

Research on the Reform of Silkworm Seeds in Jiangsu and Zhejiang Provinces (1898-1937)

【作者】 蒋国宏

【导师】 李学昌;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 中国近现代史, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 养蚕业是江浙农民最重要的副业之一,不仅历史悠久,而且在全国中占有突出的地位。养蚕有五要素,蚕种排在首位。晚清以降,江浙地区对蚕种进行了改良。蚕种改良既是现代农业科技发展的表征和橱窗,也是中国融入世界市场,参与国际竞争的客观要求和中外文化交流的产物,它折射出了社会转型时期人们价值观念和社会心理的变化。它的兴起与推进既为我们提供了一个考察现代农业科技引入、与农民结合以及农村社会变迁的新视角,也为我们开启了研究晚清和民国政府经济政策的新领域。本文试图运用历史学、政治学、经济学、社会学等相关学科的理论,采用文献研究、个案分析等方法,以江浙地区为切入点,以当时国民政府着力最多、成效最著,又对该地区经济发展和农民生活影响极大的蚕种改良为研究对象,通过蚕种改良研究现代农业科技是如何逐步被引入国内并传播到农村的,农民是如何认知和接受现代农业科技的,社会各方对现代农业科技与农民的结合都有什么样的期盼,采取了什么样的措施,达到了什么样的后果,在现代农业科技下乡的过程中面临什么样的阻力和困境,并就如何去化解这些矛盾提出自己的意见。全文共分为六个部分。“导言”部分简要介绍了研究的目的和意义、研究现状,研究的主要内容,研究所采用的基本方法及史料来源。在第一章“江浙地区的蚕业生产与土种产销”中,作者考察了蚕种改良兴起的背景及其必然性,认为,蚕丝业不仅曾对江浙地区的经济繁荣做出了重要贡献,而且对当地农民的文化生活产生了深远的影响。近代开埠后,随着对外贸易的发展,江浙地区的蚕桑业得到了迅速的发展。在中国传统农学裹足不前的同时,西方农业科技日新月异。由于土种的缺陷,加之缫制技术的落后,建立在传统农业技术基础上的中国蚕丝在国际市场上日益受到挑战,在19世纪末20世纪初与日丝的较量中节节败退,在日益扩大的国际市场中所占的份额不断缩小,有着五千年辉煌历史的中国蚕丝业面临严峻的考验。因此,进行蚕种改良既是改善民生问题的重要内容,也是发展民族工业,改变国际贸易状况,减少漏厄的当然要求。在第二章“从初识到并举——1898-1922年的江浙地区蚕种改良”中,作者提出,最初,由于对国际大势懵懂不清,对国际市场的变化缺乏了解,多数国人对蚕桑之利的丧失及应对之策浑然不知,置身对外贸易第一线的海关洋员康发达了解到国际市场的发展趋势及中国蚕丝在其中所处的位置,找到了问题的结症,提出了学习国外先进农业技术,制造改良蚕种等主张。甲午战争使中国创深痛巨,民族危机的加深使越来越多的中国知识分子觉醒,他们对中国蚕丝外贸面临的严峻形势有了清醒的认识,日渐理解和开始接受康发达的建议。罗振玉等人的上海务农会首先进行实验,请来日本技师运用现代科技检测和去除蚕毒,制造改良蚕种。林启上书浙江巡抚要求建立新式学校,培育蚕种改良专门人才,并派青年赴日学习现代蚕业科技。他手创的蚕学馆和后来建立的江苏女子蚕业学校一方面运用现代科技制造改良蚕种,另一方面将现代制种技术传授给学生,并对毕业生在各地开办的新式蚕种场给予技术支持,为江浙地区蚕种改良的推进奠定了坚实的基础。晚清光、宣之际,与日本积极改良蚕种形成鲜明对照的是,腐败的清政府在蚕种改良方面殊少作为,丧失了大好的发展机遇。降至20世纪20年代,知识界、企业界以及政府对学习西方农业科技,进行蚕种改良的重要性和必要性的认识逐步加深,并在不同程度上参与了蚕种改良,形成了多方并举的局面。其中教育机构和丝商团体成为推进蚕种改良的主力。政府虽也建立了育蚕试验场等机构,但经费短缺,管理滞后,因此未能发挥更大的作用。在20世纪20年代前,受国内农业科技发展水平的制约,改良蚕种仍是纯种,本身质量尚待提高,与土种相比优势不太明显,农民因未受农业科技知识的洗礼,对改良蚕种了解不多,缺乏信任,尚处于观望阶段,加之落后的饲育方法,从而使改良的成效受到限制。在第三章“1923-1932年江浙地区的蚕种改良”中,作者指出,1923年,江苏女蚕校开始设立育蚕指导所,使之成为在农村灌输现代育蚕科技的基地。通过指导人员的努力,农民对改良蚕种的认同增加了,从内心开始予以接受。在此阶段出现了专业制种场,农业科技人员研制出了杂交蚕种,改良蚕种的抵抗力显著增强,而秋蚕种的制造也使农民从农业科技的发展中获益。原有的教育机关继续发展,新建的蚕业学校则为江浙两省蚕业发展增添了新鲜血液,对科技下乡发挥了积极的作用。农民不断增长的需求形成了巨大的市场,改良蚕种制造人才的培育又使得蚕种场数量不断增加。随着产量上升,质量提高,价格下降,改良蚕种日益受到普通农民的欢迎。在这一时段的蚕种改良中,丝业资本家、地方绅士和国民政府均为蚕种改良做出了贡献。丝业资本家或者亲自设立蚕种场,制造改良蚕种,或者设立指导所,指导农民采用科学方法饲育改良蚕,或利用收购价格的杠杆来引导农民饲育改良蚕种。绅士则出钱出力,利用在农民中具有较高威望的优势,帮助在各地设立指导所,进行蚕业改良的宣传。南京国民政府以晚清和北洋政府前所未有的程度重视蚕种改良,不仅建立专门的蚕业研究试验和推广机关,而且颁布法律法规,明确改良蚕种的规格和技术标准,对改良蚕种的生产和销售,对改良蚕种制造商的资质提出要求,对不法制种商人进行打击,还对农民进行识别假冒伪劣蚕种的教育,逐步成为改良的主要力量。尽管国际市场依然变幻莫测,但在1923年至1931年间,江浙地区出现了改良种场纷纷创建,改良事业逐步推进的局面。第四章“危机与应对:统制经济下的蚕种改良”主要研究了1933-1937年间本地区的蚕种改良。文章认为,1931年后,世界经济危机的打击,人造丝的冲击,加之天灾人祸的并发使中国蚕丝业陷入困境。为了应对危机,振兴丝业,复兴农村,缓和激烈的社会矛盾,南京国民政府自1933年起逐步实行了蚕业统制,希望运用行政手段推进蚕种改良。他们在江、浙两省设立了蚕桑改良模范区或改良区,在育蚕中心区域设立指导所,强制或引导农民使用改良蚕种,并用茧行统制来对农民施加影响。由于农民原先缺乏现代科技知识,因此从外部引入实属无奈之举,但却不能指望一蹴而就,在“科技下乡”的过程中必须考虑农民的心理特点、思维习惯,并使农民在文化水平有所提高的同时,在经济上得到科技带来的实惠,从而由衷地认同新技术;与此同时,政府应切实履行行政职能,创造良好的社会和政策环境。1933年在浙江发生的历时数旬,地跨三县的农民反对取缔土蚕种风潮充分说明了现代农业科技在农民中扎根的艰巨性和复杂性,表明这是一个需要各方齐抓共管、协调努力的系统工程,是一个需要具备国际国内各方面的条件的长期的过程。在第六部分“余论”中,作者首先对蚕种改良的绩效进行了评估,认为蚕种改良取得了明显的成绩。尽管我国改良种的技术水平与世界先进水平相比尚有一定的差距,但蚕茧的质量和产量均有所提高,品种混杂的问题得到解决,农民收入因此增加,也为民族缫丝业的发展和生丝出口的增长作出了贡献。从全国的情况看,江浙地区的蚕种改良走在了前列,为其他地区的改良提供了范例。接着,文章对1937年之后本区的蚕种改良进行了探讨,指出,正当江浙地区蚕种改良事业稳步推进之时,日本帝国主义发动了全面侵华战争,江浙蚕区亦为战火殃及,农村经济趋于萎缩,改良种的生产与推广均受到严重破坏。8年抗战期间,日本在江浙沦陷区内实行了蚕种统制,国民政府在浙东山区整合原有蚕业改进力量,继续进行蚕种改良,但由于政局动荡,正常的蚕业生产和经营无法进行,科研活动缺乏应有的条件,改良种不能正规生产,于是,农民自制土种死灰复燃,蚕种改良事业出现了历史性的倒退。抗战胜利后,国民党政府恢复了蚕种统制,并采取了一些扶持措施,但由于多年战乱的摧残,国民经济近乎崩溃,各家蚕种场规模不大,改良蚕种产量很少,改良事业再次面临生死存亡的考验。显然,农业科技下乡,走进农村,与农民结合还有漫长的路要走。

【Abstract】 Silkworm breeding is one of the most important subsidiary businesses,with a long history,for the farmers in Jiangsu and Zhejiang province and has a very outstanding status in the country.There are five elements in silkworm breeding,with the silkworm seeds ranking the first.The reform of silkworm seeds was not only the superficial characteristics and a shop window of the modern agricultural scientific progressing in the period of late Qing Dynasty and the Republic of China,but the needs of Chinese products entering and competing in the international markets,and the result of cultural exchange and co-operation as well.It refracted the change of people’s view of value and social psychology and its rise and proceeding provide us with a new visual angle to study the government’s economic policy of late Qing Dynasty and the Republic of China,and opened up a new field for studying how the modern agricultural science and technology coming to the countryside and bring about the great changes.With the help of the theories from the subjects such as history,politics,economy, sociology,using the methods of document study and sample analysis,the dissertation tried to make an approach into the silkworm seeds reforming,on which,the government concentrated it’s efforts and got fairly good results,and produced great effect on the economic development and villager’s lives of this area,thus to show how the modern agricultural science and technology was brought in and spread to the countryside,in the end recognized and accepted by the people there.The author also wanted to show,in the integrate of modern agricultural science and technology with the farmers,what people from different quarters of the society want,what they did, how it turn to be,and what obstruction and difficult position they met and how to face and overcome them.The dissertation contains six parts.In the Introduction,the author gives a brief account of why he choose the research project,the present research situation,the main contents of the research and the-basic methods and historical materials he used.Chapter One,the silkworm breeding business and the native seeds producing and running,introduced the background and the necessity of the reform.It said that, as a traditional industry with superiority,silkworm breeding and silk weaving industry developed fast after the opening to the foreign countries in modern times,with foreign trade expanding and the needs growing greatly.The industry not only made important contributions to the economic prosperity of Jiangsu and Zhejiang province,but also left profound influence to the cultural development of the people there.While the Chinese traditional agricultural science walked slowly with difficulty, the western agricultural science and technology developed with each passing day. Restricted by the shortcoming of the native seeds,along with the silk reel technology lacking,on the base of Chinese traditional agricultural technology,the Chinese silk products,used to take exclusive control in the international market,met big challenges and took smaller parts in the enlarging global market around the 20th century,and was fought back step by step in the contest with the Japanese silk.The Chinese silk,having splendid history of more than five thousand years,faced with a rigorous life-and-death test.Reforming the silkworm seeds is either the important contents of solving the people’s living difficulties,or the demands of developing the national industries,bettering the international trade condition and reducing the trade deficit.In the second chapter,from elementary recognize to work together,the author stated that,at the beginning,while most Chinese people,not knowing the world situation,the international market and its change of demands,knew little of the lost of silk benefits and the ways to repartee,the custom official from the U.K,F. Kleinwachter recognized the international market situation,its tendency and the status Chinese silk take,fond out the crux of the problem,he suggested that it was necessary for Chinese people to learn the advanced agricultural technology from abroad and produce reformed silkworm seeds.After the war of 1894,which gave Qing Dynasty a heavy blow,more and more intellectuals,awaked by the national crisis,came to recognize the serious situation Chinese silk trade faced and accepted Kleinwachter’s suggestions.Lou Zhengyu and his friends from the Shanghai Sericulture Society invited Japanese technicians to check and get rid of the virus of the silkworm seeds and produced perfect seeds,with the help of modern technology.Lin Qi wrote to the grand coordinator of Zhejiang province suggesting found schools to train qualified personnel for silkworm seeds reforming cause and he sent two young men to Japan to study modern agricultural technology himself.The school and Jiangsu Woman Sericulture School founded later tried to manufacture reformed silkworm seeds,teach the students the modern seeds-producing technology,and give technological support to the new style seeds making farms their graduated students,which lay a solid basis for the silkworm seeds reforming cause in Jiangsu and Zhejiang province.During the periods of Emperor Guangxu and Xuantong,while Japanese government reformed their silkworm seeds vigorously,the government of late Qing Dynasty did little and lost good chances of development.Until the second decades of the 20thcentury,the intellectuals,businessmen,and government officials knew more about the importance and necessity of learning the western agricultural technology and reforming the silkworm seeds,took part in the reform to a certain extent and formed the all-taking part in situation.Needless to say,schools and the International Committee for the Improvement of sericulture in China acted as the main power in promoting the reform.Though founded some experimental facilities,the government did not plaid more important role because of fund shortage and backward in management.Without doubt,restricted by the domestic agricultural technology,the seeds the farmers used were still purebred ones,and its quality need to be improved,did not be accepted by the uneducated farmers,who were still in the stage of watch-and-wait. The reform didn’t have better results for the seeds hadn’t tangible advantage than the native seeds and the way of breeding the farmers used was still primitive.In the third chapter,the article made a probe into the reform of silkworm seeds in this area during the time of 1923-1932.In 1923,the technicians produced the hybridized seeds and built up their resistance to disease.With the invention of seeds used in autumn showing importance of science and technology,the farmers got benefits from the scientific development and got more profound understanding of modern science.The directive stations were built in many places,and became the frontier of spreading modern sericulture in the countryside.With the help of the directors,the farmers knew more about the reformed silkworm seeds and came to accepted them.On the one way,the already existing schools kept on growing,on the other way,some new sericulture schools were built and trained more students for the two provinces and made directive contributions to the going of modern science to the countryside.The ever-growing demands from the farmers formed a big market,and the breeding of producer of the reformed seeds made it possible to build more reformed seeds making enterprises.The more output,higher quality and lower price made the reformed seeds more acceptable to the farmers.During this period,the silk enterprisers,local gentlemen and the government made use of their own advantage and contributed to the reform,the silk enterprisers by setting up silkworm seeds farms to manufacture reformed seeds,or founding direct stations to teach the farmers to breed the silkworm with scientific approach and guiding them to use reformed seeds by favorable price,the gentlemen by making use of their prestige to help the setting up of direct stations,to publicize the sericulture science and set models to the farmers in the combination of modern technology with the traditional business,the government turn to be the main force of the reform by executing their obligations.They paid more attentions than late Qing dynasty and the North Ocean Group to the reform,not only set up agricultural administrative institutions,sericulture research and popularizes faculties,but also issued decrees to set the specifications and technical standards of reformed seeds in order to make it clear that how the reformed seeds should be manufactured and sold and who were qualified to do it.They taught the farmers to distinguish the bogus and inferior seeds from the standard ones and punish the unlawful and tricky traders.Though the international market changed unpredictably as before,during 1923 to 1931,the reform cause carried on with the reform farms running well and the reform cause striding forward.The forth chapter,crisis and countermeasures,mainly made a probe into the silkworm seeds reform from the year of 1933 to 1937 under the guide of governing economic thoughts.Since 1931,struck by the global economic crisis,along with the challenge from the artificial silk,natural disaster and unfavorable social situations,the Chinese silk was put in a tight spot.In order to overcome the crisis,revive the countryside;soften the rigid social contradictions,the Nanjing Government carried out the sericulture governing since 1933,aiming at put forward the seeds reform by administrative methods.In Jiangsu and Zhejiang province,the government established sericulture model reform district,set up central permanent directive house in the sericulture prosperous area,tried to persuade or even force the villagers to use the reformed seeds,and assisted by the controlling the silkworm firms.It is the only way they can do it,for the villagers lacking of modern scientific knowledge.But it was necessary for the government to consider the villagers’ psychological characters and habits of thinking,and give them benefits at the same time of heightening their culture level,which could make it easier for the farmers to accept the new technology. In stead of working subjectively and taking everything on itself,the government should carry out their obligation to supply good social and political situation and follow the principle of gradual improvement.The agitation of the villagers opposition to banish the local silkworm seeds,which lasted more than twenty days in there counties in Zhejiang province,illustrated the difficulty and complication of rooting the modern agricultural technology in farmers for they knew little about it,showed that it is a systematic project needing co-operation and hard work and a long process to be provided with all kinds of suitable conditions at home and abroad.In the sixth part,the remaining part,the author evaluated the achievement and shortcoming of the reform.With the use of modern science and technology,the quantity and quality of silkworm grew,the assortments of silkworm seeds reduced, farmers got better income,it maid contribution to the development of silk reeling industry and the increase of silk products,though the technical level of the reformed seeds was lack behind the advanced ones in the world.The reform took place in Jiangsu and Zhejiang province ranked first in our country in those days and set a model to other areas.Then the thesis discussed the reform took place of this area after 1937,it said that,while the reform cause grew vigorously,the Japanese imperialist launched a all-round invading war,serieulture industry was bitten heavily,rural economy shrunk,the produce and propaganda were damaged seriously,the reform cause was suspended.In the eight years that followed,the GMD government continued the reform cause by concentrating the remained reform force.Because of chaos,the normal agricultural running and research activities could continue no longer. Not having enough qualified reformed seeds,the farmers had to manufacture the native silkworm seeds with primitive way.Great retrogression was seen in the history of silkworm seed reforming.After the anti-Japanese war won,though the GMD government resumed the governing in silkworm seeds and took some supportive measures,most of the factories were too small to produce enough reformed seeds,as a result of both the longtime chaos caused by war and the breaking down national economy.The reform cause was faced with another life-and-death test.No doubt, there is a long way for modern agricultural science and technology to go down to the village and integrate with farmers there.


