

Gambling and Altogether Wins

【作者】 唐静

【导师】 范军;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 科学社会主义与国际共产主义运动, 2008, 博士


【摘要】 区域一体化是当今世界发展的一个重要趋势。开始于战后初期的欧洲一体化是迄今为止世界范围内区域化运动中最为成功的典范。其实质是表明了战后西欧发达资本主义国家为走出高度发达和疆域相对狭小的困境以及抗衡外部政治经济竞争压力而寻求区域一体化的创新。谈判协商是欧洲走上一体化道路的基石,它体现在欧盟的体制、政治模式和运行方式等诸多方面。谈判协商作为一种行为动力,它与历史动力和物质动力一起联合促成并推进了战后欧洲的一体化进程。欧洲人推崇谈判,谈判遍及各个领域。本文关注的是官方谈判,主要是政府间谈判,以此为视角,对政府间谈判在欧洲一体化中所扮演的角色进行研究。全文共分六个部分。第一章从理论环节探讨欧洲各国通过走政府间谈判的道路实现一体化的可能性。无论是在国际关系理论中,还是欧洲一体化的理论阐释中,都不难发现合作和对话已成为大国外交的主旋律。合作需要通过谈判的过程将各个独立的个体或组织的行动变得互相一致起来。在欧洲一体化中,交往与沟通是衡量一体化水平的重要标尺,要在这一地区实现更高层次的一体化,必须具备的一个重要条件是进一步增加各国之间的交往和沟通活动的数量,政府间谈判成为最重要和最直接的途径。第二章从历史年轮上考察了欧洲由政府间谈判走向联合的必然性。伴随着欧洲统一观念的演进、发展,历史上也始终存在着两条根本对立的统一途径,即是武力还是和平?战后国际秩序的变化,使欧洲必须从战争所带来到深重危机中解脱出来,去构建欧洲的新秩序。欧洲各国社会精英对欧洲秩序的进行了思考和探索,并因此形成了一批“欧洲派”的政党和压力集团。他们通过广泛联系、发挥各自的政治能量,尤其是利用手中掌握的实际权力,探寻出政府间谈判的方式,启动了并推动着欧洲一体化的进程。战后欧洲新秩序的探寻和构建是政府间谈判的大背景,新秩序即和平与地区发展,建立秩序的手段只能通过对话、合作与谈判。第三章是关于欧洲一体化政府间谈判的全面理论阐述,根据欧洲一体化进程本身所独有的特点(超国家层面和民族国家层面的选择)进一步分析政府间谈判的博弈问题。谈判就是讨价还价,就是博弈。本文认为欧洲政府间谈判最核心的就是超国家主权与国家主权之间的双层次博弈,以建立经货联盟为例本章进行了分析。针对部分学者提出的欧洲一体化在很多问题上更应该是多层次博弈,本文认为归根结底始终离不开超国家与民族国家的双层次博弈。第四章研究的是一体化进程中政府间谈判的范式问题,包括各国政府讨价还价的根本原则与底线,以及任何一个谈判过程的综述。欧洲政府间谈判到今天可以说已经形成的是一种模式:危机——争吵——谈判——妥协,欧洲一体化就是在这样轮回中前进,一条红线贯穿其中:权力与利益的博弈。民族国家仍然是欧洲最主要的组织单元,并且不会削弱,国家利益和民族利益是各国在任何时候最关心的内容,政府间谈判更是以维护各国利益为首要要务,任何主权的让渡不过是牺牲更小的利益以换取更大的回报。本文第五章是对政府间谈判的影响因素进行分析。影响政府间谈判的因素很多,概括起来无非是国际环境和国内政治两方面。由于篇幅有限,本章只列举了其中的一些相对较为重要的因素,如国际环境因素中的大国关系因素(主要是美国对政府间谈判的介入影响)和突发国际事件因素,而在国内政治变量中则侧重介绍了利益集团(政党、精英)和社会思潮(认同、民意、媒体)等因素。本章力图通过此将欧洲政府间谈判问题的研究放在一个棋盘中去考察,用马克思主义的社会结构分析方法来全面的分析。文章的最后一部分列举了欧洲一体化历史上较有分量的几个事件,以政府间谈判为视角,用历史的写法试图描绘出政府间谈判在欧洲一体化基础的作用和地位。抑或通过此介绍,使前文的阐述和分析能有一个更直观的印象。欧盟半个多世纪来都在历经大大小小的激烈谈判争论,一次又一次地达成妥协能够朝向共同的目标不停地前进。就像有人说的那样,欧盟的谈判争论是:争而不恼,吵而不散,为了一个共同的大欧洲之梦,妥协之中求发展。但需要引起注意的是,欧盟正式实行东扩后,随着新成员国的加入,入盟成员国的增加,谈判对手也许会发生新的组合、形成新的结构,过去认为可以达成一致的事务,在新形势下也许会产生预料未及的变数。从合作博弈的角度来分析,谈判各方已经就欧盟的未来发展框架达成一致,但在具体进程实现的细节上仍需讨价还价谈判,在趋同的框架下,各国如何能实现长期互利互惠应该是未来欧盟谈判的基调。

【Abstract】 Regional integration is an important trend in today’s world. Began in the early post-war European integration is the most successful example by far the world wide movement of regionalization. Its essence is that after the war Western Europe developed capitalist countries seek innovation of regional integration for out of a highly developed and relatively small territory, as well as the plight of political and economic competition against external pressure. Negotiation is the soul of European integration. It reflects the institutional, political mode and operation mode of EU, and so on. Negotiations and consultations act as a driving force. It promote the joint post-war European integration process with the power of history and material force.Europeans respected negotiations. Negotiations cross in all areas. This paper is concerned on official negotiations, in particular with the Intergovernmental Negotiating. From the point of Intergovernmental Negotiating, the paper research the role of Intergovernmental Negotiations which playing in the European integration.The full text is divided into six parts.In the first chapter, the paper analyse the theoretical aspects of European countries realizing the possibility of integration by the way of Intergovernmental Negotiating. Whether in international relations theory, or in the theory of European integration, it is not difficult in finding dialogue and cooperation becoming the main theme diplomacy of great-power. Cooperation will link independent of all individual or organization and make their actions consistent with each other through the process of negotiations. In the European integration, exchanges and communication is important to measure the level of integration. In order to achieve a higher level of integration in this region, an important condition that is to further increase exchanges and communication between the levels of activities. Intergovernmental Negotiating has become the most important and most direct way to do it.In the second chapter, the paper study in the inevitability of the joint by the Intergovernmental Negotiating on the history of the European. There always existed the unity of the fundamental antagonism between the two channels two ways along with the evolution of the European concept of unity, that is, force or peace? Changed in the post-war international order, which makes Europe must extricate itself in deep crisis from the war, to build a new order. European social elite from their countries began to think and exploration of the order in Europe, and therefore developed a number of "European factions" of political parties and pressure groups. They explored ways of Intergovernmental Negotiations, initiated and promoted the process of European integration by their extensive contacts with political energy, in particular the hands of real power. Exploring new order in Europe after war is the general backdrop of construction Intergovernmental Negotiating. The new order is peace and regional development. The way of establishing the order only must be by means of dialogue, cooperation and negotiations.The third chapter is a comprehensive theory of the Intergovernmental Negotiations on European integration. This chapter further analyse game problems of the intergovernmental negotiating according to the unique characteristics in (selecting supra-national level and the level of the nation-state) European integration process. Negotiations are bargains and games. In this paper, the core of the Intergovernmental Negotiating Europe is the two-level game between supra-national sovereignty and national sovereignty. This chapter analyse as an example of establishing an economic and monetary union. Some scholars have put forth the view of European integration on many issues should be more multi-level game, this paper conclude the view that it always been inseparable from two-level game on the supra-national state with the nation’s.In the chapter IV, the paper study paradigm problem in the process of integration of the Intergovernmental Negotiating, including the fundamental principle and the bottom line of the governments to bargain, and any of a negotiating process overview. Today Intergovernmental Negotiations of European can be said to have formed a pattern: crisis-bickering-negotiations-compromise. European integration is in progress in this reincarnation. A red thread runs through them: the game between the power and the interests. The European nation-state is still the most important organizational unit, and will not be weakened. National interests and national interests are at any time, countries will always most concern about their contents. Intergovernmental Negotiating is priority to safeguard the interests of all countries. But any transfer of sovereignty is way of sacrifice smaller interests in exchange for greater returns.In the Chapter V of this paper, an analysis on the impact of factors of the Intergovernmental Negotiating is elaborated. There are a number of factors in impacting Intergovernmental Negotiating. Which can be summed up is none other than two aspects as the international environment and domestic political. Since space is limited, this chapter only listed some relatively more important factor of theirs. For example, Environmental factors such as international factors in the relations among major power(Mainly the United States of the Intergovernmental Negotiating the impact of intervention) and some unexpected events in international factors. In domestic political variables are focused on interest groups (political parties, the elite) and the social trends of thought (identity, public opinion and media), and some other factors. This chapter attempt to put the Intergovernmental Negotiations on the issue of a chessboard by these analysis, and also make the social structure analysis of Marxist of to conclude a comprehensive.The last part of the article cites several events in the history of European integration. With the perspective of the Intergovernmental Negotiating, the part attempts to depict the role and status of intergovernmental negotiations in the European integration on the drafting history. With it, so that the former exposition and analysis can have a more intuitive impression.EU experienced a number of intense negotiations and controversy more than half a century. But after time and again also can reach a compromise and towards a common goal to keep ahead to the target. Just as some people say that EU negotiations argument is: struggle without angry, noisy and leave. To sharing a common dream of a Europe, and develop in compromise.But attention is needed, after the formal implementation eastward expansion of the EU, negotiations opponent may be a combination of a new structure with the addition of new member states. Which can reach an agreement affairs in the past, may be expected to produce less than the variable under the new situation. Negotiating parties have agreement on the future development of the EU framework from the perspective of game cooperation. But in the details of process on achieving the specific still need to bargain. The future of the countries’ negotiations keynote is how to implement benefits in the mutually framework.

  • 【分类号】D75
  • 【被引频次】2
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