

【作者】 王相飞

【导师】 王青;

【作者基本信息】 南京师范大学 , 中国文学与文化, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 南朝的选官制度处于两汉察举制向隋唐科举制发展的关键阶段,其形态十分丰富,存在多种等量齐观的选官类型。相对地,必然会对文人入仕及其文学活动产生相当程度的影响。本论文的宗旨,即在于探讨南朝选官制度与南朝文学之关系,企图在职官制度的视野上,提供一个观察南朝文学的角度。本论文南朝年限起自刘宋,迄于陈亡(420—589)。讨论对象则以此一百七十余年间曾经入仕的文人为主。全文主体部分共分七章,并附文人入仕类型表:引言:说明论文选题的原由、相关的研究情况及研究方法。第一章:选官制度下,文人入仕类型的划分及事实依据。第二章:九品中正制对文人阶层的划分、文人心理状态及其文学创作的影响。第三章:察举和学校入仕制度与南朝文风的演变关系:即探讨科举制萌芽时期与文学的关系。第四章:州郡府属佐入仕制度与南朝文学的关系,主要就文学集团及山水诗与乐府诗的区域性特征等方面进行讨论。换言之就是,这一入仕途径在容纳更多数量的文人的同时也扩大文人的活动范围,扩展了“文学边界”(借用梅新林语)。在文学意义之外,还具有对区域文化意义的考察。以上四章可视为第一个部分,即从选官制度的视角对文学进行分析,突出的是“起家入仕”与文学。第五章:待诏制度及对南朝文学发展的影响:通过考察待诏制度的发展演变,发现这一制度对南朝文学与文化的繁荣进步做出过一定的贡献。第六章:尚书省、中书省官员的选任与南朝文学之关系:主要就尚书郎、尚书主客郎、中书郎、中书舍人的选用而言,解释南朝公文骈体化的原因,以及南北朝文学交流等问题。第七章:秘书省、著作省官员的选任与南朝文学之关系:探讨两省的实际运行情况,及其对文学发展的贡献。以上三章,以南朝中央官署的任官情况与文学的关系研究为中心,重点偏向“任用制度”与文学,可视为本文的第二个部分。最后,结论,总结前文。

【Abstract】 The selection system in the Southern Dynasty is during the key period from "Cha ju" system in the Han Dynasty to "Ke ju" system in the Sui Dynasty and the Tang Dynasty, so it has many kinds of selection forms. Consequently, it has great impact on the literati and their literature activity. The aim of this dissertation is to discuss the relation between the selection system and the literature in the Southern Dynasty, and try to provide a new visual angle of literature activity on the base of the official position system in the Southern Dynasty.In this dissertation, the investigated period is from the Liu-Song Dynasty to the Chen Dynasty (420-589), and the principal part is mainly the literati who have been officials during more than 170 years. It is divided into seven parts as follows:Preface: A brief introduction of the reason, related studies, and investigation methods of the dissertation.Chapter 1: The different kinds of literati to be officials and the supporting evidences.Chapter 2: The influence of "Jiu pin zhong zheng zhi" system on the division of the literati level, the literati psychology, and the literature activity.Chapter 3: The evolvement of "Cha ju" system, examination system and literature style in the Southern Dynasty, i.e. the relation between the bud of "Ke ju" system and literature.Chapter 4: The relation of the local government selection system and the literature in the Southern Dynasty, mainly including the literature group, landscape poems and "Yue fu" poems.The above four chapters can be seen as one part, i.e. the literature is investigated from the view of the selection system, and the emphasis is on "the first official position" and literature.Chapter 5: The influence of "Waiting-for appointment" system on the development of literature in the Southern Dynasty: It was found that the system has active effect on development of the literature.Chapter 6: The relation between official appointment of "Shang shu Sheng", "Zhong shu sheng" and literature. It is mainly about the selection of "Shang shu lang", "Shang shu zhu ke lang", "Zhong shu lang", "Zhong shu she ren", the reason why the official document is apt to "Pian wen", and its contribution to the literature development.The above three chapters is seen as the second part. It is about the appointment of the central government and the literature, mainly emphasized on the "Appointment system" and literature. Finally, results and remaining results, a conclusion of the dissertation.

  • 【分类号】I206.2;K239.1
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】695

