

【作者】 廉清

【导师】 高兆明;

【作者基本信息】 南京师范大学 , 马克思主义理论与思想政治教育, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 本文立足荀子的文本,重新解读荀子的荣辱思想,挖掘和展示其现代价值。荀子对荣辱的理解事实上有着三个内在关联但又彼此区别的维度:第一,作为具有客观规定性内容的(客观)荣辱。第二,作为社会道德评价活动的荣辱。第三,作为主观情感的荣辱。荀子以“礼”、“义”规定荣辱。守礼义、履行相应义务是荣,反之是辱。“群”、“分”是“礼”的实现方式。群则荣,不群则辱。“分”是实现“群”荣的基础。有“分”则有群,有“分”则荣。荀子主张“先义后利者荣,先利后义者辱”。一方面肯定人们对利欲的合理追求是求荣的前提;另一方面,荀子又指出“义”具有价值优先性,“义”是获利的原则,强调只有以义制约、规导“利”,才能保证善、荣的存在。荣辱能够塑造君子人格和规导社会伦理秩序。一方面,以社会礼义、善恶为客观规定的荣辱经过内化上升为个体的荣辱感。荣辱感能使人们知“道”、欲“善”、致“诚”。另一方面,荣辱能在全社会形成崇礼敬义,安分有则,知廉有耻的社会伦理精神,进而规导社会伦理秩序。人生的目的是向善、求荣。“化性起伪”是树立正确荣辱观、培养恰当荣辱感的途径。“隆礼重法”、“注错习俗”是个体荣辱感生成的现实生活世界,“积善成德”则是个体荣辱感生成的内在根据。

【Abstract】 Based on the original works of Xunzi,one of the most sophisticated and influential philosophers of China’s Warring States period(479-221 B.C.E.),this dissertation mainly re-annotates his ideology on Honour and Disgrace,and explores its significant value to the current moral education.Three different but related dimensions are involved concerning Xunzi’s thinking of Honour and Disgrace.Firstly,the implication of Honour and Disgrace lies in what conduct is good or bad.From its definition,it can be regarded as an objective moral standard.Secondly,Honour and Disgrace plays a social moral role,and the society applies this objective moral principle to the individual behaviours evaluation.Thirdly, Honour and Disgrace is subjective emotion of individuals.This emotion or consciousness will spontaneously form in the mind when one evaluates his conduct on the social moral standard of Honour and Disgrace.Xunzi determines Honour and Disgrace by rituals(’Li’)and righteousness(’Yi’). It is an Honour for people to abide by rituals(’Li’)and righteousness(’Yi’)and do their moral duties.Otherwise,it is a Disgrace to the moral principles.In Xunzi’s view, rituals(’Li’)can be realized by virtue of community(’qun’)and separation(’Fen’). Community(’qun’)is an Honour and non- community(’qun’)is a Disgrace. Community(’qun’)can be carried out by means of division(’Fen’).Xunzi advocates that it is honourable to give righteousness(’Yi’)priority over personal desires and interests,therefore the opposition is disgraceful.Xunzi believes it inevitable for people to pursue their own desires and interests,but on the other hand,righteousness (’Yi’)is a moral principle to be observed when people devote themselves to achieving their goals.’Shan’(Good Deeds)’ and ’Rong(Grace and Honour)exist when interests pursuing get regulated and guided by righteousness(’Yi’).The feeling of Honour and Disgrace helps to mould man to be gentleman(Junzi), regulate the social moral order and inspire man to observe moral rules.Then he embodies them in himself,consequently,he knows the Way(dao),performs good deeds,and becomes cordial.The feeling of Honour and Disgrace will also encourage people to abide by rituals(’Li’),righteousness(’Yi’)and the moral rules so that they behave themselves,which will achieve the social moral order.Xunzi believes that human nature is bad,but a man does not live for evil.Man live for good,grace and honour.Transforming bad human nature by reform(’Wei’)is the way to form appropriate view on Honour and Disgrace.In order to provide a good environment for forming the feeling of Honour and Disgrace,the nation should value rituals(’Li’)and make people to abide by the laws.On the other hand,it is intrinsic factor for forming the feeling of Honour and Disgrace to cultivate virtue by self-accumulating.

【关键词】 荀子荣辱
【Key words】 XunziHonour and Disgracerighteousness (’Yi’)rituals (’Li’)reform(’Wei’)
  • 【分类号】B222.6
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】523

