

Industrial Transformation and Employment Change of Old Industrial City

【作者】 董丽晶

【导师】 张平宇;

【作者基本信息】 东北师范大学 , 人文地理, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 老工业城市产业转型是区域经济中的一个独特现象,其成功与否将直接影响区域经济的发展。20世纪90年代以来,伴随经济全球化进程的日益加速和扩展,中国社会进入转型期,各个城市开始大范围、大规模的更新改造。在这种背景下,中国老工业城市产业转型无论在形式上还是在规模和强度上都在继续发展,具体表现在产业结构调整、产业空间重构和产业组织变化等方面。在老工业城市产业转型过程中,受影响最大的是城市中的就业问题。与国内其他城市不同的是,老工业城市就业压力的释放表现在时间和空间上更集中,规模更大。鉴于上述情况,本文在前人诸多相关研究成果基础上,以老工业城市产业转型过程为主线,从城市地理学科视角,对老工业城市产业转型过程、老工业城市产业转型的影响因素以及老工业城市产业转型与就业的相互作用等命题进行了比较系统的论述和实证,初步构建了老工业城市产业转型与就业研究的理论体系。全文主体由四部分组成。第一部分主要是对研究背景、相关概念和基础理论的阐述,为产业转型和就业空间研究进行理论铺垫,包括第一章和第二章。第一章首先阐述了论文的选题依据,其次对国内外产业转型和就业空间的研究进行了综述和评价。在对就业空间研究的评述中发现,基于地理学角度的就业空间研究,国外在就业空间结构、就业空间分异和就业郊区化等方面已有丰富的研究成果,而国内这方面的研究相对薄弱。第二章着重阐释了产业转型和就业研究的相关基础理论,包括产业结构理论、产业空间理论、产业组织理论以及劳动空间分工理论、劳动力管制理论、就业弹性理论和失业理论等。第二部分主要是对老工业城市产业转型的理论研究,包括第三章和第四章。第三章就老工业城市产业转型的特征及发展趋势,对老工业城市产业转型的影响因素进行了较为深入系统的分析,其中包括经济因素、政策因素、创新因素和资源环境因素。在对这些因素进行综合分析的基础上,第四章则对老工业城市产业转型与就业的相互作用进行了理论探讨,主要从产业转型与就业结构、就业空间、就业制度、就业观念四个方面加以分析。第三部分是实证研究。论文以东北老工业城市的典型代表——沈阳市为例,对1990年代以后沈阳市产业转型的过程进行了实证研究,指出就业结构、就业空间、就业制度和就业文化方面都表现出因产业结构、产业空间和产业组织变化而产生的相应改变。在对沈阳市产业转型过程进行分析的基础上,进一步探讨了沈阳市产业转型的影响因素,并针对产业转型在工业内部、服务业发展、下岗失业、就业的集聚扩散以及就业文化等方面的作用,提出产业结构调整、产业组织优化、就业空间发展、就业文化创新以及健全就业市场和社会服务体系的对策措施。第四部分为结论。通过对全文的归纳、统揽和审视,形成了10点基本结论;通过对学科和相关研究领域的认识,也指出了论文的创新和不足之初。

【Abstract】 An important issue affecting state security and economic prosperity is industrial transformation of the old industrial city in China’s regional economy. Since 1990s, with the accelerating process of economic globalization, social transformation in china has happened. Each city has begun large-scale urban renewal and revitalization. No matter on form or on scale,industrial transformation of the old industrial city in China is still developing. These changes are manifested in industrial structure adjustment, industrial space reconstruction and industrial organization change etc. The employment is an issue which is most deeply affected by industrial transformation of the old industrial city. It is different with the incidence of other cities of China, which is more centralized and more large-scale in the space and time. On basis of other scholars’academic achievements, with the process of industrial transformation of the old industrial city through the whole paper, this dissertation expounds systematically and makes a case study on the principles of the process of industrial transformation of the old industrial city, influence factors of industrial transformation of the old industrial city, interaction of industrial transformation and employment of the old industrial city, in the view of urban geography. A tentative theory system for industrial transformation of the old industrial city and employment has been set up.The main body consists of four parts.The first part mainly explains the research background, relevant concepts and basic theories, which provides a theoretical groundwork for researching industrial transformation and employment space, including Chapters I and II. Chapter I begins with the background for selection of papers, then summarizes and evaluates industrial transformation and employment space. In the review of employment space, the researches from the perspective of geography, which have had some researches in foreign countries in employment space structure, employment space differentiation, and employment suburbanization, while domestic researches are little. Chapter II describes relevant theories of industrial transformation and employment space, including the theory of industrial structure, industrial space, industrial organization and the theory of spatial division of labor, labor regulation, employment elasticity, unemployment etc.The second part deals with the theoretical issues of industrial transformation of the old industrial city, including Chapters III and IV. Chapter III analyzes the influential factors of industrial transformation of the old industrial city thoroughly and systematically, which include economic factor, policy factor, innovation factor, resources and environment factors. Chapter IV investigates the changes in the interaction of industrial transformation and employment in the old industrial city. There are four critical regional features on the changes, with the interaction of industrial transformation and employment structure, employment space, employment institution, employment idea.The third part is a case study. As a typical old industrial city in China, Shenyang’s industrial transformation is a representative one. This part explores industrial transformation of Shenyang from perspective of industrial structure, industrial space and industrial organization. Then, it analyses employment effect on industrial transformation, which including the change of employment structures, space, institutions and cultures. The results indicate that there are still structural contradictions of employment and re-employment, because Shenyang’s have reformed on the state-owned enterprises and urban economy from the mid-1990s. Finally, this dissertation discuss the countermeasures of employment enhancement during revitalizing the old industrial base in northeast, developing portal cities, constructing the new northern developing area and the western industrial corridor of Shenyang, which include to develop the tertiary industry and diverse nonpublic ownership economies, increase labor-intensive industries and small and medium-sized enterprises, accelerate reformation of the state-owned enterprises and perfect the social security system etc.The fourth Part is a conclusion, which summarizes 10 basic conclusions and points out innovations and weakness of the whole dissertation.

  • 【分类号】F299.27;F249.27
  • 【被引频次】11
  • 【下载频次】1493
  • 攻读期成果

