

The Experimental Research on Cognitive Processing Mechanism Underlying Consumers’ Brand Decision Making

【作者】 常河山

【导师】 刘永芳;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 应用心理学, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 品牌决策是过去四十多年决策研究领域中的一项重要课题。它是指消费者在一个时间连续体内进行策略选择和确定的动态过程,是消费者运用自己的感知觉、注意、记忆、思维等认知能力,对品牌进行选择与判断的过程。品牌决策研究主要围绕两类方法学途径展开,一是结构分析法,一是过程追踪法,其中以过程追踪法的研究为最多。有关消费者品牌决策的理论解释,影响最大的当属品牌决策的认知加工模型。该理论认为,消费者需要解释或了解他们环境中的信息意义,并在解释和理解的过程中产生不同的知识和信念,这些知识和信念随后会被存储在人的记忆中。记忆中的产品知识又会参与到当前的品牌决策过程中,以激活扩散的方式将品牌决策的不同环节和内容整合起来。能够被消费者提取出来的信息,特别是被快速提取出来的信息将主导消费者对产品品牌的整体评价,最后,消费者从提取出的多种方案中完成最终的选择。消费者品牌决策研究主要沿着两条思路展开:一是关于品牌决策影响因素的研究,一是有关品牌决策策略的采用。前者主要关注品牌决策的内、外部影响因素的罗列、提取和数学建模,后者则主要关注决策策略的类型和影响机制(如,对线性和非线性决策策略的探索)。不过,已有研究对品牌决策的认知加工机制关注不够,特别是研究方法比较单一,控制性实验研究很少。同时,在消费者品牌决策策略的研究上经常存在结果间的冲突,不同研究者之间的结果不尽一致。这一现象也与决策过程的动态机制有关,在决策过程的不同阶段可能有不同的决策策略。因此,系统考察消费者品牌决策的认知加工过程具有理论和应用上的重要性,本文围绕这一课题分四部分展开研究:第一部分为文献综述,系统回顾了品牌决策研究的历史与现状,阐释了主要理论及其有代表性的思想,在此基础上指出了品牌决策研究存在的问题,并针对这些问题提出了新的理论假设与研究设想。第二部分为实验研究,包括六项研究中的七项实验。通过六项实验研究主要获得以下几方面的发现:①品牌知觉(知觉到品牌/未知觉到品牌)和产品类别(品牌产品/非品牌产品)影响品牌决策,品牌知觉和产品类别对消费者品牌决策有显著性影响,知觉到品牌比未知觉到品牌对消费者品牌决策具有更显著的影响。②品牌意识程度(强/弱)和内隐自尊(高/低)同样影响到品牌决策。内隐自尊水平高的被试在启动高水平的品牌意识上更多地选择强势品牌作为消费对象,而内隐自尊水平低的被试是在高水平品牌意识上选择强势品牌作为选择对象的意向就会逐渐降低,尤其是到低内隐水平、低品牌意识的范围内被试所选择的消费品牌更多地为弱势品牌。③认知风格显著影响了消费者对品牌的决策。无论是耐用品还是非耐用品,场独立型认知风格的消费者倾向于选择弱势品牌消费,而场依存型认知风格的消费者则更倾向于消费强势品牌。④知觉负性显著影响了消费者品牌决策。分析表明,知觉负性的内属性比外属性更容易导致被试对以往品牌的消极态度,从而影响消费者对该品牌的偏好以及购买动机和意向。⑤角色变量对消费者品牌决策没有显著性影响,而情绪显著影响了消费者品牌决策。积极情绪可以让消费者的决策加工过程更加迅速,提取信息速度加快,而消极情绪则会抑制消费者品牌信息的提取,影响其决策。⑥无论是高时间压力还是非时间压力,被试在进行品牌决策时,任务动机高的被试多选取品牌内信息加工,任务动机低的被试多采用品牌间信息加工。第三部分是总讨论,在上述研究基础上,对品牌与消费者品牌决策质量、消费者品牌决策的效度、消费者品牌决策机制、品牌管理与消费者品牌决策等问题进行了深入探讨,提出了在理论发展和管理应用上的建议和看法。第四部分为研究展望,从考察消费者品牌决策的方法、机制以及内隐情绪、时间压力对品牌决策的影响等方面对品牌决策研究提出了下一步工作建议和研究展望。

【Abstract】 Over the past 40 years, brand decision, which refers to consumers’ choice, has been one of the most important issues in the decision research literature. It is a dynamic process of determining strategy in which consumers chose or judge a brand using their perception, attention, memory, thinking and other cognitive abilities. With respect of the researches in the field of brand decision, there are two main methods, one is structural analysis; the other is process-tracing, which can be found in most of the literature. And the overwhelming theory describing brand decision-making is the cognitive processing model. This theory holds that consumers need explain or understand the significance of the information in the environment around them. Consumers will generate a wide range of knowledge and beliefs during the process of interpretation and understanding, and these may be stored in their memory, and then they were activated for the integration process. At the same time, the knowledge about the products in memory may even be continuously activated because it is linked to other ideas. Through the expansion of activation, all the stored information in consumer’s mind about the products can be retrievaled as his online memory in order to make decision on brands. Consumer’s online memory, especially retrievaled fastly alternatives, will influence his overall evaluation on brands, and the ultimate choice will be selected among retrievaled options.Considerations about consumer brand decision making can be divided into two parts, one is about the factors which has influence on brand decision, the other is decision making strategies used on brand choice. The former concerns the external and internal factors for brand decision, whereas the latter deals with the search of using linear or non-linear strategy to decision maker. There is a lack of researches conducted in the cognitive process of decision making imposed upon the consumer brand decision, and those results don’t conform to each other, which call for future research. What’s more, there is still some bewilderment with the exploring on the strategies of the consumer-brand-decision. To further discuss the issues raised above and give a comprehensive demonstration to the cognitive processing mechanism underlying consume brand decision making, this article includes four parts:The first part was document review, in which the history of researches on brand choice were retrospected systematically as well as the state-of-the-art of the topic. Main theories and representative ideas with these different theoretical perspectives were also demonstrated respectively. Several important issues that need further clarifications and investigations on brand choice were put forward. Besides, relevant theoretical hypotheses aiming at the explanation of the above issues were promoted correspondingly.The second part included 6 studies and 7 experiments. The results are as follows: (1) Brand perception (Perceived Brand/non-Perceived Brand) and the categories of the products influence decision making significantly. And there is significant difference between perceived brand and non-perceived on brand decision. (2) Brand consciousness level (strong/weak) and implicit self-esteem (high/low) join together and serve as two other factors for brand decision. The subjects with high level of implicit self-esteem and high level of brand consciousness were inclined to chose a strong brand, while the subjects with low-level of implicit self-esteem but high brand awareness will be gradually reduced on the tendency to choose a strong brand. And the subjects with low level of implicit and low brand consciousness were more inclined to choose a weak brand. (3) The cognitive style of the consumers had noted influence on brand choice. No matter the products were durable or not, the consumers with field-independent cognitive style were inclined to choose a weak brand, whereas the consumers with the field-dependence cognitive style tend to choose a strong one. (4) Perception Negativity had impact notably on consumer brand decisions. Further analysis shows that the internal attributes of with negative perception were more easy to arouse consumers’ negative attitude towards brands than the external attributes, and consequentially affected consumers’ preference, purchase intent and motivation to a brand. (5) The effect of role variables on brand decision was not significant, while the effect of emotion on brand decision was significant. Positive emotion accelerate the process of decision, but negative emotions would inhibit the retrieval of brand information. (6) When the subjects made the brand decision, the subjects with high task motivation selected information mostly within brand, while the subjects with the low task motivation mostly used across-brands’ information no matter the time pressure was high or not.Part three was general discussions. Based on the empirical researches in this thesis, a suite of issues were discussed profoundly and extensively, including the association between brand and the qualities of brand decision, the validity and the mechanism of brand decision as well as the management of brand and the consumer brand decision. And the research and managial suggestions of brand decision was promoted.Part four, a prospect of further studies on brand decision was proposed from such aspects as the methods、mechanism and implicit emotion of the brand decision and the influence of time pressure on brand decision

  • 【分类号】F713.55
  • 【被引频次】12
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