

【作者】 许少波

【导师】 李浩;

【作者基本信息】 南京师范大学 , 诉讼法学, 2008, 博士


【摘要】 诉讼性证据保全发源于寺院法,非讼性证据保全起源于罗马法。德国普通法,取法于寺院法并继承证据保全制度而沿传至今。证据保全是当事人与法院协同调查收集证据,从而保障当事人证据收集权和证明权实现的一种程序。其价值目标是公正和效率,从诉讼性出发,它注重公正;就非讼性而言,它侧重效率。其目的是预防诉讼和促进诉讼,其现代功能主要是收集证据。大陆法各国为扩充当事人收集证据的途径,相继确立了证据保全程序的独立地位、扩大了其适用范围,使证据保全程序的重心从诉后移至诉前。英美法国家则对其证据开示制度作了相应调整,规定了当事人于诉前对证据的收集。我国证据保全制度所存在的主要问题是立法简陋、类型单一、条件苛刻、未贯彻预防诉讼和促进诉讼的理念。基于域外经验和我国实际,改造我国证据保全制度已成为必然。改造我国证据保全制度的目的是扩充当事人收集证据的途径,模式是以借鉴德国独立证据调查制度为主并博采各国之长,宏观路径是确立证据保全程序的独立地位,将法院证据保全从诉后伸展至诉前,具体方案是全面完善法院证据保全的各构成要素,增设确定事物状态之证据保全和经他方当事人同意之证据保全,强化证据保全程序中的程序保障,确认通过证据保全程序所获取证据的效力,创设当事人在证据保全程序中的协议。

【Abstract】 The perpetuating testimony on litigation had its rise in the law of monastery, and it on non-litigation originated from Rome law. The German common law which took its rise in the law of monastery inherited the perpetuating testimony system and followed now. The perpetuating testimony is the kind of procedure that the parties and court collect a proof together and guarantee to realize parties’ right of collecting and testifying proof. The value target of the perpetuating testimony is justice and efficiency. It pays attention to justice setting out from the litigation and it lays particular emphasis on efficiency on non-litigation. The purpose of the perpetuating testimony is to prevent from litigation and promote it and its modern function is to discovery and collect proof.In order to enlarge the path of parties collection proof, continental law system have established the independent position of the perpetuating testimony procedure and extended its scope and move its center from tell to before tell. British and American have adjusted their discovery system too. The key problems in the perpetuating testimony system of our country are that the lawmaking is simple and the type is single and the condition is rigor and don’t carry through the idea to prevent and promote litigation. According to experience outside the area and Chinese fact, reformation our perpetuating testimony system has become necessary. The purpose of reformation our perpetuating testimony system is to increase the path that parties collect proof, and the mode is mostly to take drawing lessons from German independent system to investigate proof and combine good qualities of all countries, and the macroscopic path is to establish the independent position of perpetuating testimony procedure and makes the perpetuating testimony that court has from tell to before tell and that notarial organization has from before tell to tell.Its tiny view project is to perfect each main factor of the perpetuating testimony, with increasing new kind of perpetuating testimony and enhancing its procedure guarantee and confirming its effect and creating an opportunity for parties to consent of all in perpetuating testimony procedure.

  • 【分类号】D915.2
  • 【被引频次】8
  • 【下载频次】1275

