

Research on the Contemporary Chinese Cultural Ecology

【作者】 徐建

【导师】 宋进;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 马克思主义理论与思想政治教育, 2008, 博士


【摘要】 文化研究无论从广义还是从狭义而言,都不能局限或归属于某一特有学科,迄今为止各种形式的文化研究往往有一个共同的特点:跨学科性。本文借鉴了文化人类学通过移植生态学的规律所创立的文化生态理念,从文化哲学的视角来研究当代中国的文化生态问题。全文主要从以下几个方面进行了研究:导论部分属于文献综述,主要介绍了国外有关文化生态问题研究的理论积淀,当代中国文化生态问题的研究现状,以及本文的研究思路、研究框架、研究方法、创新与不足之处。其中也包括了对文化哲学的论述。第一章提供了全文所依赖的理论基点。首先从基本概念入手,区分了文化与文明、文化生态与生态文化,然后分析了文化生态形成的前提——文化多样性,对文化多样性进行了生态考察,主要涉及文化多样性的形成、主要表现以及多样文化的分类、多样文化间的生态关联。从历时的视野对文化生态的演化作了分析,认为文化生态的演化包括文化生态的遗传和变异两个层面,文化生态的遗传要求人们坚持传统的民族精神,文化生态中的变异要求人们把握先进文化的方向,但强调文化生态遗传与变异存在着个体差异性。因为不同国家的文化生态面临着不同的环境,所以有必要对影响文化生态演化的经济环境、政治环境、国际环境进行探讨。第二章将目光聚焦在中国文化生态的当代转型。首先,分析了改革开放以前中国文化生态建设的成就:在建国初期实现了新民主主义文化生态向社会主义文化生态的演替:确立了社会主义文化生态运行的基本规范;维护了马克思列宁主义在文化生态中的“优势种”地位。其次,总结了改革开放以前中国文化生态建设的教训:社会主义文化生态建设缺少商品经济的催化剂和根基;维持社会主义文化生态正常运行的“双百”方针在实践中遭到挫折;“左”倾错误导致文化生态中亚文化的缺失。改革开放以后,随着经济上市场经济的推动、政治上中国共产党的文化自觉,中国文化生态出现了当代转型,考察了中国文化生态当代转型的评判标准。第三章主要讨论了当代中国文化生态格局的失衡与调整。分析了当代中国文化生态内三种具体文化形态形成的分制格局:以政治话语为基调的主导文化;以人文话语为基调的精英文化;以世俗话语为基调的大众文化,指出了它们的关联性。然后考察了当代中国文化生态格局失衡的表现:主导文化的关心度下降;精英文化的衰退;大众文化的异军突起:三种文化形态之间也存在冲突。这种文化生态格局的失衡势必会给中国的社会稳定、民族凝聚力、综合国力造成不良的影响,因此有必要去对失衡的文化生态格局进行调整:对主导文化地位的坚持与巩固:对精英文化的认同与繁荣;对大众文化的引导与规范。这样才能够达到中国文化生态格局的和谐与平衡。第四章分析了西方文化对我国文化生态格局的影响。在全球化的景况下,中国文化生态建设无疑会受到西方文化的影响,这种影响有积极的正常文化交流的一面,也有西方发达国家依仗其强大的实力对发展中国家推行文化霸权的一面,并且这种文化霸权具有隐蔽性与欺骗性、强制性与霸道性、复合性与多样性的特点。这些特点使得西方文化霸权对我国文化生态格局的渗透是全面的。因此我们进行文化生态建设还必须建立起有效的国家文化生态安全预警系统;提高我国文化创新能力;坚持社会主义主导文化,提倡多样性,坚持文化建设的主动性。只有这样,才能有效抵御西方文化霸权。第五章从文化生态理念的视野分析了文化和谐。区分了和谐文化与文化和谐这两个容易混淆的概念。认为文化和谐是我国文化生态建设的目标与归宿,要实现这一目标,需要通过文化生态建设。主导文化、精英文化、大众文化分别在不同层面上为社会主义和谐社会的建设提供着支撑分力,但这种分力只有在文化生态的整合下凝聚成一股合力才能发挥更加显著的作用。第六章探讨了当代中国文化生态建设的中国特色与世界眼光。在探析当代中国文化生态建设的中国特色时,首先考察了当代中国文化生态与中国特色社会主义文化的区别与联系,认为中国特色社会主义文化是一个结果,它包含了文化生态中所有优秀文明成果,而文化生态更多的体现为一个过程,是一个不断进行文化优秀成果整合的过程,经过文化生态建设,能源源不断地为中国特色社会主义文化提供营养。接着讨论了文化全球化进程中中国文化生态的个性发展与中国文化生态建设过程中独特的价值取向。在考量当代中国文化生态建设的世界眼光时,侧重分析了中国文化生态建设面向世界的宽广眼界,中国文化生态建设在世界文化体系建构过程中的话语权,以及构建和谐世界进程中中国文化所具有的价值。最后在结束语部分展望了中国要在21世纪实现和平发展,中华民族要实现伟大复兴达至和平崛起,就必须创建、缔造中国现代文化,以中国文化多样性为基础,实现对中国文化生态新的优化。

【Abstract】 Cultural study can not be limited to or belong to a unique discipline whether in the broad sense or in the narrow sense. Until now, various kinds of cultural study have a common feature: interdisciplinary. This paper studies the contemporary China’s cultural ecology problem by making use of the cultural ecology idea established by cultural anthropologists through transplanting the law of ecology from a brand-new angle of view of cultural philosophy. The whole paper has mainly conducted the study from the following aspects:The introduction is the part to summarize the documents, mainly introducing the accumulation of overseas theories related to the cultural ecology research, present research situation of the contemporary China’s culture ecology problem as well as the research frame, research methods, innovation and the inadequacy of this paper. This part also includes the introduction of cultural philosophy.Chapter I provide the theoretical basis which the whole paper relies on. It starts from the basic concepts, differentiating the cultural from the civilized, the cultural ecology from the ecological culture, then analyzes the premise of the formation of cultural ecology—culture multiplicity, carries on the ecological inspection to the cultural multiplicity, mainly referring to the formation of cultural diversity, the main manifestation as well as the classification and ecological connections of diverse cultures. It analyzes the evolution of cultural ecology successively, thinks that the evolution of cultural ecology includes two aspects: the heredity of cultural ecology and the variation of cultural ecology. The heredity of cultural ecology requests people to insist on traditionally national spirit; the variation of cultural ecology requests people to hold the direction of advanced culture, but there is an emphasis on the individual differences between the heredity of culture ecology and the variation of culture ecology. Because different countries’ cultural ecologies face different cultural environments, it is necessary to discuss the economic environment, the political environment and the international environment that have influences on the evolution of cultural ecology.Chapter II focuses on the modern reformation of contemporary China’s cultural ecology. First, it analyzes the achievements of China’s cultural ecology construction before the reform and open-up policy. It realized the succession from the new democratic cultural ecology to the socialist culture ecology in the early years of the new nation, established the basic standard of the movement of the socialist cultural ecology and maintained Marxist-Leninism’s status of "dominant species" in the cultural ecology. Next, it summarized the lessons of China’s cultural ecology construction before the reform and open-up policy. The socialist cultural ecology construction lacked catalyst and foundation of commodity economy. The policy "Double Hundred" which maintained the normal operation of the socialist cultural ecology encountered setbacks in practice. "Leftist" mistakes caused the lack of inferior culture of cultural ecology. After the reform and open-up, China’s cultural ecology changes with the commodity economy’s impetus in economy and the Communist Party of China’s cultural consciousness in politics, which led to the modern reformation of contemporary China’s cultural ecology. The paper discusses the standard of the modern reformation.Chapter III discusses the patterns of three specific forms of cultural formations, that is, the dominant culture taking the political discourse as the core; elite culture taking the humanistic discourse as the core and the popular culture taking the secular discourse as the core, it studies the internal imbalances and adjustments of the contemporary China’s cultural ecology. It analyzes the manifestation of the imbalance of the contemporary China’s cultural ecology: the declining concern of the dominant culture, the wane of the elite culture, the spread of the mass culture and the conflicts among the three cultural patterns. The imbalance of the cultural ecology is bound to have adverse effects on China’s social stability, national solidarity and comprehensive national strength. Therefore, it is necessary to adjust the unbalanced cultural ecology: the adherence to and consolidation of the status of the dominant culture; the upgrading and integration of the elite culture and the guidance and normalization of the popular culture. Thus, it can gain the internal harmony and balance of China’s cultural ecology.Chapter IV is about the impact that western cultural may give to China’s cultural ecology. Because of the context of globalization, China’s cultural ecology construction undoubtedly will be influenced by the western culture, on one hand western cultural may give positive impact to China’s cultural ecology; on the other hand, developed western countries relying on their strong strength carried on cultural hegemony to the developing countries, and this sort of cultural hegemony has such characteristics as covert, deceptive, coercive, compound and diverse. These characteristics make the infiltration of western cultural hegemony into the area of China’s cultural ecology comprehensive, including the dominant culture, the elite culture and the popular culture. Therefore, when we carry on the cultural ecology construction, we must also establish an effective security and warning system of the national cultural ecology to enhance China’s ability of cultural innovation, advocate the socialist dominant culture, carry forward the theme and promote diversity. Only in this way can we effectively resist to western cultural hegemony.Chapter V makes an analysis of cultural harmony advocated vigorously by China from the theoretical vision of cultural ecology. The paper distinguishes the harmonious culture from the cultural harmony which is easy to confuse. It is thought that cultural harmony is the goal and destination of China’s cultural ecology construction. In order to achieve this goal, the only way is cultural ecology construction. The dominant culture, the elite culture and the popular culture provide supporting components respectively to the construction of a harmonious socialist society at different levels, but the components can play a more prominent role only being condensed into a force under the integration of the cultural ecology.Chapter VI is about the Chinese characteristics and the world’s visions of the contemporary China’s cultural ecology construction. Among the Chinese characteristics of the contemporary China’s cultural ecology construction, it first studies the differences and associations of the contemporary China’s cultural ecology and socialist culture with Chinese characteristics, thinking that the socialist culture with Chinese characteristics is a result, which contains all the achievements of outstanding civilizations in the cultural ecology, while the cultural ecology embodies more as a process, which is an ongoing process discarding the dross and the false and selecting the essential and the true. Only the cultural ecology construction can continue to provide nutrition to the socialist culture with Chinese characteristics. Then, it discusses the personality publicity of the China’s cultural ecology in the process of globalization and the unique value orientation in the process of China’s cultural ecology construction. In the world’s visions of the contemporary China’s cultural ecology construction, it focuses on the broad vision of China’s cultural ecology construction facing the world, the discourse right of China’s cultural ecology construction in the building process of world’s cultural system as well as the value of Chinese culture in the process of building a harmonious world.Finally, the conclusion looks forward to that in the 21st century, China will get peaceful developments, and the Chinese nation will achieve the great rejuvenation. To make China become a world power, we must create a modern Chinese culture to realize the new integration of the China’s cultural ecology based on the diversity of Chinese culture.


