

A Research of Japanese Translation of Concept-Words Adopted by Chinese

【作者】 俞喆

【导师】 陈嘉映;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 语言学以及应用语言学, 2008, 博士


【摘要】 在现代汉语的日语借词中,有很大一部分是概念词,像观念、经验、自由、精神、方法等这些常用概念词都来自日本。日源概念词大多是在十九世纪末二十世纪初翻译日语书籍的热潮中输入我国的,有相当一部分日源概念词是日本学者翻译西方概念术语的成果。概念是一种“理解图式”,概念词是“概念的最明确形式”。本文选择概念词作为研究对象,是因为它们和我们的理解密切相关。而汉语中的日译概念词又是一个特别值得研究的词群。它们承载的是西方概念,日本人在翻译过程中又将自己的独特理解融入其中;日本人在翻译西方概念时采用的是从中国传来的汉字,因而他们的理解中还潜藏着中国文化的影响。日译词大举传入时,我国正处于传统价值体系崩坏的大变革期,中国人在接纳日语词时又为它染上了中国特色的意蕴。日译概念词呈现出错综的线索,混杂着西方、日本、中国的新旧思想。科学是一个相当重要的近现代西方概念。概念词“科学”是个很常用的词,它并不仅频频出现在理论文章中,也常在日常交谈中被用到。“科学”是日译概念词中的核心词,它能将一大片语词联系起来,对科学的理解关系到对一大片概念的理解。本文选择“科学”作为关键词来展开研究。本文围绕“科学”理出了三条线索:1.西方科学知识在我国传播的历史线索:从晚明利玛窦来华、与徐光启合译西书开始,到洋务派兴办工业、广译西书,再到二十世纪初形成留日高潮、大批日译西书入华。在这条译书数量如滚雪球般加速激增的渐强线背后,是中国知识分子摆脱儒家传统世界观,从固守“中体西用”到“技进于道”的巨大飞跃。这条线索的内容描画出“科学”入华的历史文化背景,同时也提供了国人接受、选择“科学”一词的心理原因。2.“科学”从日-->中的线索。这条短线的重点在于两端。一端是“科学”一词如何在日本诞生,如何成为“science”的译词,另一端则是“科学”融入汉语的过程。日语词“科学”最早诞生于兰学时期,意为分科之学。后来明治启蒙思想家西周率先在现代意义上使用“科学”一词。在十九世纪后期,它成为“science”的定义词。“科学”传入我国时,汉语里已经有一个对应“science”的本土词——“格致”。格致本是一个理学概念,出自儒家典籍《大学》。在明末西学东渐时,它被用来指西方传入的科学知识,后来在晚清又成为官方意指西方科学的用语。由于它和儒家世界观难以割断的联系,二十世纪初的激进知识分子们将之抛弃。3.从古希腊“episteme”——>拉丁语的“scientia”——>英语“science”——>日语“科学”——>汉语“科学”的线索。英语“science”源自拉丁语“scientia”,本指广泛的知识,并与表示理论知识的古希腊概念“episteme”相关。经过漫长的词义变迁,“science”在十九世纪确立起现代含意。基于实验、运用数学是现代西方科学的特征。“science”在日本被译为“科学”,“科学”又从日本传到了中国。本文通过对汉语词“科学(的)”的日常用法的考察,揭示出它的独特意蕴。“科学”作为形容词的原初含义是从名词“科学”中引申出来的,可以粗分为两项:A)属于科学的;B)科学性的。B)又可以大致分为几项:B1)运用科学技术、符合科学理论。B2)具备科学特质,采用科学式的方法。科学的种种特质让我们将科学视为合理性、客观性、精确性的代表,于是,“科学的”又可以表示“合理的”、“客观的”、“精确的”,这类含义可以作为B3)。此外,在汉语里我们往往在“好”或“正确”的意义上来使用“科学(的)”一词。比如“他的方法科学,你的方法不科学”、“科学的论断”等。表示“正确”的“科学”隐含着权威性和排他的正确性。汉语词“科学(的)”的这种浓烈的褒义色彩和强有力的肯定力量是“scientific”以及日语“科学的”所不具备的。对“科学”中国特色意蕴的分析可以将三条线索串联起来。汉语“科学(的)”所隐含的权威性和排他正确性是在中国的近现代化历程中形成的。中国人接受科学的概念有其独特的背景,这一独特的意蕴色彩与中国人的科学观息息相关。“科学”一词自十九世纪末传入我国,在二十世纪的头十年里,它淘汰了“格致”,而第二个十年,正是越来越多的人接受“科学”、“科学”逐渐融入汉语、成为“science”明确译词的时期。当时思想界的唯科学主义潮流和科学崇拜者们不遗余力的宣传,将无比崇高的权威性植入了“科学”这个语词之中。当“科学”在汉语土壤中扎下根后,中国历史、社会的风吹雨打让它染上了中华民族的色彩。“科学”是一个汉语词汇,它的确是对应于“science”的翻译,然而它和“science”以及日语词“科学”的意蕴并不一样。因为,它生长在中国。

【Abstract】 A lot of Chinese concept words are loan-words, they are from Japanese, for example, guannian (idea), jingyan (experience) , ziyou (freedom), jingshen (mind), fangfa (method), etc.. At the end of the 19th century and the early of the 20th century, those concept words came to China in the boom of translating Japanese books, most of them are the translation of western concepts by Japanese scholars.Concept is an image of comprehending and understanding, the concept word is the clearest form of the concept. This essay focuses on concept words, because they are connected with our comprehending. And the group of Japanese translation of concept words Adopted by Chinese is a research question of great value for discussion. They are from western concepts, and the Japanese translators put their own notion in them. They translated them with kanji. Kanji is from China, so the Chinese culture is in the words, too. When those concept words came in, China was in the era of change that old cultural system were collapsing, Chinese people put something special meaning into the words. . The concept words are complicated, they have western, Japanese, new Chinese and old Chinese ideas in them.Science is a significant modern western concept. The word "kexue" (science) is used frequently, we use it when we talk and write. And "kexue" is a keyword in the concept words from Japanese. The understanding of science is connected with the understanding of many concept. So, this essay focuses on the word "kexue" .This essay gives three routes about "kexue" .1. The spread of western knowledge in China. It’ s from Matteo Ricci coming to China, translating western books with Xu Guangqi, to the westernization developing industry, translating a lot of western books, to the boom of studying in Japan and Japanese books coming to China at the beginning of 20th century. There is something at the back of this route that is the changing of the world view of Chinese scholars, from "Zhong Ti Xi Yong" to "Ji Jin Yu Dao" . This route gives a cultural background, and shows us the inner reason why Chinese people took "kexue" .2. "Kagaku" in Japan→"kexue" in China. This route is short, we should pay attention to the beginning and the end. At the beginning, there’ s the birth of "kagaku" in Japan, and the course how it becoming the translation of "science" . At the end is the course how the word "kexue" was absorbed by Chinese.The naissance of the Japanese word "kagaku" was at the period of Rangaku, it meant the branches of knowledge. Nishi Amane, the famous thinker in Mei ji, used it with its modern meaning first. At late 20th century, "kagaku" became the translation of "science" . When "kexue" (the Chinese version of "kagaku" ) came to China, there were already a translation of "science" in Chinese. It was "gezhi" . Gezhi is a conception of Confucianism, this word is from Daxue. At the late Ming dynasty, "gezhi" was used to indicate knowledge from west. At the late Qing dynasty, it became an official name. Because of the connection with Confucianism, it was thrown over by new clerisies at the early of 20th century.3. acient Greek word "epistem"→Latin word "scientia"→English word "science"→Japanese word "kagaku"→Chinese word "kexue" . The origin of "science" is "scientia" which means all kinds of knowledge, and has a relation with "episteme" which means theoretical knowledge. The meaning of "science" was changing, at 19th century it arrived its modern meaning. Basing on experiment and depending on mathematics are the particularity of modern science. In Japan, people translated "science" to "kagaku", and the word came to China, becaming the Chinese version of "kagaku"——"kexue" .We can find the special meaning of "kexue" by analyzing the ways we use it.As an adjective, "kexue" means: A) of science, B) characterized by science. Meaning B) can be analyzed to B1) using technology, based upon science, B2) acting with the manner of science, B3)reasonable, objective, accurate. And we also usually used "kexue" with the meaning good or correct. For example, "His method is scientific, Your method is not scientific. " "a’ scientific judgement" . In modern Chinese language context, "Kexue" is a commendatory word and it usually means absolutely correct. Those meanings are special. English word "scientific" and Japanese word "kagakuteki" haven’t such means.The special meanings of "kexue" are from the historical situation and the cultural background, connected with the thought of Chinese people.’ At the early of the 20th century, when "kexue" was being absorbed into Chinese, scientism was the main current in Chinese academia. People who believe science gave the word "kexue" a very important status. The meaning of authority was immitted into "kexue" .

【关键词】 科学格致日语借词科学观概念词
【Key words】 sciencegezhiloan wordsthe view of scienceconcept words
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