

Beyond the Educational Memory of the Post-May-Forth Female Intellectuals

【作者】 姜丽静

【导师】 丁钢;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 教育史, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 士的消失和知识分子的出现是中国社会由传统向现代转型的一个重要特征。废除科举,只是切断了读书人的仕进之路,使政学分途,推广新学,现代学术教育体制的确立方才造就知识分子作为“专业人士”的本质内核。其中,高等教育不仅是知识分子的寄居中心,也在推广新学,引导中国传统学术的现代转型中起着至关重要的转承作用,成为新一代知识分子的主要诞生地。1917年,中国近代以来第一所国人自办、也是国立女子高等教育学府——北京女子高等师范学校——的筹备改组,同样催生中国本土培养的第一代女知识分子。与其时男性读书人大多经由传统士人向现代知识分子的转变不同,这一代女知识分子的产生则经历一个由困守“内闱”,被隔绝于学统和道统之外到摆脱个体发展的性别限制,接受新式学校的专业训练,成为知识分子的蜕变过程。本研究以北京女子高等师范学校首届毕业生程俊英、冯沅君和庐隐三位女知识分子为个案,以个人生活史的方式切入,综合运用生活史、心态史、口述史和教育叙事等研究方法,通过对其一生主要教育经历和专业生活的考察,尤其是其与北京女子高等师范学校之间关联的重点考究,力图揭示这一代女知识分子思想、知识和志趣变化的心路历程及其背后动因,探讨现代教育,尤其是高等教育在促进学术转型与传承,催生知识分子中的重要作用,并从一个新的角度审视20世纪上半期,中国社会、文化和教育以及女性个体发展之间丰富复杂的纠葛关系。本研究的基本结构与内容如下:导论对研究缘起(研究背景与问题提出)、研究现状、研究目的与意义、研究框架与内容、研究方法做出说明。第一章阐述北京女子师范学校改组高等师范的缘起及其早期的教育和校园生活,通过对清末官办女子教育发展历程的纵向引入、与同期北京大学——中国男子最高教育学府——的横向参照,将其置放于特定历史时空的脉络之中,并试图揭示早期教育中自相矛盾的女子教育理念和悖论式的发展模式,为新的突破埋下伏笔。第二章描述程俊英、冯沅君和庐隐三位女性早期的生活和教育经历,揭示远在官办女子教育正式启动之前,随着清末社会环境的变异和自古而来的多样的女教传统,三位女性已经试图突破主流观念强加于个体发展之上的性别限制,这一女性个体的觉醒直接促成北京女子师范学校教育的早期变革。第三章阐述“五四”事件前后女高师国文部的教育情况及其嬗变历程,揭示学生、教师和外部社会与文化环境之间丰富、复杂的交互作用,并通过考察黄侃、刘师培、胡适和李大钊等晚清和五四两代知识分子之间的差异与同质性,昭示女知识分子产生的真正根源。第四章深度描述程俊英、冯沅君和庐隐在上述教育环境的裹挟中所发生的蜕变过程,她们对内在志趣的寻找、专业根基的培植及其对社会职责的自觉担承。女高师时期是她们思想和志业的定型时期,在五四前后社会、文化和教育环境的交互作用下,三位女知识分子已经诞生。第五章考察三位女知识分子走入社会之后的专业生活,历经各种磨难和考验,她们依然矢志不移,不但在各自的专业领域做出卓越成绩,始终背负学术传承或文化启蒙的社会职责,还通过知识的生产与散布将学术和思想的薪火继续传衍下去。

【Abstract】 The emergence of intelligentsia is an important sign marking the transformation of China from ancient times to modern, for the abolition of the imperial examinations only finished the dreams of the former scholars to become officials. It is indeed the establishment of modern academic education system that constitutes the main force that resulted in the separation of politics and academy, the spread of new academic system and the corresponding change in the status of intellectuals from ’all-rounders’ to experts. In this process, high education became the major birthplace of new intellectuals which not only provided an active stage for them but also played a vital role in the modern transformation of traditional academic system. In 1917, the reorganization of former Beijing Female NormalSchool became the early form of the first national female higher education--BeijingFemale Normal College established by Chinese themselves which was going to be the cradle of the first female intellectuals educated by China herself. Unlike male scholars at that time who went through the transformation in status from traditional scholars to modern intellectuals, these female intellectuals experienced breaking away from the gender limitation that kept females in their boudoirs, isolated them from traditional learning and doctrine of Confucianism and thus prevented their personal developments to transform into intellectuals through special training in the college under new education system. Therefore, a review of the growth of these female intellectuals, especially their relationship with Beijing Female Normal College, will not only help us to understand the important role modern education, higher education in particular, played in the acceleration of academic transformation and inheritance as well as emergence of intelligentsia, but also help to show the highly complicated imbroglio among society, culture, education and individual development of woman in hurricane of the transformation of Chinese society in the first half of 20th. The structure and content of this study are introduced hereinafter:A brief explanation of the background and literature review of the study as well as research questions, aims, significance, framework, approach and viewpoint is made in the Introduction.Chapter I expatiates on the reasons why Beijing Female Normal School reorganized and its early education and campus life, while placing which in the special time and space in history via a longitudinal introduction of female education established by the government at the end of Qing Dynasty and a latitudinal comparison to the highest education institution for men of the time --Beijing University, in an attempt to find out the self-contradictory education ideas and development of early female education.Chapter II describes the early life and educational experience of Cheng Junying, Feng Yuanjun, and Lu Ying and shows their attempts to break through the mainstream in gender at that time that imposed on personal development of women with the change of environment and different traditions in female education of old at the end of Qing Dynasty long before the establishment of female education by the government. It is this awakening of individual females that resulted in the further transformation of the education of Beijing Female Normal School.Chapter III expatiates the education of Chinese department in Female Normal College before and after the May 4th movement and shows the complicated interaction among students, teachers and off-campus social and cultural environments. And the real reason of the emergence of female intellectuals is made clear at the same time via a review of the differences and homogeneity between intellectuals of late Qing Dynasty (taking Huang Kan, Liu Shipei as an example) and the May 4th (taking Hu Shi and Li Dazao as an example)Chapter IV is an in-depth description of the change of Cheng Junying, Feng Yuanjun, and Lu Ying in the above-mentioned educational environments and their pursuits of their own interests, their growth in their respective specialty and their taking of social responsibilities in self-consciousness. Their study in Female Normal College was a period in which their thoughts and ambitions were formed, which symbolized the emergence of three female intellectuals in the interaction of social, cultural and educational environments before and after the May 4th.Chapter V reviews the academic life after the graduation of the three female intellectuals in which they experienced various tests yet still stick to their pursuits and not only made great achievements in their respective specialty but shoulders social responsibilities all the time of academic inheritance and cultural enlightenment, trying to passing on the academic and ideological spirit via knowledge production and spread.

  • 【分类号】K828.5;G649.29
  • 【被引频次】11
  • 【下载频次】2079

