

Study on Key Techniques of φ300mm Phase-shifting Interferometer

【作者】 武旭华

【导师】 陈磊;

【作者基本信息】 南京理工大学 , 光学工程, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 大口径光学系统的广泛应用要求发展与之精度相适应的检测方法和仪器,对大口径移相干涉仪的需求与日俱增。论文以研制的国内首台φ300mm斐索卧式移相干涉仪和国内首台φ300mm斐索立式移相干涉仪为研究对象,研究以压电陶瓷实现移相为代表的大口径干涉仪所包含的技术难点,主要包括以下六大关键技术:移相器在线测试、大口径平晶的支撑技术、大口径平晶的绝对校准、动态波面测试、大口径波面测试技术、大口径移相干涉仪系统传递函数的测试,为大口径光学系统测量的发展研制更大口径的干涉仪进行理论基础研究和关键技术储备。论文主要开展了如下工作:采用迭代法求解超定非线性方程组的方法成功实现了PZT的在线精确标定;对大型干涉仪参考镜的支承方式进行了优化设计,并据此指导加工,成功建立了基于移相式数字平面干涉仪的大孔径、高精度液面绝对基准,将有限元分析结果用实验进一步验证;研究了处理静态载频干涉图的莫尔技术,并将其成功应用于动态波面的测量;研究了一种简捷、高精度的大口径波面测试方法.五棱镜扫描法,实现了大口径准直光束波前质量检测,保证了干涉仪检测光学器件的精度;采用与Zygo结果比对的方式分别验证了干涉图分析的莫尔技术和五棱镜扫描法的可行性;研究评价参数.功率谱密度,建立了标定干涉仪频率响应函数的数学模型,制作了台阶位相板,采用位相比较法对Zygo干涉仪的系统传递函数进行测试,分析了各种误差源对干涉仪频率响应函数标定结果的影响。

【Abstract】 The rapid development of large-aperture optical systems brings an urgent and high demand for phase-shifting interferometer with large-aperture. The key techniques of large-aperture phase-shifting interferometer via PZT are discussed, including: on-line calibration of PZT, supporting scheme for the large-aperture reference mirror, absolute test of large-aperture flat, test of dynamic phase, of large-aperture collimated wavefront and of the interferometer’s frequency response function. Theoretical simulation and experimental measurement have been done for developing larger-aperture phase-shifting interferometers. The main research work in the dissertation is as follows. An improved algorithm is adopted for on-line precise calibration of phase-shifter, which is based on the convergent iterative method for solving nonlinear and transcendental equation; In order to find an optimal supporting scheme for the large-aperture reference mirror, different supports are modeled and analyzed by means of finite element method. According to the design result, a certain allowance should be given for deformation when polishing mirror blank; Absolute liquid reference for phase-shifting interferometer with large-aperture and high-accuracy is set for measuring surface of the reference mirror under laboratory environment, with results showing that the structural design of the mirror meets technical requirements very well; For evaluating dynamic phase, a novel method for static interferogram analysis, based on virtual grating technique, phase-shifting interferometry and moire technique, is introduced and analyzed; A simple and convenient method named pentaprism scanning method is presented for measuring large beam collimation, which is founded on one-dimensional slope wavefront measuring principle. The feasibility of interferogram analysis with moire methods and the pentaprism scanning method are achieved by comparing test results respectively with ZYGO’s; After the power spectral density (PSD) is introduced as an estimated parameter, the mathematic model for calibrating interferometer’s frequency response function is constructed. The calibration method with a step sample is pointed out and experiment is done on ZYGO. Experimental data and curves are also given and error sources are systemically analyzed in the end.


