

A Study of the Diplomatic Thought of the Chinese Intellectual Circle in the View of Historiography-1931-1945

【作者】 罗珍

【导师】 朱政惠;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 史学理论及史学史, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 抗日战争的胜利与当时中国人的外交思想及制定适时的外交策略与行动有极大的关系。本文以抗日战争时期知识界(学政复合体人士、报界、职业外交官)的外交思想为研究对象,并将其置于二十世纪初年以来中国人外交观念的嬗变及行动中去考察。通过对诸个案的详细的解剖,揭示了在临外敌入侵、民族主义思潮高涨、国族意识增强、与世界交往的增多的背景下,知识界的外交思想以救亡为主旋律的时代特色及极富预测性的特征:显示出中国人以抗日战争为契机,为彻底结束中国被列强欺凌百年的历史,在外交观念上逐渐变得成熟起来。抗战后期,当救亡的外交目标基本达成后,他们又适时地提出了关于战后中国外交的构想:通过建立新的国际组织——联合国,与世界各国合作、互助,共同维护战后世界的和平与秩序的稳定:共同促进战后经济的恢复与发展。体现了中国人对国际社会发展趋势认知水平的提高、立足于世界而生存的观念的增强。关于战后中国的外交构想,为战后中国与世界的交往提供了思维与行动的框架,至今还有其指导的意义。由于职业的特点,他们提出的外交思想,上可影响政府的外交决策,下可引导国民的外交舆情、行动,对抗战的胜利做出了重要的贡献。他们提出的外交思想是抗战时期中国人外交思想的重要组成部分。各章内容简述如下:第一章《二十世纪早期中国人的外交观》。通过对20世纪早期中国政府、国人的外交行动、学者研究近代外交史的史观三个层面,揭示出在“九一八事变”之前,中国人的外交观念主要是从自身的角度考虑,通过废约与修约的方式,达到与列强处于平等的国际地位为特点。以此观照出“九一八事变”之后因外敌的入侵中国人的外交观念与此有明显的差异的时代特色与进步。第二章《学政复合体人士的外交思想及其实践》。通过对由学入政者胡适、蒋廷黻个案的详细研究,揭示出他们基于对国家民族前途考虑,针对“九一八事变”后国民政府的外交政策提出批评与建议。此时他们考虑中国的外交问题,已经非常注意知己知彼,并建议政府以此为制定外交政策的基础。他们的外交思想反映了时代的进步与特色。第三章《媒体人的外交思想》。张季鸾、王芸生是职业报人。抗日战争爆发后,他们自觉地将报人的命运与国家的命运联系在一起。他们均有丰富的历史知识,自觉地将知识贡献于国族,救民族于危亡。针对中国外交问题发表了大量的主张。他们的主张理性、客观,对中日战争发展的趋势、国际政局演变的趋势均有准确的判断。他们的外交言论对政府及国民的外交舆情产生了积极的影响。第四章《顾维钧的外交思想》。顾维钧以职业外交家的身份,对中国战时的外交问题贡献了许多思想。他提出的外交思想直达政府高层,对政府的外交决策产生重要的影响。第五章《结论》。立足于20世纪初年以来中国历史的发展及外交观念的变化,以抗日战争时期知识界的外交思想为研究对象,探寻中国人外交观念因“九一八事变”而嬗变的历程。旨在揭示:(1)知识界的外交思想是抗战时期中国人外交思想的一部分,同样为抗战的胜利做出了贡献。(2)经抗日战争,中国人的外交观念逐渐成熟起来,尤其是二战后期对战后中国外交“和平”与“发展”的构想,至今仍有指导意义。

【Abstract】 The victory if anti-Japan invasion is related closely the Chinese diplomatic thought, actions and policy. For the diplomatic thought of Chinese intellectual circle, such as intellectual officials, the journalists and the diplomats, we investigate in the view of the 20’s Chinese eyes. By studying the event detail, we see the characteristic of "saving country" and "reasonable reaction" under the background of anti-Japan war, Chinese nationality rising and more international exchanges, which showed that the Chinese struggle for ending the china oppressed history and Chinese diplomatic thought became perfect during that time. While the goal of "saving country" reached almost in the late anti-Japan war, Chinese intellectual circle posed timely the diplomatic idea: establishing a new international organization - the United Nations to keep the peace and stability by the corporations of all nations, recover and develop economy, which showed that the Chinese got more knowledge about the development and equality in the world. This diplomatic thought supplied the thinking and behaving principle for the China communicated with the other nations and it still keeps value in recent days. Due to their position, their diplomatic thought effected both the government and the common people, which was much helpful to the victory of anti-Japan war. The diplomatic thoughts of Chinese intellectual circle were the important components of Chinese diplomatic thought in that period.The main idears of the chapters are as follows:Chapter 1 "The diplomatic thought of the Chinese in the early of the 20th century: Behaving and study". For the three classes of the china government, common people and intellectual circle in the early of 20’s before 9.18 Incident, the Chinese changed their diplomatic thought mainly through their own behavior, such as abolishing or revising no-equal treatments, which was much different to that after 9.18 Incident.Chapter 2 "The diplomatic thought and the practice of the Chinese scholar officials ". The scholar official Hu Shih and Jiang T·F, they posed a lot of diplomatic suggestions base on their thinking of the country’s destiny, their knowledge and studying. They criticized the government’s capitulate policy and also gave suggestions. They studied the diplomatic policy by paying much attention on the conditions of both sides, so their diplomatic thought reflects that times characters.Chapter 3 "The diplomatic thought of the Chinese journalistic circles". The professional journalists Zhang JL and Wang YS, they connected their fate together with the destiny of the country from the beginning of the China-Japan war. Using their knowledge, they try to save their country by expressing a lot of reasoning and objective propositions on diplomatic problems . Their prophesy about developments of the China-Japan war and international political circumstances were proved right by the history. Their comments played a positive affection on the diplomatic behavior of both the government and people.Chapter 4 "The diplomatic thought of Wellington Koo". Wellington Koo, a professional diplomat, contributed a lot of diplomatic ideas during the war, which effected directly the top class of the China government and making the china diplomatic policy.Chapter 5 "Concluding Remark" . Base on the developing of China and the changing of Chinese diplomatic thought since the early of 20th century, by studying the diplomatic thought of Chinese intellectual circle, we try to find the history of the development of the Chinese diplomatic thought since the 9.18 Incident in order to show that (1) the diplomatic thought of Chinese intellectual circle made a great contribution as well as the others for the victory of the anti-Japan war (2) the Chinese diplomatic thought were becoming perfect since the anti-Japan war. And the idea of the "piece" and "development" of the China diplomacy still have value in recent days.

  • 【分类号】D829
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】976

