

The Study of Personalities and Mental Health Status among College Students in Taiwan (China)

【作者】 陈妙

【导师】 孔克勤;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 基础心理科学, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 本研究为了从不同的角度完整的对人格作了解,因此人格测量的工具除了运用特质论的赖氏(YG)人格量表之外,同时运用类型论的MBTI人格量表,又以Beck情绪量表评估大学生的心理健康状况,所得研究结果如下:特质人格测验;台湾地区大学生在赖氏人格量表十二个分量表在男女性别比较结果,显示有七个分量表达显著差异,由平均数分析,男生显著高于女生的分量表有活动性、攻击性、女生高于男生的分量表有客观性、协调性、变异性、自卑感、神经质。在内外向性、社会适应性及情绪稳定等三个因素分析结果,台湾地区男性显著比女性情绪稳定,女性显著比男性有较高的社会适应,而内外向性因素未达显著差异。类型人格测验;台湾地区大学生在MBTI人格量表的16类型分析结果,人口比例最高的是ENFP,次之INFP,再次之ISTJ,研究样本的人口比例最低的是INFJ,次低ESTP,再次低INTJ。在台湾地区、大陆和两者总数的比较分析,16类型人口分布比例均达显著差异水平,表示各项分布不均,而以人口分布比例的排序而言,台湾地区、大陆与美国的前三排序及后三排序或其它项目的排序比较,结果差异不大,尤其是大陆与美国更接近些,台湾地区与大陆仍然看到较多差距,而两岸总数与美国比较差距相对小。因此,以MBTI作为中国人的测量工具而言,是具一定的效度的。台湾大学生的MBTI的四维度人口分布比例,内向(I)的人口比例显著高于外向(E),思维(T)人口比例显著高于情感(F)的比例,但感觉一直觉(S-N)、判断-感知(J-P)的人口比例并未显著悬殊,在性别的比较上,E-I、T-F的两个维度达显著的差异。贝克氏(Beck)情绪量表包括焦虑情绪量表(BAI)、忧郁情绪量表(BDI)、自杀量表(BSS)以及三个情绪分量表总分作为评估心理健康工具,由平均数得分显示,焦虑的平均数是9.05属于轻微程度(8-15分)、忧郁的平均数是10.66属于正常范围(0-13分),自杀平均数是2.22,分数极低,虽然如此,因为标准差的数值很高,所以必须注意研究样本中仍有情绪困扰者存在。性别的分析,结果显示女生的忧郁以及总分显著比男生高,而焦虑、自杀未达显著差异,焦虑及自杀在性别比较上虽未达显著差异,然平均数女生均高于男生。综合特质论及类型论作为预测情绪的复回归分析,以赖氏及基本属性作为预测变项,预测Beck情绪量表,结果显示E类型是最具预测指标,C类型及E类型对焦虑、忧郁、自杀及总得分达显著预测水平,此结果在大陆以及总样本数的分析结果亦同,除此,D类型对绝望具有显著预测水平。基本属性的预测中,性别属性对绝望、忧郁及总分具显著预测水平。台湾地区研究分析,以MBTI及基本属性作为预测变项,预测Beck情绪量表,结果显示E-I(外向-内向)最具预测指标,E-I维度对焦虑、忧郁、自杀及总得分,均具显著预测水平,此结果在台湾地区、大陆及总样本数的分析亦同。J-P(判断-感知)对台湾地区及总样本数的忧郁及自杀均具显著预测水平,性别对忧郁具显著预测水平,学系对自杀得分具显著预测水平。MBTI的E-I(外向-内向)是具高度预测水平与赖氏人格的内外向性结果前后呼应。以上从MBTI的预测结果,可以再度说明人类对事情的认知判断与情绪的关系,鉴于此对于Beck的认知行为治疗如何大受肯定,提出更有力的验证。总此,以人格的特质及类型研究结果,的确得到一些契合的结果,相异之处亦得到相当程度的相互补充。在两岸逐渐开放交流和解的当今,以此研究结果足以作为两岸对年轻人的相互了解。除此,就情绪研究结果亦当可初步提供海峡两岸的教育界及心理学界作为教育方针考虑及个案治疗专业的准备。

【Abstract】 To make an integrated understanding about the current college students’ personality and mental health, Y-G test as the personality instrument based on the trait theory of personality and MBTI test as the personality instrument based on the type theory of personality were used in this present research, as well as Beck Inventory (BI) was used to assess their mental health. And the results were as follows:a) There were significant differences between the college student by gender from Taiwan (China) on the seven subscales scores of the total twelve subscales ones of Y-G test; male students higher than female students are G (general activity) and Ag (Aggressiveness), while the female students higher than male students are O (Objectivity) ,Co (Cooperativeness), C (Cyclic tendency), I (Inferiority Feeling), N (Nervousness). The result of three factors of Y-G test with Internal-External and Social adjustment and Stable of emotion by gender, there were two significant deferent factors with Social Adjustment (man<female) and Stable of Emotion (man>female),and no significant difference with Internal-External.b) According to the MBTI test, the proportion of Type ENFP among college students from Taiwan (China) was biggest, followed by Type INFP and Type ISTJ. When arranged in ascending order, the sequence becomes Type INFJ, Type ESTP and Type INFJ. Furthermore, the proportion of each MBTI type between the college students from Taiwan (China), Mainland China and both sides of the Taiwan Strait was significantly different, but there were no significant differences between the above mentioned three types which have the biggest proportion, the above mentioned three types which have the smallest proportion and the other types of MBTI among college students from Taiwan (China), Mainland China, and America. Especially, the proportion was much similar between college students from Mainland China and America, and much different between college students from Taiwan (China) and Mainland China. And the proportion was little different between college students from both sides of the Taiwan Strait and America. So, MBTI is a valid instrument for evaluating Chinese personality. In addition, the proportion of Introversion among college students from Taiwan (China) was significantly big than that of Extraversion, and the proportion of Think was significantly big than that of Feeling, while there were no significant differences between the proportion of S-I (Sensation/Intuition) and J-P (Judgment/Perception). What is more is that there were significant differences between the proportion of E-I (Extraversion/ Introversion) and T-F (Think/ Feeling) between the college male students and female students from Taiwan (China).c) The results of Beck Inventory, including the Beck Anxiety Inventory (BAI), the Beck Depression Inventory (BDI) and the Beck Scale for Suicide Ideation (BSS) showed that college students from Taiwan (China) were slight anxiety (mean=9.05), moderate depression (mean=10.66) and extremely low suicide ideation (mean= 2.22). Because the standard deviations were high, there should be emotional puzzled in the subjects. In addition, the result of BAI and BSS showed no significant deferent by gender though, but female students were higher than male students from Taiwan (China).d) To predict the emotion by a set of personality variables, multiple regression analysis was conducted. The results showed that Type E of Y-G was the best predictor, and Type C of Y-G and TYPE E of Y-G can predict BAI, BDI, BSS and BI, which also appeared in the students sample of Mainland China and of both sides of the Taiwan Strait. And Type D can predict BHS available. In addition, gender can predictor BHS、BDI and BI.In highly agreement with that Type E of Y-G was the best predictor, the results of multiple regression analysis also showed that Type E-I of MBTI is the best indicator and can predict BAI, BDI, BSS and BI, which also appeared in the students sample of Mainland China and of both sides of the Taiwan Strait. Moreover, Type J-P can predict BDI and BSS of the students sample of Taiwan (China) and of both sides of the Taiwan Strait. In addition, gender can predictor BDI and major can predictor BSS. Gender can predict BDI available. The above results of regression analysis of MBTI offered a strong massage about cognition and emotion correlation, and thus provided strong proofs for why Beck’s cognition therapy was so popular.In conclusion, based on the trait theory and the type theory of personality, this research found some compatible results, and the differences among results are well complemented by each other. With Mainland China and Taiwan(China) gradually opening up, this study would promote understanding about youth of the mainland and Taiwan (China), and give advises for making educational rules and primary preparations for psychotherapy for the fields of education and psychology across-Straits.

  • 【分类号】B844.2
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】1972

