

Study on the Regional Economic Integration of Yangtze River Delta

【作者】 韩佳

【导师】 徐长乐;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 人文地理学, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 随着经济全球化趋势的日益加快,世界经济的发展和国家间的竞争,更多地集中体现在国家内部的区域竞争层面上。长江三角洲经济区是我国地区经济发展速度最快、经济总量规模最大的首位经济核心区,长三角区域经济一体化是适应经济全球化进程加速的客观要求,也是区域内各省市自身发展的需要。长江三角洲具有完善的区域经济一体化的经济发展、基础设施和产业发展基础,以及日益成熟的区域合作机制、政策和思想观念等软件条件。本文总结了长江三角洲区域经济一体化的发展现状:长三角区域内地方政府间的合作已形成一定制度,城市间、企业间和社会各界的交流与融合日益紧密,城际大型基础设施建设不断取得新进展,世博会的联动效应也将有力推动长三角新一轮的区域经济共同发展。但是,目前仍存在许多问题阻碍着长三角区域经济一体化进程,诸如:低水平重复建设导致产业结构趋同,地方政府干预经济导致恶性竞争,产业升级受到产业结构不合理的制约,区域内基础设施建设缺乏统一规划布局,区域内经济发展不平衡,区域可持续发展受到威胁,区域创新体系面临瓶颈等。通过对以上问题进行深层次原因分析,针对当前阻碍长三角区域经济一体化发展的制约因素,对长江三角洲区域经济一体化发展的制度创新进行研究,提出在长三角区域经济一体化进程中,各地方政府及相关部门首先需要统一思想认识,转变发展理念,正确处理行政区经济与区域经济的关系、市场主导与政府调节的关系、相关地方政府的角色定位及相互关系问题。为保证制度性组织机构行使权力,区域内各省市可通过让渡部分权力,由区域协调机构统一调控。并制定相关法律加强区域内外的交流与合作,使一体化不断地向更高的形式发展。在中央政府协调下建立跨行政区的协调管理机构,加强区内协调和区外合作与发展。同时,通过建立以产业、资源和地域为特征的区域协调发展基金或者通过制定区域政策所进行的利益协调,避开分割市场的行政地域边界,通过共同权力干预资源配置,进行全局和整体整合。并完善在国家以产业为特征的地区政策框架下的规范性法律法规。转变政府职能,由管制型政府向服务型政府转变。政府职能由经济领域转移到公共服务领域,主要职责是在市场失灵的公共产品和基础产业等非竞争部门直接投资和规划,为区域经济发展创造良好的外部环境。在涉及区域公共产品和公共资源领域,进行统一规划、建设和管理的制度协调,并强化中央派驻长三角的管理职能部门的作用。推进以政府为主导的区域内城市跨界发展,突破行政区划限制,强化区域经济功能,解决城市土地、港口等资源紧缺的瓶颈。同时,积极培育非政府性的跨地区合作组织,加强社会协调力量,鼓励建立各类半官方和民间跨地区协调组织,促进长三角区域一体化发展。

【Abstract】 With the acceleration of the economic globalization, the international economic development and competition was actually the regional competition of the countries. Yangtze River delta is the primary economy core region, which has the fastest developing speed and share the largest economic volume. The economic integration of Yangtze River delta meets the increasing demand of economic globalization, which is also the request of the provinces and cities of the region. There are abundant foundations of the economic development, infrastructure and industry development in Yangtze River delta, there are also perfect regional cooperation mechanisms, policies and ideas. This paper reviews the present situation of the regional economic integration, there had became the system of the local governments cooperation, the communication and the amalgamation between the cities, enterprises and other social organizations became more and more close, the construction of the large intercity infrastructure continually obtained the new progress, the World Exposition would greatly promote the regional economy development. There are, however, many problems which prohibited the regional economic integration of Yangtze river delta, such as the low level of duplicated items of construction caused the convergent industrial structure, the industrial upgrading was restricted by the unreasonable industrial structure, there is no unified planning of the regional infrastructure, the regional sustainable development was threatened and the regional disparities were magnifying and so on. Through the analysis of the reasons of these problems, we proposed the specific countermeasures, establish the regional economy cooperation model which is promoted by the government, orientated by the market, dominated by the enterprises, changing the economic function of the government, outstanding the region as a unified regional economic system and its economic function, establishing the comprehensive authoritative institutions which was responsible for the regional coordination and management, establishing the sharing and transfer mechanism of the public products, social and economic resources, the coordination and compensation mechanism of the regional interests, and the transformation of the regional scientific and technological achievements etc., perfecting the regional legislation, establishing unified market system, optimizing the industrial structure and promoting the integration of the industrial cluster through the recombination of the large enterprises, and actively cultivating the non-governmental organizations.

  • 【分类号】F127
  • 【被引频次】42
  • 【下载频次】5447

