

【作者】 白云真

【导师】 王逸舟;

【作者基本信息】 中国社会科学院研究生院 , 国际关系, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 笔者在本论文中以历史逻辑和知识谱系为线索,侧重重要代表人物的思想发展的脉络而展示出自由主义国际关系理论的学术变迁,也体现出一些具体的概念、范畴的逻辑演进过程。具体而言,笔者尝试着从长时段的历史语境与政治思想史中探寻自由主义国际关系理论的思想渊源与学术变迁,进而梳理出从文艺复兴、启蒙运动到当下西方自由主义国际关系理论传统的学术史。笔者侧重从理论产生的社会环境与知识环境两个方面来探究自由主义国际关系理论的思想变迁及其研究传统演变与转型的途径,特别是,把英美两国政治思想史的演变结合到研究中,注重自由主义政治理论与国际关系理论的整合。本论文意在探究自由主义国际关系理论研究传统如何影响国际关系观念、塑造政治决策以及这些观念与决策实践所影响的社会环境如何导致自由主义国际关系理论的历史变迁。在不同的历史时期,自由主义的内涵也发生着不同的变化,这致使自由主义者对国际关系的看法也发生着深刻的转变。笔者在论文中侧重考察自由主义国际关系理论研究的起源、发展、变迁,解读国际关系学科中的重要自由主义思想家或理论家,进而展示自由主义国际关系理论内部的思想与方法的多样性。自由主义国际关系理论的学术考察与理论剖析既有助于自由主义国际关系研究的理论创新与研究议程的拓展,也有利于对当下全球政治经济的理解与把握,更好地把握真实的社会世界的发展趋势。自由主义国际关系理论的发展阶段可划分如下:1)16、17世纪至19世纪,国际关系研究的自由主义传统的形成与转变;2)20世纪初至20世纪40年代,理想主义的兴起与沉寂;3)20世纪40年代至60年代,自由主义研究传统的延续;4)20世纪70年代至80年代,自由主义研究传统的复兴;5)20世纪90年代至今,自由主义研究传统的扩展、深化与反思。自由主义国际关系理论既体现出理论进步的特点,也具有忽视文化多样性以及不同国家和地区历史等不可回避的学术局限性。因而笔者不仅从理论与历史经验的角度评价自由主义国际关系理论研究的进步性,更要评述自由主义国际关系理论的潜力以及所遇到的挑战,进而对自由主义国际关系理论的研究进行反思性考察。本论文的创新点在于主要从英美自由主义国际关系理论的代表人物的思想着手,勾画与梳理出自由主义国际关系理论传统的形成、发展以及趋势,展现出其概念与范畴之间的演变过程,并且对自由主义国际关系理论的学理意义进行剖析与反思。总之,本论文意在在政治实践与社会意识形态层面上对自由主义国际关系理论进行学理意义上的探讨,勾画出自由主义国际关系理论的知识谱系,进而思索自由主义国际关系理论的学术价值与局限性。

【Abstract】 In this thesis the author thinks of historical logic and intelectual genelogy as the clues,pays more attentions to developments of the thoughts of important representative figures,indicates the scholarly evolution of Liberal International Relations Theory(LPRT) and the process of conceptual evolution of some specific concepts and categories.Specificly speaking,the author tries to discuss the thoughts sources and scholarly change of LPRT from the perspectives of historical context in long-term peoriod and the history of political thoughts,further grasps the intellectual history of LPRT from the Renaissance,the Enligntment Movement to the present.The author will probe the thought evolution, the approach of change and transformation of LPRT from the two dimensions of both social context and intellectual context of theoretical production,in particular do some reseraches combined with the history of political thoughts in England and America,emphasize the integration of liberal political theory and International Relations Theory.This thesis aims to make an inquiry how the research traditions of LPRT influence the ideas of international relations,shape political decisions and how social settings affected by those ideas and decisions in practice bring out the historical evolution of LPRT.In the different historical peoriod,the profound meanings of liberalism bring out the different changes,and this leads liberalists to change their viewpoints on attitudes of international relations.The author in this thesis stresses the analysis of origin,development and change of the study of LPRT and reads those important liberal thinkers or theoreists in the discipline of International Relations,and further show the diversities of thoughts and methods in internal LPRT.The scholarly investigations and theoretical analysis of LPRT will not only contribute to theoretical innovations and the expandment of research agendas of liberal international relations study,but also contribute to understandings and grasp of contemporary global political economy,hold the developmental trends of the real social world.The development of LPRT may be divided into the several stages below:1)the peoriod from 16,17century to 19century,the formation and transformation of the liberal tradition of international relations study;2)peoriod from the beginnings of 20century to the forties of 20 century,the rise and stillness;3)peoriod from the forties of 20 century to the sixties of 20 century,continuities of liberal traditons;4)peoriod from the seventies of 20 century to eighties of 20 century,the revival of the liberal tradition;5)peoriod from the nineties of 20 century to the persent,the expand,deepenings and reflections of the liberal tradition.LPRT has the distinctive characteristic of theoretical progress and has the scholarly limits of ignorance of cultural diversities and the specific history of the different countries and regions.So the author not only appraise LPRT from the perspectives of theory and historical experiences and also analyse the potentials and chanllenges of LPRT and further do some reflective investigations about LPRT.The innovative points of this thesis is that the author beginnes with the thoughts of reprensentative figures of Britich and American LPRT,delineates and combs the formation,development and trends of the traditons of LPRT,indicates the evolutionary process of its concepts and categories, analyses and reflects on the scholarly meanings of LPRT.In sum,this thesis aims to do some analysis about the scholarly siginificance of LPRT in the dimensions of political pratice and social ideology,indicates the intellectual genelogy and ponders the scholarly values and limits.

【关键词】 自由主义国际关系理论进步
【Key words】 LiberalismInternational Relations TheoryProgress
  • 【分类号】D80
  • 【下载频次】1572

