

A Study on the Secretary in the Tang and Song Dynasty

【作者】 宋靖

【导师】 任爽;

【作者基本信息】 东北师范大学 , 中国古代史, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 中书省渐重,成为行政决策核心,是唐宋时期行政中枢发展变化的主要特点。作为中书省长官以及行政中枢的秘书官,中书舍人由唐至宋的职掌变化并不显著,典掌制诰,参政议政。然而,其职权的范围与侧重却发生很大变化。唐代中书舍人作为宰相判官的身份较为突出,宋代中书舍人职权的独立性较强,其权力变化可以解读为由泛权到实权的变化过程。这种权力变化的背后,与君权、相权的变化,与唐宋时期行政体制的整体变化,都密不可分。本文在尽量吸收学术界已有研究成果的基础上,分三章对唐宋中书舍人进行了较为系统化的分析研究。第一章“唐宋中书舍人的职掌”。通过考察中书舍人一职在中国古代历史上的发展轨迹、唐宋时期中书舍人的职官构成、草诏之职的历史源流以及中书舍人的供职机构与宿直,从整体上勾勒出唐宋中书舍人的职掌范围与特征。通过对唐宋公文书类型、中书舍人所草制命的类型、唐宋主要文书制度及制书格式等问题的系统研究,对于中书舍人职掌外制的具体情况及其发展变化深入探讨。制命文字,主要由中书舍人各自独立起草完成。舍人行词的回避制度在绍兴初年得以确立。由唐至宋,中书舍人的职权呈上升趋势,而翰林学士呈下降趋势。中书舍人掌草外制、判省事、宣旨册命、掌察冤滞、考举及撰修制度律令与史籍,参与唐宋时期政治活动的很多方面,有着举足轻重的作用。第二章“中书舍人与唐宋行政中枢运作”。本章对唐宋行政中枢体制进行梳理。唐初三省的发展,是以门下权力不断发展完善为特点的,而具体到三省内部,又是以中书舍人与给事中的权力不断扩大为具体表现。唐代中后期的以中书门下为主导,中书省、门下省仍然保留行政职能。唐代的中书门下,是北宋中书门下体制的基础。宋代行政中枢的演变轨迹,是决策、行政统一的中书门下体制经由改制,确定了中书取旨、门下审覆、尚书执行的三省制度,然而在实际发展过程中,仍然逆转不了行政中枢一体化的趋势。唐前期中书舍人的职权主要体现为起草制敕和参议表章两个方面。宋代中书舍人的职权主要体现为起草制敕和封还词头两个方面,官制改革之后,恢复了中书舍人参议表章的权力。唐宋中书舍人由起草进画之职,职权不断发展,参议表章、封还词头、封驳制敕,由撰务渐掌机务,至南宋,权力达到顶峰。中书舍人的身影遍布行政运作的各个环节,决策形成之中,也有中书舍人的参与。中书舍人的职权在唐宋时期总的看来是呈上升趋势。作为宰相属官,中书舍人与宰相的关系表现为既依赖又对立。第三章“中书舍人的管理”。本章对中书舍人的员额、品级、章服、班位、俸入等制度规定加以梳理,并对其在唐宋间的变化加以考察。中书舍人的任免升降,都依据一定的规则制度。在中书舍人的选用上,本人素质与能力是考虑的最主要因素。中书舍人的人员流动频繁,但多以升迁为主,中书舍人之职是晋升宰辅的主要途径之一。余论“中书舍人的科举出身与地域家族性。”中书舍人的选任,最根本的依据还是其本人的素质。对此,有无科考功名,就成为中书舍人选任的基本条件之一。唐宋中书舍人的构成,唐代以北方人为主,至宋以南方人为主。曾任舍人的为官之家,占中书舍人的很大比例,唐代高于宋代。这也说明,在科举制度下,入仕的公平性大大提高,中书舍人的来源也日趋广泛,对于政治稳定与文化教育的发展,都有一定的促进作用。

【Abstract】 The main feature of the administrative center during the Tang and Song Dynasties is that Zhongshu Department weight gradually and become the core of policy decision. Secretary’s responsibility as the secretary of both Zhongshu Department chief executive and the central government does not change significantly during this period. However, the scope of its mandate and focus has changed significantly. Secretary’s prominent status in Tang Dynasty is as the magistrate of prime minister, and Secretary’s authority in Song Dynasty become more independence, its powers can be interpreted as general right to real power in the process. Behind the changes, the mix of changes in the monarchical power, prime minister power and the changes in the administrative system as a whole are closely linked.On the basis of absorbing the former research findings in academia, these dissertation analyses of the study on the Secretary during the Tang and Song Dynasty in three chapters.Chapter I is“the responsibilities of Secretary during Tang and Song dynasties.”By examining the development track of Secretary in the history of ancient China, the official component of Secretary in Tang and Song Dynasties, the origin of drafting position, and the institutions the Secretary served and kept watch, this chapter outlines the portfolio of Secretary’s authority scope and characteristics in Tang and Song Dynasties. I try to explore in depth to the actual situation, the development and changes of Secretary responsibilities by the systemic studies of document types, the types Secretary drafted, the main document system of the Tang and Song dynasties and the format of the system. Secretary mainly completes drafting the document independent. The avoidance system of Secretary drafting has been established in the early years of Shaoxing. From Tang to Song dynasty, Secretary present an upward trend and Hanlin Bachelor present a declining trend in the terms of reference. Secretary take charge in drafting the outside document, dealing with affairs in Zhongshu Department, reading out the document, investigating innocent, controlling the imperial examination, writing laws and history books, participation in several areas of political activities during the Tang and Song Dynasties, play a vital role.Chapter II is“Secretary and operation of administrative center in Tang and Song Dynasties.”This chapter clarifies the central system of the Tang and Song Dynasties. Prominent feature of the Three Department in Early Tang is well developed the power of Menxia Department, and specifically to the internal department, specific performance is the powers of Jishizhong and Secretary constantly expanding. Zhongshu menxia is the dominant department in the latter Tang Dynasty, though Zhongshu Department and Menxia Department still retain administrative functions. Zhongshu menxia in the Tang Dynasty is the basis of Zhongshu menxia in the Northern Song Dynasty. Evolution of Song administrative centre is that the system of Zhongshu menxia has been changed by the reform of official system, form the system of unified decision-making and administration to the system of the Three department, namely the decree is get by Zhongshu Department, censored by Menxia Department and executed by Shangshu Department. Nevertheless the trend of integrative administrative centre in the actual process of development can not be reversed. The authority of Secretary is document-draft and making comments on archives in the early Tang Dynasty. In the Song Dynasty, the main representation of the Secretary’s authority is document-draft and sealing and returning the order. After the reform of official system, the secretary has recovered the authority of making comments on archives. During Tang and Song dynasties, the power of Secretary has been continuously increased, which from document-draft to making comments on archives、sealing and returning the order、sealing and returning the resolution,then the Secretary in charge of confidential affair except writing affair, and the authority of secretary reach a crest until Southern Song Dynasty. The Secretary takes part in every portion of the operation of administrative, even in the decision making. During Tang and Song dynasties, the authority of Secretary generally represents a kind of increasing trend. Being the affiliated official of the Prime Minister, the relationship between the Prime Minister and Secretary performance for both dependent and confrontation.Chapter III is“Management of Secretary.”This chapter has teased the system requirements of Secretary, which include person number、grade、dress、station、income etc., and reviewed the change of Secretary during Tang and Song dynasties. The change of Secretary’s position ,appointment、deposition、promotion or demotion, must obey the rule. The quality and ability of person is the most important factor to the Secretary choosing. The person, be appointed Secretary, always moves, and the major is promoted. And the position of Secretary is one of the main approaches to be promoted and become Prime Minister.Postscript is”Imperial Examination origin of Secretary and its regionally family.”The quality of person is the most fundamental of Secretary’s selection, so the success or failure in the Imperial Examination is the basic condition of being Secretary. During Tang and Song dynasties, the composition of Secretary is mainly to the northerners in Tang Dynasty, southerners mainly in Song Dynasty. The official family, account for a large proportion among the persons who ever are appointed Secretary, and the proportion in Tang Dynasty is higher than in Song Dynasty. This also indicates that in the Imperial Examination system, the justice of entering political stratum is greatly improved, the source of Secretary have become increasingly widespread, and it play a certain role in promoting political stability and the development of culture.

【关键词】 唐宋制度中书舍人
【Key words】 Tang and Song DynastiessystemSecretary

