

【作者】 汪祎

【导师】 董志翘;

【作者基本信息】 南京师范大学 , 汉语言文字学, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 中古时期是量词系统初步形成的重要时期,新的量词和量词的新用法不断涌现,量词的使用也逐渐成为交际的需要;中古时期同样是佛典翻译的重要时期,与民众佛教传播密切相关的汉译佛典因具有较多的口语成分,能够在一定程度上反映中古时期的语言面貌。因此,对中古佛典的量词进行考察和探讨,一方面可以使我们更全面地了解量词在中古时期的存在状态,另一方面还可以让我们对汉译佛典如何吸收、借鉴、改造、反馈汉语量词的情况有较为深入的认识。选择“中古佛典量词研究”作为研究课题即有鉴于此。本文是首次对中古佛典量词进行系统的研究,将中古时期的译经按翻译时段和译经特点分为古译和旧译两个阶段,全面阐述了古译阶段51个名量词、5个动量词,旧译阶段71个名量词、10个动量词的使用情况,并分析了两个阶段量词的存在状态。此外,还对佛典量词所反映的文化因素以及重叠形式进行了专题探讨。通过对中古佛典量词的考察,我们发现:佛典量词的基本体系在古译阶段即已形成,到了旧译阶段又有了不同程度的扩展。由于佛经文献翻译作品的性质和承载内容的局限,佛典量词在使用数量和范围上要逊色于同时期的中土文献,呈现出补充性、随意性、承继性、滞后性、特有性五个方面的特点。名量词“种”和动量词“反(返)”、“匝”是中古佛典的特色量词,它们的大量出现与译经的内容和译师的选择有着直接关系,是一种非自然状态的用法。

【Abstract】 The Medieval times is the important times for the formation of quantifiters’system,new quantifiers and the new usage of quantifiers arise continuously,using the quantifiters is the need for intercommunication.The Medieval times is also the important times for the translation of Buddhist scriptures,the Buddhist scriptures usually has the component of spoken language,so reviewing the quantifiers of the Buddhist scriptures in the Medieval times,on the one hand,we can find out the actual instances about the quantifiers of the Buddhist scriptures;on the other hand,we can realize the process how the Buddhist scriptures absorb,rebuild and feed back the Chinese quantifiers.So we make the topic "the quantifiers’study of Buddhist scriptures in the Medieval times".It is the first time that this papre makes the systematic research on the Buddhist scriptures in the Medieval times.According to the time and feature,we divide the Buddhist scriptures in the Medieval times into two stages,describe the usage of 51 noun quantifiers and 5 verbal quantifiers in the old times for translating the Buddhist scriptures and the usage of 71 noun quantifiers and 10 verbal quantifiers in the ancient times for translating the Buddhist scriptures,and analysis the state of all quantifiers in the two stages.We also discuss cultural factors and reduplicated forms on the quantifiers of the Buddhist scriptures.By the investigation on the quantifiers of the Buddhist scriptures in the Medieval times,we find that the basic system on the quantifiers has been formed in the old times,and there has been certain development in the ancient times.Because of the nature and the content’s limitation on the Buddhist scriptures,the quantities of the quantifiers are less than the ones in the contemporaneous secular literature,and shows the five features:complementatrity,casualness,inheritance,hysteretic nature,differentiation.The noun quantifier "zhong(种)" and the verbal quantifier "fan(反/返)" "za(匝)" are the specific quantifiers of the Buddhist scriptures in the Medieval times,they are largely used because of the content of the Buddhist scriptures and the translator’s choice,it is not the usage of the natural state.

【关键词】 中古汉语佛典量词
【Key words】 the Middle Ancient ChineseBuddhist scripturesquantifier
  • 【分类号】B948
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】942

