

【作者】 庞中鹏

【导师】 金熙德;

【作者基本信息】 中国社会科学院研究生院 , 国际关系, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 能源(尤其是石油)是推动一国社会经济发展的重要因素,已经成为一个牵动国际政治、经济全局的战略问题。能源外交是国际经济关系的重要组成部分,同时也是国际政治关系的重要内容。能源外交属于经济外交这一大的范畴,能源外交在许多国家外交以及国家安全战略中占有重要位置。由于石油这一稀缺资源的特殊性以及石油分布、生产和消费的不均衡性,再加上石油安全在各国经济安全和国家安全战略中的重要地位,决定了能源外交在各国对外政策中的地位,并对国际关系以及国际格局产生重要影响。能源外交的发展程度取决于石油业的发展以及石油的逐渐推广运用。能源外交的真正兴盛始于二战后,这主要是因为石油开始取代煤炭在国民经济中大规模使用,人类进入了“石油世纪”。20世纪60、70年代以来,能源问题与国际政治密切互动,成为影响国际关系的重要敏感因素之一。各国对石油的争夺与控制成为引发国际冲突与矛盾的一个重要诱因。冷战期间,美苏两个超级大国为了争夺世界霸权在中东及其周边地区进行了激烈的争夺。冷战后美国发动的几场地区战争如海湾战争、伊拉克战争等都与石油有着密不可分的联系。另外国际石油市场与国际政治、经济形势呈明显的互动关系。一方面,国际石油市场发生变化,就会进行国际能源外交活动,而国际能源外交活动通常会引起国际政治、经济形势的进一步变化;另一方面,国际政治、经济形势的变动也会引起国际石油市场的变化,引发新一轮的国际能源外交活动。自20世纪70年代以来,能源危机频繁发生,油价不断上升,对世界经济构成严重威胁。在此情况下,如何通过能源外交来确保本国的能源安全供应,日益引起各国政府和国际社会的重视。日本是一个能源贫乏的国家,而确保海外能源稳定可靠的供给又是日本发展成为经济大国的重要保障,可以说,离开了石油等重要能源的补给,战后日本经济就无法获得飞速发展。日本是石油消费大国,绝大部分原油供应依赖进口,因此发展与产油国的良好关系、增进加强与产油国的各项合作以及高度关注世界能源动态的走向就成为日本对外政策中的一个重要课题,甚至成为战略决策,而保证外部石油的稳定供应和运输通道畅通则是日本能源外交和能源安全的主要任务。能源外交是日本经济外交的重要组成部分。在战后各种条件的制约下,日本以追求经济繁荣为立国之本,把经济外交作为其主要外交手段。吉田内阁以来的历届政府都以经济发展和对美协调作为外交的核心,在国际事务中主动保持低姿态,并以经济外交为经济增长拓展了国际环境。不仅如此,在政治外交和军事外交能力极为有限的条件下,日本在处理政治、安全等问题时也往往以经济外交为重要手段。于是,经济外交的功能超出了纯经济问题的范畴,从而成为战后日本外交的显著特征。中国目前正处于工业化快速发展阶段,对能源的需求量与日俱增,能否有稳定可靠的能源供应将直接关系到中国今后经济发展的全局,不容否认,日本是国际舞台上施展能源外交较为出色的国家之一,其某些成功的经验可以借鉴。中日两国同处于亚太地区,两国都以中东海湾地区作为重要的石油进口来源地,又都面临着海上石油运输航线的诸多风险,因此中日两国在石油等能源领域有合作的潜力,如两国在能源领域实现互利共赢,将会更好地推动中日关系向前发展。

【Abstract】 Energy (esp.oil) is an important factor of carrying forward social and economic development of a country. It is also a strategic problem connected with the overall situation of international politics and economy. Energy diplomacy is an important part of international economic relations, and it is also an important content of international political relations. Energy diplomacy belongs to the category of economic diplomacy. Energy diplomacy oocupies an important position in the diplomatic and national security strategy in many countries. The specialty of oil that oil is a kind of rare resources, its unequilibrium in distribution, production and consumption and the fact that oil security plays an important part in the economic and national security strategy among many countries determine the position of energy diplomacy in the foreign policy of many countries and have a great effect on international relations and international structure.The development of energy diplomacy depends upon the development of oil industry and gradual popularization and application of oil. The prosperity of energy diplomacy began after the Second World War, which resulted from the fact that oil began to be used on a large scale instead of coal and mankind entered“the century of oil”. Since the 1960s-1970s, energy problem and international politics have been closely interactive, energy problem has become one of important sensitive factors affecting international relations.Plunder and control of oil results in international conflicts and contradictions.During the cold war, the Soviet Union and the US which were the two world superpowers fought fiercely for world hegemony in the Middle East and its surrounding areas.After the cold war, the US started several regional wars such as the Gulf War,the Iraq War which had an inseparable connection with oil. In addition, relationship between international oil market and international political and economic situation is obviously interactive. On one hand, when international oil market changes, international energy diplomatic activities took place. These diplomatic activities bring about the further changes of international political and economic situation; on the other hand,the changes of international political and economic situation also lead to the changes of international oil market and a new round of international energy diplomatic activities. Since the 1970s, frequent energy crises and and rising of oil price have threatened the world economy. Under the circumstances, the government of many countries and international society increasingly attach importance to the way energy diplomacy can guarantee energy security supply to a country. Japan is a country destitute of energy. To make sure of steady and reliable supply of overseas energy is important security that can make Japan develop into an economic power, that is to say, without the supplement of oil, Japan’s economy after the World War II couldn’t have developed rapidly. Japan is a great country consuming oil. Most of crude oil supply depends upon import. So developing good relations with oil countries,strengthening many items of cooperation with them and paying more attention to the trend of world energy dynamics are an important subject of Japan’s foreign policies and strategic policies.The main task of Japan’s energy diplomacy and energy security is to guarantee outside stable supply of oil and smooth passage of transportation.Energy diplomacy is an important composition of Japan’s economic diplomacy. Under the restrictions of post-war conditions, Japan regards the pursuit of economic prosperity as the fundamentals of building the state, and treats economy diplomacy as its main diplomatic way, Since the Yoshida Shigern cabinet, every government takes economic development and coordination with the US as the core of diplomacy, actively keeps a low profile in international affairs and widen international environment for economic growth by means of economic diplomacy. Besides, under the limited conditions of capability of political diplomacy and military diplomacy, Japan always treats economic diplomacy as an important way when dealing with the politics and safety issues. Thus,the functions of economic diplomacy are beyond the category of net economic issues, which is the most conspicuous characteristics of Japan’s post-war diplomacy.China is now in the stage of rapid development of industrialization. Energy resources are in great supply. Whether there is steady and reliable energy supply will have a great effect on the overall situation of China’s economic development.Without doubt,Japan is a country that is expert in exerting energy diplomacy on the international stage.Some of its successful experiences should be learnt. China and Japan both lie in the Asian-Pacific region. The two countries treat Middle East and Gulf region as import sources for oil, and they are facing the dangers of crude oil transportation by sea. So the two countries have cooperative potential in the field of such energy as oil. If they can realize mutual-benefit and win-win with each other, this will futher carry forward and promote the development of Sino-Japanese relations.

  • 【分类号】F416.2;D831.3
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】1541

