

Comprehensive Adjustment Research of China Aural Population Structure

【作者】 刘清芝

【导师】 李昌宇;

【作者基本信息】 东北农业大学 , 农业经济管理, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 农村人口是中国人口的主体。农村人口结构是农村人口的一个重要方面,是指依据农村人口所具有的各种不同质的规定性来划分的农村人口总体内部各个组成部分之间的相互关系及其内部比例关系。根据农村人口结构的自然、经济和社会属性,将其划分为农村人口自然结构、经济结构和社会结构。农村人口自然结构包括农村人口的年龄结构、性别结构;农村人口经济结构主要包括农村人口的就业结构、收入结构和消费结构;农村人口社会结构主要包括农村人口的教育结构、婚姻结构和家庭结构。可见,农村人口结构是一个广义上的复合系统。20世纪末我国人口基本实现了低生育水平的稳步增长,人口结构问题已经成为21世纪人口问题的核心。农村人口问题是中国最根本的人口问题,农村人口结构问题是其中一个重要方面,该问题直接影响农村经济社会的可持续发展。党的十六届五中全会明确指出,要按照“生产发展、生活富裕、乡风文明、村容整洁、管理民主”的要求,扎实稳步地推进新农村建设。要实现社会主义新农村建设这一目标,必须促进农村人口数量的适度、素质的提高与结构的合理化。可见,农村人口结构合理化是实现社会主义新农村建设的一个必要条件。认真领会《中共中央国务院关于全面加强人口和计划生育工作统筹解决人口问题的决定》的精神以及中华人民共和国人口与计划生育委员会制订的《人口发展“十一五”和2020年规划》的基本内容,按照新农村建设对于农村人口结构合理化的基本要求,科学认识农村人口自然结构、经济结构与社会结构的相互关系,及时、有效地综合调整农村人口结构,是保证国民经济社会全面发展的重要途径。本研究以科学发展观、人口可持续发展理论和系统论为基础,采用定性分析、实证分析、比较分析等方法,在阐述农村人口结构的概念、特征、影响因素,以及农村人口结构内部各个部分之间的关系等基本理论问题的基础上,通过对中国农村人口结构历史的考察和现状的分析,指出了我国农村人口结构现存的主要问题并分析其主要原因。借鉴国外应对人口老龄化的经验,提出了对我国农村人口年龄结构调整的启示。本研究还根据国家农村小康社会建设标准和国家人口发展规划的要求,设计了农村人口结构综合调整的目标。基于农村人口自然结构、经济结构和社会结构的相互关系,提出综合调整农村人口结构的对策。本研究主要内容共分为十个部分。第一部分为导言,主要阐述了本研究的选题背景、目的与意义、国内外文献综述、研究重点与难点,以及研究方法和技术路线。第二部分探讨了农村人口结构的概念及特征、影响因素,农村人口自然结构、经济结构和社会结构的相互关系,以及农村人口结构综合调整在社会主义新农村建设中的地位和作用等基本理论问题。并且提出了科学发展观、人口可持续发展论、系统论是农村人口结构综合调整的理论基础,设计了农村人口结构度量指标体系的基本框架。第三部分回顾了自建国以来的中国农村人口结构的演变历史,从自然结构、经济结构、社会结构三个方面分析了中国农村人口结构的现状。第四部分指出了农村人口年龄结构结构趋向老化,农村人口出生性别比偏高,农村人口非农化程度低,农村居民收入低、差距大,农村居民恩格尔系数较高、消费层次偏低,农村劳动人口素质偏低以及农村人口早婚率偏高等中国农村人口结构现存的主要问题,并分析了产生这些问题的主要原因。第五部分在概括世界人口规模与人口老龄化状况的基础上,介绍了美、日、韩、印四国人口规模与人口老龄化状况,总结了美日韩应对人口老龄化的主要经验,提出了对我国有益的启示。第六部分主要是按照国家人口发展规划要求,提出了以人为本、因地制宜、循序渐进、体制机制创新的原则,设计了农村人口结构综合调整的中近期目标和远期目标。第七部分提出了我国农村人口自然结构调整的对策。包括通过生育政策的长期调整和农村人口老龄化的现实应对等措施来调整农村人口年龄结构;通过宣传教育树立新型生育观念,加大对生育行为的综合治理来调整农村人口性别结构;发挥农村人口经济结构、社会结构对农村人口自然结构的推动作用。第八部分提出了我国农村人口经济结构调整的对策。包括构建城乡统一的就业体制、拓宽农村人口非农产业就业渠道、提高农业人口素质以促进农村人口就业结构的调整;提高农业比较收益、增加农村人口的劳务收入、加大农村贫困人口的扶持力度以促进农村人口收入结构的调整;促使农村人口的潜在消费需求向现实市场需求的转化、促进农村人口消费结构的升级以促进农村人口消费结构的调整;减少农村人口自然结构、社会结构对经济结构的制约。第九部分提出了我国农村人口社会结构调整的对策。包括普及农村义务教育、建立健全农村职业教育和成人教育体系以促进农村人口教育结构的调整;转变婚育观念、提倡晚婚晚育、建立健全农村社会保障制度以促进农村人口婚姻家庭结构的调整;发挥农村人口自然结构、经济结构对人口社会结构的促进作用。第十部分是结论,对整个论文主要成果进行了总结。

【Abstract】 Rural population is the largest part of Chinese population. The structure of rural population is an important aspect of rural population, refer to divide mutual relation of internal each constituent the rural population and internal proportional relationship based on all kinds of different archery regulated of the rural population. According to attribute of the nature, economic and society of the rural population structure, divides it into the rural population natural structure, the economic structure and the social structure. Rural population natural structure including rural population age structure, sex structure; the rural population economic structure mainly includes employment structure of the rural population, the income structure and the consumption structure; the rural population social structure mainly includes education structure of the rural population, the marriage structure and the family structure. Obviously, the rural population structure is a Compound system in general.At the end of the 20th century, the population of China has basically accomplished a new period of low and stable birthrate. The problem of population structure has become the core of the prblem of population in the 21th century. The rural population question is the China basic population question, the rural population structure question is important aspect, this question influence sustainable development of rural economy society directly.Party’s 16th sessions of fifth CCP plenary conferences explicitly pointed out that we will advance the new rural reconstruction with steady steps refer to request of the production development, the life is wealthy, the local custom civilization, the village accommodate, the management democracy. To achieve this goal of socialism new rural reconstruction, we must make the quantity of population moderate, the quality enhancive and structure rational. Obviously, structure rationalization of the rural population is an essential condition Of realization socialism new rural construction.It is an important method of the national economy society full scale development that comprehend the spirit of the solution population question decision of Central Committee of the CCP State Council about comprehensive strengthen population and birth control work and basic content of five plan of the 11th and 2020 Plans that draw up by the People’s Republic of China population and the birth control committee, according to basic request of the new rural construction regarding the rural population structure rationalization, know reciprocity relation of the rural population natural structure, the economic structure and the social structure scientifically, adjust rural population structure timely and effectively. This research take science development view, the population sustainable development theory and the system theory as a foundation, use methods such as qualitative analysis, real diagnosis analysis, comparative analysis and so on, on the foundation of elaborating the rural population structure concept, the characteristic, the influence factor, as well as the rural population structure interior relations and so on in the elementary theory question, through to the China rural population structure history inspection and the present situation analysis, point main question of our country rural population structure and analyze its main reason.Profits from experience of other countries dealing with the population aging, state enlightenment to our country rural population age structure adjustment. This research also design the rural population structure comprehensive adjustment goal and based on the relations of the structure of rural population nature, the economic and the society, it comes up with the countermeasure of comprehensive adjustment rural population structure.This research is mainly divided into ten parts.The first part is an introduction, mainly elaborated background of this research, the goal and the significance, the domestic and foreign literature summarize, the research key and the difficulty as well as the research method and the technical route.The second part discuss concept and the characteristic, the influence factor of the rural population structure, the rural population natural structure, the economic structure and the social structure reciprocity as well as the rural population structure comprehensive adjustment in the socialism new rural reconstruction status and the function and so on elementary theory question. And state science development view, the population sustainable development theory, the system theory is the rural population structure comprehensive adjustment rationale, design basic frame of target system of the rural population structure measurement.The third part review rural population structure evolution history since1949, analysis situation of the China rural population structure from natural structure, economic structure, social structure three aspects.The fourth part point out trend of the rural population aging structure, birth sex proportion high of rural population, non- agriculture degree low of rural population, income low of the countryside inhabitant, disparity big, Engel coefficient higher of countryside inhabitant, expense level low, quality low of countryside working population and early marriage rate higher of the rural population China rural population and so on main question, analysis reasons of these questions.The fifth part on the foundation of summarizing world population scale and condition of the population aging, introduce population scale and condition of the population aging of American, Japan, South Korea, India, summarize experience dealing with the population aging such as American,Japan, South Korea, state beneficial enlightenment to our country.The sixth state principle of humanist, act as circumstances permit, proceeding in an orderly way, innovation of system mechanism, and design Short goal and future goal of the rural population structure comprehensive adjustment based on the request of the national population development plan.The seventh part state countermeasure of our country rural population natural structure adjustment. Adjust the rural population natural structure through including long-term adjustment of birth policy and the coordinated measure of the rural population aging; set up the new birth idea through the propaganda, adjust the rural population sex structure through enlarging the comprehensive government to birth behavior; display impetus function of the rural population economic structure, the social structure to the rural population natural structure.The eighth part state countermeasure of our country rural population economic structure adjustment. Including constructing the city and countryside unification the employment system, enlarging employment avenue of the rural population non- agricultural production industry, improving the agricultural population quality to promote the rural population employment structure adjustment; enhancing the agricultural comparison income, increasing the rural population the service income, enlarging support dynamics for countryside population to promote the rural population income structure adjustment; urging transformation of the rural population the latent expense demand to the realistic market demand, urging the rural population consumption pattern structure to promote the rural population consumption structure adjustment; reducing restriction of the rural population natural structure, the social structure to the economic structure.The ninth part state countermeasure of our country rural population social structure adjustment. Including popularizing the countryside compulsory education, establishing countryside vocational education and the adult education system perfectly to promote adjustment of the rural population educational structure; transforming idea of marriage and birth, advocating the delayed marriage and postponement of having children, establishing countryside social security system perfectly to promote adjustment of the rural population marriage family structure; displaying promote action of the rural population natural structure, the economic structure to the population social structure.The tenth part is conclusion, summary main achievement of the research.


