

Study on the Control System for Hydraulic Hybrid Vehicle

【作者】 易纲

【导师】 常思勤;

【作者基本信息】 南京理工大学 , 车辆工程, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 本文以一种基于定压网络液压马达控制系统的液驱混合动力车辆为研究对象,开展了控制系统的研究。这些研究都是围绕样车的研制与控制系统的开发展开的:一、研究了控制系统技术方案,并进行了系统分析。首先,针对液驱混合动力车辆的两种实现技术方案,经过比较和分析,采用了后驱技术方案。该方案利用双向变量马达驱动车辆后轴的方式,实现车辆驱动/制动工况的一体化控制,动力源部分通过发动机、变量泵和液压蓄能器的组合来实现;其次,在样车技术方案的基础上,探讨了控制系统的体系结构。根据一体化集成控制、分布式处理的思想,将整个控制系统分为物理器件控制层和决策层,并通过CAN总线将它们有机地结合起来;最后,对液驱混合动力车辆进行了系统分析。根据控制系统参数管理方案,分析了控制对象及其参数,明确了各控制单元的具体任务。在此基础上,对样车开展了控制原理分析,初步确定了车辆各部分的控制策略。二、研究了液驱混合动力车辆的驱动/制动一体化控制策略。车辆的驱动和制动工况都可通过双向变量马达的排量调节来实现。因此,结合车辆动力学特性和定压网络调节技术形成了驱动/制动一体化控制:将滑转率/滑移率嵌入到一体化控制策略中,利用滑转率/滑移率控制限制马达的输出转矩,而速度控制满足驾驶员的期望车速命令要求,并在此基础上提出了符合实际的制动力分配策略。三、对整车的能量管理策略进行了探讨。将预测信息加入到决策过程中,利用液压系统压力、车辆当前负载和预测负载信息作为能量管理策略的依据。其中,信息的预测采用了基于T-S模糊模型的自适应算法以及Elman神经网络来实现。四、进行了控制系统设计。控制系统硬件实现采用了“核心控制单元+外围电路”的结构形式,软件设计则利用C和汇编语言混合编程的方式实现了DSP嵌入式软件编程。五、研制了基于CAN总线的计算机监控系统。通过方案对比的方式,选用了基于CAN总线的监控系统方案作为液驱混合动力车辆控制系统的主要开发手段。在监控系统的实现过程中,涉及到硬件和软件两大部分。其中,硬件部分由计算机、控制单元以及CAN-Bus两路分析仪组成;软件部分包括DSP嵌入式通信软件和基于C++Builder的计算机监控软件。六、研制了液驱混合动力车辆样车,并进行了控制系统的调试。将现代电子控制系统的开发技术融入到控制系统的开发过程中。根据现有条件,控制系统的开发采用了物理器件控制层控制单元实车空载调试、决策层主控单元处理器在环仿真调试以及实车试验的开发方式。根据上述研究和所开发的系统,进行了一系列调试和试验。结果验证了控制系统的正确性,并取得了令人满意的结果。

【Abstract】 The study on the control system for hydraulic hybrid vehicle (HHV) based on hydrostatic transmission was presented in this dissertation. The research was performed in the process of building prototype vehicle of HHV.1. The control system scheme for HHV was studied and analysised. Firstly, Rear axle drive/brake scheme for HHV was picked out after scheme comparsion, in which, the hydraulic variable motor (HVM) connecting rear axle made HHV has the ability to integrate drive and braking. Meanwhile, engine, hydraulic variable pump and hydraulic accumulator composed Power Source of HHV. Secondly, the scheme of control system was studied. Based on the idea of integrate control and distribuated process, control system scheme was determined, which included Execution-Level, PS Electronic Control Unit (ECU) and Drive/Brake ECU, and Decision-Level, Master ECU. Moreover, they communciated each other by CAN bus. Thirdly, System analysis was carried out based on the control system for HHV, include analysising the plant and its parameters, idetitifiing the task of each ECU, and performing control strategy analysis, to obtain the initial control strategy.2. The drive/brake integrated control strategy was studied based on the fact that HVM could perform drive and braking by adjusting it displacement. By combining vehicle longitudinal dynamical and HVM control technology, the integrated strategy was estabilished: the skip/skid controller was to limite the torque produced by HVM, while speed controller was to meet driver’s speed requirement. Finally, a more realistic braking control strategy was presented based on it.3. The energy management, using predictive information, was studied. By combining system pressure of hydrostatic transmission, vehicle load and predictive vehicle load, the energy management had the ability to achieve better fuel performance for HHV, in which, predictive information could obtain by using T-S fuzzy adaptive algorithm and Elman neural network.4. The design and Implementation of the control system. Based on the idea of combining core unit and peripheral circuit to implemente ECU hardware, while the software was accomplished by using C and assemble language.5. The design and Implementation of the monitor system based on the CAN-bus. By comparing three schemes, monitor system using CAN-bus was picked out, which had hardware and software. Computer and CAN-bus analysis instrument composed the hardware, while the software included DSP embedded software and monitor software based on the C ++ Builder.6. The prototype vehicle was built up, and some control system tests were arried out. Modern technology on the development of electronic control system, such as hardware-in-the-loop, was adopted to accelerate the development of control system for HHV.


