

Study on the Method Evaluating the Launch Safety for Gun Propellant Charge

【作者】 贠来峰

【导师】 芮筱亭;

【作者基本信息】 南京理工大学 , 兵器发射理论与技术, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 发射装药发射安全性问题严重制约了现代火炮性能的提高,已成为武器专家和力学家关注的世界性难题。我国至今无法评定发射装药的发射安全性。本文旨在获得发射装药发射安全性判据,并以此为基础建立发射安全性评定方法,为科学评价发射装药的发射安全性提供理论依据和试验方法。主要研究内容如下:1)利用DCD格式,建立了内弹道两相流动力学计算新方法,无须人为附加粘性和人工滤波,无须对气相和固相采用不同的格式,更为准确地数值仿真了发射药床破碎程度对发射安全性的影响。2)研究了发射装药引起膛炸机理,讨论了对压力波及其感度试验规程的新认识,基于发射药床破碎程度的发射装药发射安全性评定方法是该领域的发展方向。3)通过引入起始动态活度比的概念,建立了表征发射药破碎程度的方法,该方法的正确性和可行性得到了理论与试验验证。并符合计算了破碎发射药床的发射药形状特征量。4)取得了低温发射药床挤压破碎物理仿真技术突破,利用建立的物理仿真系统和大量试验结果,获得了发射药床破碎程度与挤压应力之间的定量关系。5)提出了基于物理仿真的发射装药发射安全性判据和评定方法,试验表明该方法实用、有效。6)应用该判据和评定方法,分析了某平衡炮系统内弹道性能及发射安全性隐患,提出了改进结构设计的措施。本文所形成的理论和技术为建立发射装药发射安全性鉴定试验方法提供了依据,为确保火炮弹药类武器装备的使用安全性和提高现代火炮弹药的性能提供了新的理论基础和技术支撑。

【Abstract】 Launch safety problem of gun propellant charge badly restricts to improve the performances of modern gun, has already become to a worldwide difficulty that are paid attention by weapon experts and dynamicists. Up to the present, launch safety of gun propellant charge can not be evaluated in our country. In order to provide theoretical foundation and test method to identifying launch safety for gun propellant charge scientifically, this paper focuses on obtaining the criterion for launch safety of gun propellant charge, and based on which, founding a method evaluating launch safety for gun propellant charge. The main contents are as follows:1) The DCD scheme is successfully applied to develop a new computational method on two-phase-flow interior ballistics, it need not factitious viscidity or filtering, also need not two different schemes for two phases, gas and solid respectively. The influence of fracture degree of propellant bed on the launch safety is simulated more exactly with numerical method.2) The mechanism causing launch safety problems of gun propellant charge is studied. Some new understanding to safety procedure based on sensitivity tests of pressure wave is discussed also. The evaluation procedure for launch safety of gun propellant charge based on the fracture degree of propellant bed should be developed in the field.3) The concept of relative initial dynamic vivacity is developped, a new method for describing fracture degree of propellant is developed, and its correctness and feasibility are validated by computation and test results respectively. The shape characteristic parameters of fracture propellant are acquired with computational method.4) The technology breakthrough of physical simulation for compression and fracture of propellant bed in low temperature is achieved. The quantitative relation between fracture degree of propellant bed and compression stress is established with invented physical simulation system and plenty of test results.5) Based on series physical simulation, the criterion and evaluation methd for launch safety of gun propellant charge are put forward. Tests show that the method is applied and effective.6) Applied the criterion and evaluation method, interior ballistic performance of an equilibrium launcher and its deficiency in launch safety are analyzed, the measure to improve its design is pointed out.The study results on theory and technology will provide a foundation to build a new identifying test method for launch safety of gun propellant charge, and provide theoretic basis and technology support to ensure the using safety of weapon equipment of gun and ammunition and to improve the performances of modern gun and ammunition.


