

Comparative Study on the Development of Tertiary Vocational and Technical Education during the Course of the Massification of Higher Education

【作者】 付雪凌

【导师】 石伟平;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 职业技术教育学, 2008, 博士


【摘要】 世纪之交,中国高等教育的发展经历了一场巨大而深刻的变革。以推进中国高等教育大众化的名义,高等教育的规模急剧扩张,并在短期内促使高等职业教育快速膨胀。高等职业教育作为我国高等教育大众化的重要途径,经过9年的发展与调试,取得了一定成果,也显露出许多问题,有必要对此间高等教育大众化对高等职业教育的影响进行理性地解读和反思。本研究以高等教育大众化进程中高等职业教育为研究对象,立足我国高职发展的问题,从国际比较的视角进行研究和分析,寻找可借鉴的经验,并尝试提出对策与建议。全文除导论外,共分为6章。第一章,高等教育大众化的理论分析。从外部动因和内部动因解读高等教育大众化发生的背景。伴随高等教育规模扩张,高等教育的体系、课程、管理和高等教育与外部关系方面出现了变化。通过借鉴其他研究者对高等教育大众化的研究观点,对精英高等教育与大众高等教育进行比较,把握高等教育大众化的内涵,建立高等教育大众化进程中高等职业教育发展的分析纬度。第二章,美国高等教育大众化进程中高等职业教育发展研究。以社区学院的职业化运动为主线,探讨美国高等职业教育在不同阶段的发展情况及遭遇的问题。在美国高等教育大众化进程中,社区学院通过分流和指导引导学生选择适合的教育,缓解学术性高等教育规模膨胀的压力;经费来源日趋多元化,强调经费使用效率;通过学院自主管理、社会中介机构评估和政府调控这3个途径来进行质量管理;美国高等教育体系的多样化,社区学院有着明确的定位和发展方向。第三章,英国高等教育大众化进程中高等职业教育发展研究。以高等教育体制变迁为主线,探讨英国高等职业教育在不同发展阶段的发展情况及遭遇的问题。高等职业教育在一定程度上促进了英国高等教育向大众方向转变。在英国高等教育大众化进程中,受精英教育传统的影响,高等职业教育与学术高等教育趋同;政府降低经费投入比重,建立高等教育准市场;基于能力标准对高等职业教育进行质量评估。第四章,中国台湾高等教育大众化进程中高等职业教育发展研究。以专科学校的发展为主线,探讨台湾地区高等职业教育在不同发展阶段的发展情况及遭遇的问题。高等职业教育是台湾地区高等教育大众化的主要力量。在台湾地区高等教育大众化进程中,高等职业教育规模扩张过快引发了就业问题;当局协调公立和私立院校的经费比例,促进二者协调发展;建立体现高等职业教育特色的质量评估指标体系;建立“科技大学——技术学院——专科学校——职业学校”一脉相承的技职教育第二条通道。第五章,中国大陆高等教育大众化进程中高等职业教育发展研究。中国大陆高等教育大众化的推进路径呈现以下特征:高等教育总体规模呈现出短期内急速膨胀的特征,绝对规模庞大。高等职业教育是大陆高等教育规模扩张的主要力量,承担了绝大部分外延式增长的份额。第六章,中国大陆高等教育大众化进程中高等职业教育发展的问题与对策。大陆高等教育大众化的独特推进路径对高等职业教育的发展带来许多问题,包括高等职业教育对扩大招生规模的路径依赖、经费结构的不合理、精英式的质量管理方式、精英高等教育体系对高等职业教育发展的压抑。针对每个问题进行成因和危害分析,并借鉴其他国家和地区的经验,提出相应的对策和建议。

【Abstract】 At the end of last century, higher education in China experienced a great and profound change. To accelerate the massification of Chinese higher education, the higher education expanded rapidly urging the fast development of tertiary vocational and technical education in a short time. The tertiary vocational and technical education is an important approach of the massification of higher education. Nine years past, many changes have taken place in the tertiary vocational and technical education including some developments and some problems during the fast massification of higher education. So it is necessary to think over the influence of the massification of higher education on the tertiary vocational and technical education. Based on the problems emerging in the tertiary vocational and technical education, the research will focus on the effect of massification of higher education on the tertiary vocational and technical education from the perspective of history and international comparison and find some resolutions. There are 6 chapters in the dissertation except the introduction.Chaper One. Theoretical analysis of the massification of higher education. The background of massification of higher education is unscrambled from the exterior and interior causation. Along with the expanding of higher education, new changes take place in its system, curriculum, administration and the relation with the exterior. The connotation of the massification of higher education can be analyzed through the comparison of the elite higher education and the mass higher education to establish a framework which can be used for analysis of the effect of the massification of higher education on the tertiary vocational and technical education.Chapter Two. Study on the development of the tertiary vocational and technical education during the course of the massification of higher education in America. The study is focused on the evolving development of the tertiary vocational and technical education in community colleges and technical colleges during the course of the massification of higher education in America from the perspective of the speed of development, the outlay, the quality and the higher education system.Chapter Three. Study on the development of the tertiary vocational and technical education during the course of the massification of higher education in Britain. The study is focused on the evolving development of the tertiary vocational and technical education in polytechnic colleges during the course of the massification of higher education in Britain from the perspective of the speed of development, the outlay, the quality and the higher education system.Chapter Four. Study on the development of the tertiary vocational and technical education during the course of the massification of higher education in Taiwan Province of China. The study is focused on the evolving development of the tertiary vocational and technical education in short-cycle colleges during the course of the massification of higher education in Taiwan Province of China from the perspective of the speed of development, the outlay, the quality and the higher education system.Chapter Five. Study on the development of the tertiary vocational and technical education during the course of the massification of higher education in China. The characters of the massification of higher education lie on which the whole higher education scale expands very rapidly in short time and the absolute scale is very large. The development of tertiary vocational and technical education accelerated the massification of higher education.Chapter Six. Study on the problem emerging in the tertiary vocational and technical education during the course of the massification of higher education. The problems include the effect of the rapid expanding of the students, the unfair structure of the allocation of funds, the lower quality and the close higher education system. Finally, the suggestions are put forward consulting the experience of other countries and areas.

  • 【分类号】G718.5
  • 【被引频次】16
  • 【下载频次】4687

