

TV Speech in Image Times

【作者】 包鹏程

【导师】 王晓玉;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 文学与传媒, 2008, 博士


【摘要】 在电视的信息传播过程中,传播者和接受者总是处于传播的两极,信息在两极之间的传播需要借用一定的媒介,同时需要对传播的信息加以必要的编码。编码就是把信源输出的符号序列用某个给定顺序编成最佳系列。从信息传播意义的角度看,编码就是表达。表达是制造符号以代表其意义的过程与产物;同时表达也是在一切有效的意指系统内形成意义的社会化的过程。因此,电视表达涉及到符号、符号的意义和特定的意指系统。具体地说,就是电视如何表达,表达了什么,不同类型的表达,表达的逻辑,表达的语境等问题。电视如何表达的问题,就是把电视文本作为一个符号系统、一个叙事(narrative)文本和具有修辞特征的文本系统。表达了什么,研究的是电视的内容表达和形象表达的问题;电视有多种类型,而不同的类型在结构、叙事等方面各不相同,表达的内容也有所侧重,类型表达探讨的是不同类型具有什么样的特征以及这样的特征传达了什么意义。电视是一种文化形态,具有经济和意识形态等特征,电视表达了文化、经济和意识形态的内容,经济和意识形态对电视表达也会产生一定的影响,而且会成为电视表达的一种内在的逻辑。语境研究涉及到文本中的上下文语境、情境语境和文化语境等多个方面。表达的过程是文本语境建构的过程,也称为“语境化”的过程,建构的语境又会对文本的表达产生影响;文化语境是文化既有的状态,它对表达的建构具有决定性的作用;在国际传播环境下,跨文化传播已经成为一种必然,电视表达必须适应不同的文化语境,并且以此为基础,建立国际交流和对话平台。随着媒介技术的发展,媒介形态也在不断变化,这就对电视表达提出了新的挑战,一方面是传播者如何利用各种媒介强化电视的传播和表达,另一方面就是传播者在接触各种新、旧媒介的过程中必须具备获取、分析各种信息的素养。论文以表达作为文章的逻辑基点,其核心就是试图从理论上讨论电视表达的内在本质及其表达规律问题等一系列问题,其目的在于深化电视传播研究的内涵,拓展电视传播研究领域,发展多元的电视传播方法,这也是对电视媒介研究一直偏重于受众和受众接受研究的一种理论反拨。

【Abstract】 In TV transmission, the sender and the receiver of message are respectively at the two poles of the transmission. The transmitted message must be encoded through certain kinds of media. To encode is to organize the sign-arrays come from the source into the best series through given consequences. From the angle of message transmission, encoding is expression. Expression is as well the process and product of fabricating symbols to represent its meaning, as the process of the socialization of meaning-formation under every efficient signification system. Therefore, TV expression involves signs, the meaning of signs, and the signification system. To be specific, TV expression includes the ways, the contents, the genres, the logic, and the contexts of expressing, et cetera.The way TV expresses itself simply means to treat TV text as a symbol system, a narrative text and a text system with rhetorical color. To convey what kind of information is to study the content-expression and the image-expression of TV. There are many TV genres, each varies in structures, narratives, focuses and some other aspects. The genre-expression deals with the characteristics and the meaning they convey. TV is a form of culture with economic and ideological features. On one hand, TV expresses the substance of culture, economy and ideology; on the other hand, the above-mentioned factors will not only influence TV expression, but will even turn out to be the internal logic of TV expression. The research of context involves textual context, situational context , cultural context and so forth. The process of expression is the very process of textual context-construction, which can also be called contextualization. This kind of constructed context affects contextual expression. Cultural context alludes to the status of existing culture, which is vital to the construction of expression. The cross-culture transmission is a necessity in the frame of global transmission. TV expression should adapt itself to different cultural contexts on which it should be based, and establish a platform of global communication and dyad system. With the development of media technology, the form of media updates constantly, which posts new challenges to TV expression in many aspects, for instance, how message-senders access to various kinds of media to enhance the transmission and expression of TV; message-senders should have the capacity of obtaining and analyzing when they are exposed to all kinds of new or obsolete information.Based logically on the point of expression, this dissertation intends to explore the essence-and-expression disciplines of TV expression theoretically, with an aim to deepen the connotations, to broaden the boundaries, and to multiply the approaches of the study of TV transmission. To a certain extent, the leitmotiv of this dissertation serves as a theoretical washback on TV media research biased either on message-receivers or on their acceptation.

  • 【分类号】G220
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】762

