

Study on Optimization of Traffic Organization during Expressway Expanding Construction

【作者】 宋学文

【导师】 张培林;

【作者基本信息】 武汉理工大学 , 交通运输规划与管理, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 近年来,高速公路扩建已成为我国公路工程建设中的一个热点,它是道路扩容一种主要方式。交通流组织是高速公路扩建过程中的一项重要工作,其涉及到社会经济发展、施工组织、交通运营管理等多个方面。交通流组织效果直接影响到扩建施工质量和进度,因此它既是一个难点问题,也是一个亟待解决的问题。本文以高速公路扩建期交通流组织为对象,开展优化研究,应用系统分析的方法,在分析高速公路扩建期交通流组织影响因素的基础上,从点(施工关键点)、线(基本路段)、面(公路网)三个层次来整体优化交通流组织,以达到高速公路扩建期交通流组织方案合理、可行和利益兼顾的目的。本文以高速公路扩建期点、线、面的交通流组织为主线展开,主要研究内容如下:1.界定了高速公路扩建期交通流组织的影响因素;分析了宏观因素、公路网、施工组织方案、交通量、道路通行能力等因素的影响机理;研究了不同扩建方式下的不同施工组织方案的类型及其优缺点;提出了近期交通量和实时交通量预测方法;归纳出不同施工组织方案情况下的道路通行能力计算方法。2.分析了面层即基于公路网布局的交通流组织的作用及其关键问题;归纳出交通流组织方法,即刚性分流和柔性分流方法,并对交通流组织方法选择行为进行博弈分析;在评价刚性分流和柔性分流效果时,基于弹性需求下随机用户均衡模型和双层规划模型,建立刚性分流模型和柔性分流模型,并给出解法。3.分析了线层交通流组织的作用及其关键问题;确定了施工组织方案选择的原则;基于不同的路段施工组织方案给出了相应的交通流组织方案;应用Vissim交通仿真软件,确定了高速公路扩建施工期大型车比例对道路通行能力的影响、中央分隔带开口长度和限速标准、施工基本路段长度和限速标准等关键技术参数。4.分析了点层交通流组织的作用及其关键问题,提出了基于周期变化特性的自适应过滤法用以预测实时交通量;基于桥梁、立交、服务区、收费站等不同的扩建施工方案,给出了相应的交通流组织方案。

【Abstract】 In recent years, expressway expanding construction (EEC) is a hot spot of highway projects in China, it is a major mode to increase highway capacity. Traffic organization is an important work during EEC, which includes many fields such as social and economic development, construction organization and traffic operation organization etc. The effect of traffic organization directly affects the quality and schedule of expanding construction, so traffic organization is a problem not only to difficultly be sloved but also to urgently be solved. The paper has traffic organization during EEC as the object of study and takes system analysis as the method of study to make optimization research. Based on analyzing affecting factors of traffic organization of EEC, the traffic organization is entirely optimized from three levels that are point level (key point of construction), line level (basic section of highway) and surface level (highway network), which aims to make traffic organization plans reasonable, practical and take into account every aspect.The paper regards the point, line and surface of traffic organization of EEC as train of thought, the main content includes as follows:1. Ascertaining affecting factors of traffic organization during EEC; analyzing affecting mechanism of the factors including macroscopic factors, highway network, construction organization plans, traffic volume and traffic capacity; studying different types of construction organization plans under different ways of expanding construction and their advantages & shortcomings; putting forward forecasting methods of short-term traffic volume and real-time traffic volume; inducing calculating methods of traffic capacity under different plans of construction organization.2. Analyzing the roles and key problems of traffic organization of surface level, which is based on layout of highway network; inducing methods of traffic organization such as restricted divergence and flexible divergence, applying Game Theory to analyzing choice behavior of traffic organization methods; based on the model of stochastic user equilibrium traffic assignment with elastic demand and bi-level programming model, establishing restricted divergence model and flexible divergence model to respectively estimate the effect of restricted divergence and flexible divergence, and putting forward the algorithms.3. Analyzing the roles and key problems of traffic organization of line level; ascertaining principles of choosing construction organization plans; putting forward the corresponding plans of traffic organization based on different construction organization plans of section of highway; applying VISSIM to ascertaining the key technical parameters including the effect of large vehicle scale on traffic capacity during EEC, the open length and the standard of speed limit of central isolation belt, the length and the standard of speed limit of basic section of construction.4. Analyzing the roles and key problems of traffic organization of point level; putting forward adaptive filtering algorithm based on the characteristic of periodic change to forecast real-time traffic volume; advancing corresponding plans of traffic organization based on different construction organization plans of bridges, interchanges. expressway service area, tollgates.


