

A Study on Ming Dynasty Money and Currency

【作者】 黄阿明

【导师】 王家范;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 历史社会学, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 明代白银货币化,是中国传统社会后期社会经济的一个重大事件。白银货币化引发了传统国家制度和社会在诸多方面发生变迁。近年来,在西方反“欧洲中心论”语境的外部冲击和中国学术发展“内在理路”的共同作用下,中西学者关于明代中国出现了一些共识:从明代中后期起,一个世界贸易网络开始建立,世界市场雏现。白银成为世界货币,在世界一体化进程中扮演着重要角色。这一时期既是中国古代社会向近代社会转型的开端,也是经济全球化的开端。白银货币化在中国历史乃至世界历史上都是具有划时代的意义。既然如此,何以落后于中国的西方世界却在这场世界角逐中胜出,中国却从此一再丧失发展机遇,留下了诸多历史遗憾!研究明清社会经济史和货币经济史的中外学者,往往把白银数量与中国社会经济发展状态与程度直接挂钩等同。不可否认,白银货币化在一定程度上引发了传统中国的国家制度与社会变迁。但是,研究者在探讨白银货币化的作用时,在不同程度上忽视传统中国的制度环境和社会环境的制约因素,使得这些判断认识有所偏差或估计过高。我们要认识、理解和评价明代中后期以后中国的国家与社会变迁,必须把明代货币白银化这一重大事件放在整个明代国家与社会发展的脉络中予以考察。唯有系统理清白银货币化发展的线索与过程,充分考察白银与其它货币形态之间错综复杂的关系以及当时国家与社会环境下白银流通的实际情况,才能深刻认识白银货币化的重要性与历史意义。在此基础上,才能对白银货币化这一重大事件作出适当的、客观的评价。基于上述情况,本文以《明代货币与货币流通》为研究对象,试图初步系统探讨上述问题。根据目前的研究状况和存在的问题,本文的研究包括六个部分:第一部分,主要是系统全面的介绍明代的货币制度与政策,包括货币形态、货币政策及货币发行和管理等方面。其中笔者修正了学界的一些传统认识与看法,提出了一些新问题的讨论,适当地检讨明代货币制度与政策。第二部分讨论明代前期法定货币——大明宝钞体系瓦解的情况。首先探讨了大明宝钞发行的真正动机和目的,在此基础上考察明代宝钞的贬值情况,明代国家为挽救宝钞而采取的诸种措施及其影响利弊。最后论述了崇祯行钞计划的始末。第三部分着重论述明代白银货币化与国家赋役制度变迁之间的关系。这一部分主要讨论三个方面问题:一,与史学界强调的白银货币化宋代说、明代说有所不同,笔者将这一问题放在整个中国社会经济发展史中加以考察,认为白银货币化是一个长时段的历史事件,宋代是白银货币化的第一阶段,明代是第二阶段和完成时期。二,针对学界认为明代白银货币化是一个自下而上又自上而下、白银货币化引起明代赋役制度变迁的认识,这一部分简要叙述了明代白银货币化的演变过程,发现明代白银货币化首先是从国家赋役领域开始的,在这一过程中,国家财政具有重要的导向作用。三,较为系统地讨论了明代赋税征银中的负面问题,旨在全面认识白银货币化对国家制度变迁的影响,提示我们在研究中不可忽视中国传统国家的制度运作环境。第四部分主要论述明代制钱的实际流通情况,明代制钱流通具有六个特点,在此基础上,以万历三十九年留都地区的私铸问题作为个案,探讨了明代私铸问题。第五部分,讨论白银货币化时代的明代社会经济问题,着重于讨论白银货币化在社会经济发展中出现的负面表现与影响。首先检讨了中外学术界关于明代白银存量估算的情况,白银货币化对明代社会经济发展的影响。白银货币化对社会经济发展产生积极影响的同时,也出现了一些值得注意的现象,如白银窖藏、套利和伪银流通等问题,这些情况的存在,大大降低了白银资本的功能发挥。然而这些问题在以往的研究中重视还很不够,甚至没有得到重视。第六部分,选取江南地区、西南地区和闽、广地区,考察明代货币流通的区域性,探讨国家货币制度和政策的统一性与地区货币流通多元化之间的差异。通过上述三个区域的考察,可以看出传统中国由于历史发展水平的差异、自然地理环境分布的差异以及各地风俗习惯的差异,使得国家货币制度和政策在推行实施过程无法达到整齐划一。终章在前文论述的基础上,从制度层面以现代眼光对明代货币制度及货币流通的情况作了审视与反思,同时就白银资本的部分观点提出一些不同意见与看法。

【Abstract】 Silver Monetization during the Ming Dynasty is a significant event of the social economy in the late period of the Chinese traditional society. It brings out changes in many aspects of the traditional state system and society.In recent years,by the combined action of the exterior influences of the context of anti-Eurocentric in the west and the internal logic in the development of Chinese academic research,Chinese and foreign researchers have come to a common understanding on which an international trading net had established and the international market since the middle and late period of the Ming Dynasty.This period is not only the beginning of Chinese ancient society’s turning to the modern society,but also the beginning of economic globalization.Silver Monetization is of epoch-making significance in Chinese history and in the world history.Why the west world,which got behind China,won the worldwide competition,but China continually lost the developing chances thence and produced much pity in history,then? So many researchers,engaging in the study of the Ming-Qing social economic history and monetary economic history,often directly equate the amount of silver with the state and the levels of Chinese social and economic development.It’s hard to deny that in a way Silver Monetization has brought the variation of the traditional state system and society.But,when the researchers exploring the role that Silver Monetization played,some of their judgments are deviated or overestimated for neglecting restricting factors of the environment of traditional Chinese system and society.In order to know, understand and evaluate the state and social changes of China during the middle and late period of the Ming Dynasty,we should observe Silver Monetization by putting the event into the developing sequence of the whole state and society.Only when the development clue and process are systematically cleared up and the complex relationship of silver with other monetary form and the actual use of silver in the environment of state and society are sufficient investigated,we can understand the significance and historical meaning of Silver Monetization.On this basis, we may appropriately and objectively valuate this important event.For these reasons,we will concentrate on the monetary and currency during the Ming Dynasty and try to systematically discuss these problems given above in this dissertation.According to the present research and existed problems,the paper includes six parts:In chapter one,we mainly discuss to systematically and completely introduce monetary system and policy during Ming dynasty,including monetary forms,monetary policy,currency issue and management. Furthermore,we appropriately analyze monetary system and policy by revising the traditional ideas and views and discussing some new problems.In chapter two we present a discussion about the demonetization of Daming Baochao Monetary System——the legal tender in the first period of Ming dynasty.Firstly,we make research on the currency depreciation and measures taken to overcome the crisis of Daming Baochao by the government and their advantages and disadvantages,on the basis of examination of what motive and aim behind the sovereign’s issuing Daming Baochao.Lastly,the thesis discusses the whole plan to issue notes during Chongzhen,Ming Dynasty.In chapter three there is a strong emphasis on the relationship between Silver Monetization and the changes of taxation and corvee system of the government during Ming dynasty.We in this part mainly discuss on three problems:firstly,differing with the theory of Silver Monetization during Song and Ming Dynasty that historical field respectively emphasizes,we put this problem into the whole history of Chinese social economy,so that we give view of Silver Monetization:it is a historical event which lasts lengthy period of time.The author think Song Dynasty is the first stage of Silver Monetization,Ming Dynasty the second and the completion phase.Secondly,aiming at the view of that Silver Monetization is a bottom-up and top-down processing,which brings out the changes of taxation and corvee system of the government,we narrated the evolution and found that it first began from the field in taxation and corvee of the government,in which process state finance ever played an important guide role;Thirdly,we systematically analyze the negative aspect of tax in silver during Ming Dynasty in order to completely understand about the influence of Silver Monetization on the changes of state system,which reminds us not to ignore the operating environment of Chinese traditional state system in related research.In chapter four we describe the actual circulation of official coppers during Ming Dynasty.Official coppers’ circulation denotes five characters.Based on this,we choose the problem of illegitimate in Nanzhili in the year of Wanli Sanshijiu nian(1611)as a case study to explore illegitimate coppers during Ming Dynasty.In chapter five we discuss the problems of the social economy in the period of Silver Monetization,putting emphasis on the negative aspect and impacts of that in the development of the social economy.At first, we analyze domestic and foreign researchers’ estimating of the stock of silver during Ming dynasty and the effects of Silver Monetization on the social economy.While Silver Monetization has a positive effect on the development of the social economy,it also brings out some noticeable phenomena,for instance,the hoard of silver,arbitrage and illegitimate coppers currency,which greatly affect silver to perform its functions. But researchers placed insufficient emphasis on those problem,even few pay an attention to in previous studies.In chapter six discuss the regional character of money currency in order to demonstrate the difference between unity of system and polices of monetary and the diversity of the regional money,focusing on the regions of Jiangnan,West and South in China or Min and Guang.We founds there are distances between objective and actuality based on the preceding study,because of the custom,geographical features or historic discrepancy.Final part,we inspect and examine the system of Ming Dynasty monetary in modern sight.In the other hand,this paper raises some different points and advances on silver-capital.

【关键词】 明代货币白银货币化货币流通
【Key words】 Ming DynastyMoneySilver MonetizationCurrency
  • 【分类号】K248
  • 【被引频次】22
  • 【下载频次】2040

