

Lu-Xun: Strategy of Existence and Narrating

【作者】 戈双剑

【导师】 马以鑫;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 中国现当代文学, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 在社会学视野中,“鲁迅与出版界”这一论题主要包括鲁迅与出版及出版界的相互关系。以历时态的方式考察这种繁复关系的建立、发展、深入、断裂、延续的过程,鲁迅作为兼有多种身份出版家的形象得以确立。在此基础上进一步探讨他的出版活动、出版理念、在出版场内的象征资本、灵活的斗争策略等内容,达到对“鲁迅与出版界”这一论题全景式的观照,论文的落脚点也即鲁迅与出版界关系的高度概括,自然立于“作为生存与表意的策略”这一层面。由此引出出版——作为文学生产制度之一种——对现代文学产生的巨大推动作用的探讨,为现代文学出版史的产生和存在寻求别样的理由。鲁迅的出版活动发生在中国近代出版业的历史演进过程中,并打上了鲜明的历史印迹,其出版活动上呈现出矛盾的两个方面(积极的建设心态和消极等待心态),走过一条充满尝试也充满失败的畏途。出版活动是其早期启蒙思想的一个延续,利用出版业来谋生活的想法也成为现实的一种选择,这为鲁迅后来从事出版业,成为职业出版家奠定了基础——出版开始成为鲁迅表意与生存策略的选择。就鲁迅的整个出版过程而言,他处于不断的身份转换和出版语境的变迁的情形中,而这种情况本身与他的出版活动二者相得益彰,互为动力。鲁迅出版理念的具体表征主要包括:以中小型出版机构为主要出版、传播的模式、应对图书审查的独立出版活动、对租界作用的认识和利用和鲜明的阵地意识。这是鲁迅对他自身出版活动的精神追求,价值判断,以及对他所处时代出版业发展规律和趋势的认识,以及应对策略。出版场有自身的独特逻辑。出版场的内部结构主要形成了传统出版业与新文艺出版业之间的对抗关系、新文艺出版业内部不同派别的对抗关系、出版人与出版机构的对抗关系。出版场的内部分歧更主要的还表现于情感认同方面。鲁迅这样多重身份的人(出版家、编辑、撰稿人)会在越出资本规律的前提下,出版与传播新文学、新思想。他持续不断地对小型出版机构的支持,即是情感认同大于商业利益这一惯习的表现。出版场处于意识形态的包围之中,在这样的历史情境中鲁迅不但以自己的创作实绩支持了左倾刊物,而且还策略性地对左倾意识形态的渗透进行纠偏;鲁迅与多个左倾书店保持了合作,并利用自身的象征资本和对出版业界的深刻认知对左倾书店进行引导和支持。面对国民党的“别样出版措施”,鲁迅创造性地发挥灵活斗争的策略,利用国民党与改组派之间的矛盾而进行自由的表意。鲁迅先生逝世后,其著作和研究著作的继续出版是鲁迅与出版界关系的完善和补充。就整体而言,鲁迅著作出版在抗战胜利后由中心城市向解放区扩展,并且呈现出多姿多彩、欣欣向荣的局面,而作为抗战胜利后出版业复兴的主要城市却并无作为且走势低靡。鲁迅研究著作的出版也较为明显地分出三个时期,鲁迅研究著作出版的运行轨迹表明:学术视野与出版倾向并不是简单的二元对立关系(如决定与被决定等),而是多种因素(政治、经济、文化等)影响下的模糊对应关系。作为学术视野的特质载体,出版的发展与消退毫无疑义地会影响学术的传播。出版不仅为鲁迅提供了生存自由的保证,也提供了必要的经济基础,而且成为鲁迅表意自由的前提。鲁迅利用为数众多的出版机构建构了话语空间。尽管这种建构更多的时候处于隐匿状态,但这却是鲁迅与出版界关系的真实情况。可以说,出版成为鲁迅达到生存自由和表意自由的重要媒介,而这一点对于认识鲁迅与出版界、以及出版与现代文学都有一定的意义。

【Abstract】 The thesis topic includes the relationship between Lu Xun and publish or publishing circle in the Sociology vision. During the way to state inspection, this complicated relationship includes the process of establishment, development, in-depth and continuation, Lu Xun’s image with multiple identities has been established. On this basis, further discussion on his publishing activities, publishing philosophy, Symbolic capital in the publishing field, flexible tactics of struggle will take the topic under a panoramic view of the Perspective, and the end result of the paper that is highly summarization of relationship between Lu Xun and the publishing circle stand naturally on the level——Strategy of Existence and Narrating. This also leads to the discussion on an enormous role in promoting modern literature by the publication as a kind of literary production system, looking different reasonses for the Emergence and existence of the publication history of modern literatureLu Xun’s publishing activities Occurred on the evolution process of China’s modern publishing industry, and marked a sharp historical blot, its publishing activities shows contradiction of the two sides( the attitude of positive building and negative waiting ) by traversed a road with full of attempt and failure. Publishing activities is a continuation of the early Enlightenment, use the idea seeking life also become a reality option, and this laid the foundation for taking his publishing industry and becoming a professional publishers——the publication has become his choice of strategy of existence and narrating.Lu Xun’s the specific characterization of publishing ideas include: using small and medium-sized publishers as the main publication and the mode of transmission, an independent publishing activities for review of the book , understanding and using of the role of the concession and awareness of distinct positions. This is Lu Xun’s own spiritual pursuits, value judgments on the publishing activities as well as awareness of the rule of development and trends on the publishing industry on the time he was living, and Response strategies.Publishing field market has its own unique logic. The internal structure of Publishing field have three couples of Confrontational relations: the traditional publishing industry and the new literature artistic publishing industry, different factions in a new literary publishing industry, publishers and publishing agencies, the internal major differences of internal publishing field also reflected in the aspects of emotional identity. Lu Xun as the person of multiple identity (publishers, editors, writers) will Publish new literature and disseminate new ideas outside of the capital rule, He continued to support small publishers, that means habitus performance—— emotional recognition more important than the commercial interests.Publishing field is surrounded by the force of the ideology, in this historic situations, Lu Xun’s works not only support the left-leaning publications with their own performance , but also Correct strategically on the infiltration of the leftist ideology. Lu Xun maintained cooperation with many left-leaning bookstore and the using his own symbol capital and deep understanding of publishing industry to guidance and support the leftist bookstore. Faced on the KMT’s "Different publishing measures", LuXun played creatively flexible strategy for the struggle, using contradiction between the Kuomintang and the restructuring of the camp(gaizupai) to narrate freely.His write and study him write continue to publish after the death of Lu Xun, that is the improvement and complementary about relations between Lu Xun and the publishing circle. On the whole, Lu Xun’s works published by the expansion from urban centres to the liberated areas after the victory of the Anti-Japanese War, and showing a colorful and thriving situation. But there is no good trend in the publishing industry as a publishing industry rejuvenation of the major cities, on the contrary, it depressed after the victory of the Anti-Japanese War. The publication of the study works of Lu Xun also more clearly tell three periods. The track show that: academic horizon and the tendency of the publication is not a simple dualistic relationships (such as with the decision and by the decision, etc.), but fuzzy relationship under the influence of more than kind of factors (political, economic, cultural, etc.) As characteristics carrier under academic vision, there is no doubt that the development and dissipation in publishing will affect the academic dissemination.Publishing not only provide Lu Xun a guarantee for the freedom of existence, and also provide the necessary economic foundation, but also the premise of freedom of narrating. Using a large number of publications, he constructed discourse space, although this building is in a latent state more often, but it is the true situation in the relationship between Lu Xun and the publishing circle. It can be said that publishing is an important media for Lu Xun’s freedom of existence and narrating, and this point have a certain significance on the understanding of Lu Xun and the publishing industry, as well as modern literature and the publication.

  • 【分类号】I210.9
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】488

