

Research on the Tumor-associated Genes in the Development of Primary Liver Cancer

【作者】 刘悦芳

【导师】 冯振卿; 张建平;

【作者基本信息】 南京医科大学 , 病理学与病理生理学, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 原发性肝癌在世界范围内属于常见肿瘤,主要发生于亚洲和撒哈拉以南非洲地区,其中约半数发生于中国。肝癌预后很差,即使根治术后5年生存率仅17%-53%,而且复发率很高。每年新发病例数与同年死亡病例数接近。造成肝癌预后差的原因主要有两个:其一是肝癌对常规的化疗几乎无效;其二是现有的肝癌早期诊断指标存在不足,超过80%的患者就诊时处于进展期或失去手术切除机会。肝癌是多基因参与、多步骤发生的过程。但是目前对肝癌发生、发展中参与基因的了解还很有限,研究肝癌发生、发展的相关基因对阐明肝癌发生的分子机制具有非常重要的意义,对肝癌发生相关基因的深入了解能够为寻找潜在的早期诊断和预后标记及筛选治疗靶点提供有用的信息和依据。在本课题中,我们使用抑制性差减杂交结合芯片方法鉴定人肝细胞肝癌相关基因,鉴于对人体肝癌研究只能针对某一阶段,而对动物肝癌模型的研究可以系统分析肝癌发生、发展过程中的全基因组表达谱改变,因此,我们使用二乙基亚硝胺诱导方法建立了大鼠肝癌模型,结合Affymetrix基因芯片技术得到了模型大鼠从肝硬化至肝转移阶段的差异表达基因谱。在上述工作基础上,本研究从中选取了一条在四个阶段都高表达的基因(Fn14)进行了在肝癌细胞中的功能初步探讨,得到了一些有意义的结果。第一部分抑制性差减杂交结合cDNA芯片方法筛选人肝细胞肝癌相关基因原发性肝细胞肝癌(HCC)的分子遗传学背景目前并不完全清楚。在本课题中,我们使用抑制性差减杂交方法(SSH)结合cDNA芯片分析技术分离和鉴定肝细胞肝癌中的差异基因表达谱,鉴定肝癌组织与癌旁非肿瘤组织差异表达已知基因45条,其中26条为肝癌组织表达上调基因,19条为肝癌组织表达下调基因。这些已知基因表达产物呈现广泛的生物学功能,参与众多生物学过程,诸如蛋白质的转录和生物合成、脂质和蛋白质的代谢、细胞增殖、信号传导等。此外,还发现参与丙酮醛解毒的谷胱甘肽结合蛋白GLO1表达增高以及上调前列腺素E(2)合成的酶PLA2G10在肝癌组织中表达上调。在肝癌组织中发现的下调基因中大多数合成肝脏特异性蛋白(纤维蛋白原、补体、淀粉样蛋白、白蛋白、触珠蛋白、血红素蛋白和α-酸性粘蛋白)。参与生物转化的细胞色素家族成员在肝癌组织中表达下调。一些基因编码产物是酶如醇脱氢酶(ADH1C)、醛脱氢酶(ALDH6A1)、醛缩酶(ALDOB)、精氨酸酶(Arginase)和酯酶(CES1)。同时,我们也分离到锌转运体(Zip14)和功能未知基因ZBTB11(zinc fingerand BTB domain containing 11)在肝癌组织中表达下调。在肝癌组织中有7条未知EST与数据库中序列没有同源性。通过应用SSH结合cDNA芯片技术我们分离鉴定了一些肝癌相关基因,其中一些既往没有相关报道。对这些基因的深入研究为了解肝癌发生发展分子机制提供有用的信息。第二部分大鼠肝癌模型发生过程中全基因表达谱的分析为了系统分析肝癌发生、发展过程中全基因表达谱改变,了解其中起重要作用的基因,应用DEN诱导方法建立了大鼠肝癌模型,大鼠模型肝脏病变经过肝脏非特异性损伤、肝脏纤维化和硬化、异型增生结节和肝癌形成和转移阶段。选取正常大鼠肝组织、肝硬化组织(诱癌第12周)、异型增生结节(第14周)、肝癌结节(第16周)以及肺转移大鼠的肝癌组织(第20周)进行Affymetrix基因芯片检测。差异基因表达谱结果显示,肝硬化组织(12周)上调基因681个,下调基因687个;异型增生结节(14周)上调基因857个,下调基因732个;肝癌结节(16周)上调基因1223个,下调基因1016个;肝癌转移阶段(20周)上调基因999个,下调基因906个。四个阶段共同上调基因349个,其中已知基因246个;共同下调基因345个,其中已知基因215个,剩余为推测基因、转录位点和完全未知基因。我们选取部分差异表达基因通过实时荧光定量RT-PCR技术证实了基因芯片结果的可靠性。差异表达基因参与众多的生物学过程和分子功能,包括物质代谢、物质转运、细胞增殖、细胞凋亡、细胞粘附、血管生成等。一些差异表达基因与炎症反应、免疫反应和应激反应相关。因此认为,在肝炎、纤维化和硬化及其相应细胞外基质改变的结构基础上,炎症反应、免疫反应和应激反应为肝癌发生、发展提供了多种细胞因子组成的微环境,众多相关基因改变造成细胞增殖和凋亡之间的不平衡,同时新生血管形成旺盛,因而肝癌发生并逐渐演进。通过系统分析模型大鼠肝癌发生过程中的基因表达谱改变,发现了肝癌发生、发展过程中可能起重要作用的差异表达基因,而且许多基因和肝癌的相关性是既往没有报道的,这些差异基因的发现为寻找肝癌诊断和预后的候选分子和筛选治疗靶点提供了有用的信息和基础。第三部分Fn14在肝癌细胞中功能的初步探讨Fn14基因是在模型组大鼠肝硬化组织(12周)、异型增生结节(14周)、早期肝癌结节和肺转移大鼠肝癌结节(20周)中均高表达的基因之一。本实验探讨Fn14对肝癌细胞凋亡和存活的影响及分子机制。建立Fn14过表达细胞模型,细胞核荧光染色和流式细胞仪检测细胞凋亡,MTT方法分析细胞存活率。结果发现Fn14高表达提高肝癌细胞存活率:TRAIL处理pcDNA3.1-Fn14转染细胞存活抑制率11.82%vs TRAIL处理pcDNA3.1转染细胞存活抑制率29.69%(p<0.05),抵抗TRAIL诱导的肝癌细胞凋亡:TRAIL处理后pcDNA3.1转染细胞凋亡率24.17%vs TRAIL处理后pcDNA3.1-Fn14转染细胞凋亡率8.55%。进一步机制探讨发现,Fn14高表达促进肝癌细胞存活和抵抗TRAIL诱导凋亡是部分依赖于NF-κB活性的:NF-κB活性抑制剂预处理pcDNA3.1-Fn14转染细胞后再经TRAIL诱导细胞存活抑制率29.64%vs不经NF-κB活性抑制剂预处理的pcDNA3.1-Fn14转染细胞直接TRAIL诱导细胞存活抑制率11.82%(p<0.05);NF-κB活性抑制剂预处理pcDNA3.1-Fn14转染细胞再经TRAIL诱导后细胞凋亡率19.65%vs不经NF-κB活性抑制剂预处理pcDNA3.1-Fn14转染细胞直接TRAIL诱导细胞凋亡率9.82%。因此认为Fn14提高肝癌细胞存活和抵抗细胞毒性剂诱导凋亡,这些功能部分依赖于NF-κB活性。

【Abstract】 Primary liver cancer is the fifth most common malignancy worldwide,majorly affecting those in Asia and of sub-Saharan Africa, among which about half of cases are from China.The long-term prognosis of patients undergoing potentially curative hepatic resection is still poor,with reported 5-year survival rates ranging from 17%to 53%. Despite resection with curative intent,the clinical course is variable and recurrence occurs in a high proportion of cases.The number of death from liver cancer per year are almost equal to that of new cases occurred in the same year.The poor prognosis of liver cancer is majorly due to patients’ no response to almost all conventional chemotherapy and over 80%patients diagnosed at advanced stage and lost the opportunity for curative resection.Numorous genes play roles in the multi-step development of liver cancer.At present,numerous genes involved in the development of liver cancer remains unclear.Research on the tumor-associated genes of liver cancer could provide clues for searching the potential biomarkers for early diagnosis and prognosis and screening targets for treatment.In the present study,methods of suppression subtractive hybridization combined cDNA chips were used to identify and screen the differential expression genes in hepatocellular carcinoma.However, samples from the human being only can be obtained from a certain phase, while serial analysis of differential expression genes profiles in the whole process of development of liver cancer could be accomplished through establishment of animal models.Therefore,we established the rat models of liver cancer by DEN and investigated the gene expression profiles of liver tissues from cirrhosis to carcinoma with Affymetrixchip’ assisting. Fn14,one upregulated gene persisting from cirrhosis to metastasis in rat models was chosen for further research in liver cancer cells.Part 1 Identification of differential expression of genes in hepatocellular carcinoma by suppression subtractive hybridization combined cDNA microarrayThe genetic background of hepatocellular carcinoma(HCC)has yet to be completely understood.Here,we describe the application of suppression subtractive hybridization(SSH)coupled with cDNA microarray analysis for the isolation and identification of differential expression of genes in HCC.Twenty-six known genes were validated as up-regulated and 19 known genes as down-regulated in HCC.The known genes identified were found to have diverse functions.In addition to the overexpression of AFP,these genes(increased in the presence of HCC) are involved in many processes,such as transcription and protein biosynthesis(HNRPDL,PABPC1,POLR2K,SRP9,SNRPA,and six ribosomal protein genes including RPL8,RPL14,RPL41,RPS5,RPS17, RPS24),the metabolism of lipids and proteins(FADS1,ApoA-Ⅱ,ApoM, FTL),cell proliferation(Syndecan-2,and Annexin A2),and signal transduction(LRRC28 and FMR1).Additionally,a glutathione-binding protein involved in the detoxification of methylglyoxal known as GLO1 and an enzyme which increases the formation of prostaglandin E(2) known as PLA2G10 were up-regulated in HCC.Among the underexpressed genes discovered in HCC,most were responsible for liver-synthesized proteins(fibrinogen,complement species,amyloid, albumin,haptoglobin,hemopexin and orosomucoid).The enzyme implicated in the biotransformation of CYP family members (LOC644587)was decreased.The genes coding enzymes ADH1C, ALDH6A1,ALDOB,Arginase and CES1 were also found.Additionally, we isolated a zinc transporter(Zip14)and a function-unknown gene named ZBTB11(Zinc finger and BTB domain containing 11)which were underexpressed,and seven expression sequence tags deregulated in HCC without signifcant homology reported in the public database.Essentially, by using SSH combined with a cDNA microarray we have identified a number of genes associated with HCC,most of which have not been previously reported.Further characterization of these differentially expressed genes will provide information useful in understanding the genes responsible for the development of HCC.Part 2 Analysis of genomic expressional profiles in the development of liver cancer models of rats induced by DENTo explore the key genes involved in the development and progression of liver cancer at global scale,we established the rat models of liver cancer induced by DEN and investigated the gene expression profiles of liver tissues from cirrhosis to carcinoma with Affymetrixchip’ assisting.The pathological changes of the livers in rats are processes including non-special injury,fibrosis&cirrhosis,dysplastic nodules,early cancerous nodules and metastasis.The liver tissues of cirrhosis(12th week),the dysplasia nodules at the 14thweek,the cancerous nolules at the 16thweek and the cancerous nodules from the rats with lung metastasis (20thweek)were chosen to investigate the differential expression genes(DEGs)by compared with the liver tissues from the normal rats with Affymetrix chip.The differential expression genes obtained by comparing the signals of 4 groups selected with the signals from the liver tissues of the normal rats,respectively.There are 681 upregulated and 687 downregulated genes in the cirrhosis tissue(12thweek);857 upregulated and 732 downregulated genes in the dysplasia nodules(14th week);1223 upregulated and 1016 downregulated genes in the cancerous nodules at the 16thweek;999 upregulated and 906 downregulated genes in the cancer tissue at metastatic stage(20thweek),respectively.Among all the DEGs,there are 349 upregulated and 345 downregulated genes shared for the 4 stages,among which 246 of 349 upregulated DEGs and 215 of 345 downregulated DEGs are known genes,the remaining are genes inferred or predicted,translocation locus and unknown genes completely.Some differential expression genes were confirmed by the method of real time RT-PCR.The deregulated DEGs play various roles and involve in diverse processes such as metabolism,transport,cell proliferation,apoptosis,cell adhesion,agiogenesis and so on.Some of the DEGs are associated with inflammatory response,immune response and oxidative stress.Upon this,we think that inflammatory response,immune response and oxidative stress provides a niche for liver cells on the changed structure of hepatitis,fibrosis,cirrhosis as well as excellular matrix.The balance between cell proliferation and apoptosis was destroyed due to the deregulation of numerous genes,meanwhile, neovascularization is producive.Therefore,the liver cancer developed and progressed.In the present study,we provide gene expression profiles may play major roles in the development of liver cancer by systemic analysis of profiles of DEGs during the development and progression of liver cancer of rats,which will contribute to the understanding of liver cancer development and offer the opportunity for searching marker of diagnosis and prognosis as well as provide clues for targeting therapy. However,many genes related to liver cancer have not been previously reported.Part 3 The functional assays of Fn14 in liver cancer cellsIn the second part of the thesis,a number of deregulated expression genes were identified in the liver cancer model of rats induced by DEN. Fn14 is one of the up-regulated expression genes occurred persistently from liver cirrhosis to metastastic stage of liver cancer.To explore the roles of Fn14 plays in the development of liver cancer,overexpression of Fn14 in SMMC7721 was established.On the basis of Fn14’s overexpression,methods and techniques including MTT, immunoflurence staining and flow cytometry analysis were used to assay the effects of Fn14 on the survival ability and apoptosis of SMMC7721 cells treated by TRAIL.Furthermore,an inhibitor of NF-κB activity was used to determine whether the effects of Fn14 on the survive and apoptosis were dependent on the activation of NF-κB.The results showed that overexpression of Fn14 prompts cellular survive and resists apoptosis induced by TRAIL.Meanwhile,increased expression of Fn14 results in translocation of p65 subunit of NF-κB to the nucleus from cytoplasm.Furthermore,increased survive and resisted apoptosis of cells induced by upregulated expression of Fn14 was dependent on the activation of NF-κB.The results implied that Fn14 may be potential marker of diagnosis and prognosis and serve as a target for therapy of liver cancer.


