,对国内外相关理论研究进行了归纳总结和评述,在此基础上拟定全文分析框架、研究思路与方法。第2章企业人力资本价值研究的理论基础。分析总结了企业人力资本价值研究的理论基础,包括价值理论、企业理论和人力资本理论。第3章高科技企业人力资本价值形成及其影响因素。提出了高科技企业人力资本价值定义并进行了分类;从博弈论的研究分析了高科技企业人力资本价值重要性的凸现;提出了高科技企业人力资本价值形成的六大原理,并从个体和整体两个层面阐述了企业人力资本价值形成的基本原理;从宏观经济与政策、家庭与个人因素及企业因素三个角度分析了人力资本价值形成的影响因素。第4章高科技企业人力资本价值的投资与整合。高科技企业人力资本投资主要包括人力资本引进等初始投入、继续学习投入和人力资本价值整合投入三个方面。本章分析了高科技企业人力资本价值投资的基本途径,提出了基于人-组织匹配和成本-预期效益平衡的人力资本引进投资决策框架,并就人力资本引进中的逆向选择及其规避进行了阐释;以企业培训为例分析了企业对人力资本的继续学习投资及博弈过程。高科技企业人力资本价值整合的中心是基于不同层次人力资本价值的转化与互动,构建了高科技企业人力资本价值整合的过程模型,指出人力资本价值整合需要从个体人力资本层面、团队人力资本层面和组织人力资本层面进行推进,提出了高科技企业人力资本价值整合的途径:推进全面人力资本价值管理、营造知识共享环境、打造学习型组织。第5章高科技企业人力资本价值的增值。分析了高科技企业人力资本价值增值的实质,阐述了人力资本价值增值的动力因素;构建了高科技企业人力资本价值增值的动力-战略-策略模型,并提出了基于学习强化、责任感提升、创新精神培育、个体受益增值的高科技企业人力资本价值增值模式;提出了人力资本价值增值管理的概念并构建了高科技企业人力资本价值管理的框架模型。第6章高科技企业人力资本价值的实现。从知识的角度构建了高科技企业人力资本价值实现的过程模型,构建了基于知识共享与转移、基于内部知识市场、基于知识创新的人力资本价值实现机制;构建了基于知识的企业人力资本向组织资本转化的模型,并分析了个体层面和群体层面的转化策略。第7章高科技企业人力资本价值及运营实证研究。本章是论文研究的实证部分。通过问卷调查,分析了高科技企业人力资本的基本状况、高科技企业人力资本引进状况、人力资本培训状况、人力资本流动状况与人力资本价值整合状况。建立了企业人力资本运作对企业绩效影响的概念模型,并运用SPSS13.0和AMOS4.0完成了统计分析,研究表明,企业人力资本运营对高科技企业绩效的提升作用显著,但不同的运营策略的影响程度存在差异。第8章全文总结与研究展望。本文的主要创新点有:第一,界定了高科技企业人力资本价值整合的内涵,构建了高科技企业人力资本价值整合的过程模型,提出了高科技企业人力资本价值整合的途径。第二,构建了高科技企业人力资本价值增值的动力-战略-策略模型;第三,构建了基于知识的企业人力资本向组织资本转化模型;第四,建立了高科技企业人力资本运营与企业绩效之间的结构方程模型,运用SPSS13.0和AMOS4.0进行了实证分析,分析结果表明高科技企业人力资本运营对企业绩效的四个维度(财务维度、成长维度、形象维度和员工维度)具有积极的正向作用,但是结果也表明,不同的人力资本运营策略对企业绩效的促进程度存在差异。本文的主要研究方法是定性与定量研究和规范研究与实证研究相结合的方法。既从理论上分析提出了人力资本价值投资、整合、增值及实现等问题,也通过现场访谈和问卷进行了实证研究,更运用SPSS13.0和AMOS4.0软件进行了实证分析建模。

【Abstract】 In the rapid development of high-tech enterprises, superior to material capital and financial capital, human capital has become the most significant resources in the growth and development of high-tech enterprises. Innovative capabilities take the engine role in high-tech enterprise’ existence and sustainable development, and also are the essential determinants of high-tech enterprises’ value creation. And human capital is precisely the origin of high-tech enterprises’ sustainable innovative capabilities.Only by fully understanding the importance of human capital, comprehending the rationales related with the formation, development and realization of human capital value, and establishing human-oriented corporate culture, could the high-tech enterprises take effective stimulations and scientific management towards human capital. And then the tremendous risks in the business operation could get avoided or dispelled. Taking the value theory, firm theory and human capital theory as the theoretical backgrounds, the dissertation studies the basic principles existed in the formation, development and realization of human capital value from the aspects of the formation mechanism, the investment and integration, and value appreciation. Empirical research reveals the relationship between the human capital value operation and enterprise performance in high-tech industry, and delivers useful references which benefit further management of human capital value.This dissertation is divided into eight chapters.The first chapter is the introduction, which introduces the background and significances of the research work, implements literature review, proposes the research framework, research contents and methodologies.The second chapter elaborates the theoretical foundation of human capital value research, including value theory, firm theory and human capital theory.The third chapter analyses the formation and influencing factors of human capital value in high-tech enterprises. The definition and classification of human capital value of high-tech enterprises is presented, the importance of human capital value is analyzed based on game theory, the six principles in the formation of human capital value is proposed, both personal level and collective level of human capital value formation is expatiated, and the influencing factors of human capital value formation are discussed from the macro-economic and policy aspect, the family and personal aspect and firm aspect.The fourth chapter studies the investment and integration of human capital value in high-tech enterprises. Human capital investment in high-tech enterprises is composed of initial investment, learning investment and integration investment. This chapter analyzes the main approaches of human capital value investment, proposes the investment decision framework of human capital recruiting based on the perspective of individual-organization match and the expected revenue-cost balance, explains the adverse selection and the avoidance of that in the human capital recruiting, and then analyzes the game process of further learning investment of human capital taking the example of corporate training. The core of human capital value integration is based on the transferring and interaction among different units. The integration process model of human capital value is proposed, and the process of integration is passed through individual human capital, team human capital and organizational human capital. And three approaches of integrating human capital value is advanced, namely, boosting comprehensive human capital value management, creating knowledge-sharing environment, and building learning organization.The fifth chapter investigates the value appreciation of human capital. The dynamic factors of human capital value appreciation are presented, and the "driving force-strategy-tactics" model of human capital value appreciation is proposed. The author advances four modes to realize value appreciation: learning strengthening, responsibility promoting, innovative spirit nurturing and the increase of expected individual revenue; and then presents the human capital value management framework in high-tech enterprises.The sixth chapter researches into the realization of the human capital value. The realization process model is proposed from knowledge perspective; the realization mechanism of human capital value is put forward based on knowledge sharing and transferring, internal knowledge market and knowledge innovation; the model of knowledge-based transfer of human capital into organizational capital is established; and the transferring tactics between individual level and group level is analyzed.The seventh chapter presents empirical research of human capital value operation in Chinese high-tech enterprises. Through questionnaire investigation, the chapter analyzes the basic situations of human capital in Chinese high-tech enterprises, including recruiting, training, flowing and integration. Then the author constitutes notional model to show the effect of human capital operation on corporate performance, and carries out statistical analysis with the help of the software SPSS13.0 and AMOS4.0. The result shows that the operation of human capital is positively related with the performance improving of high-tech enterprises. However, influence diversity exists concerning different operation tactics. The eighth chapter is the conclusion and research prospect.The main innovative points of the dissertation includes: (1) proposing the connotation of human capital value integration, constructing the human capital value integration process model, and advancing the ways of human capital value integration; (2) constructing the "driving force-strategy-tactics" model of human capital value appreciation;(3) presenting the model of knowledge-based transferring of human capital into organizational capital; (4) constructing structural equation model (SEM) to research into the relationship between corporate performance and human capital operation, and carries out empirical analysis using SPSS13.0 and AMOS4.0 .The conclusion shows that the operation of human capital value has positive influence on the four dimensions of corporate performance (financial dimension, growth dimension, image dimension and staff dimension), and different operation tactics of human capital value has different influences.The dissertation combines qualitative and quantitative research, which presents the investment, integration and realization of human capital value through theoretical research, and also carries out empirical research through interviews and questionnaires. Furthermore, the dissertation constructs SEM to testify the theory through using SPSS13.0 and AMOS4.0 software.

  • 【分类号】F272.92;F224
  • 【被引频次】21
  • 【下载频次】1731
  • 攻读期成果

