

Study on the Efficiency of Rural Specialized Cooperative Economic Organization

【作者】 张梅

【导师】 郭翔宇;

【作者基本信息】 东北农业大学 , 农业经济管理, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 国外农业合作社200多年的发展历史表明,合作社作为一种农户自有的组织形式,它在保护弱小的农民团体,增加农民收入,繁荣农村经济中起着非常重要的作用。从上个世纪80年代开始,农村专业合作经济组织经过20多年的发展,已经初具规模,对我国的农村经济发展起到了较大的促进作用,尤其是在增加农户收入和提供社会化服务方面。正因为这样,我国政府开始着手大力发展农村专业合作经济组织,并从2007年开始着手以专业合作社法为龙头的配套制度建设,为农村专业合作经济组织的发展开创了全新的局面。但也应该清醒地看到,我国的农村合作经济组织整体运行效率低下,表现为规模小、竞争力不强、服务范围窄等,这极大地影响到它为农户、社区和政府服务的水平。因此,有必要找到影响我国农村专业合作组织发展的要素,从而提出建立高效率的农村专业合作经济组织的建议。对合作社的效率问题的研究在国际上处于合作社研究的前沿。在国内,对于我国农村专业合作社的效率的系统研究还非常少见。本研究建立了分析我国农村专业合作经济组织的系统分析和评价框架:采用产权理论和委托—代理理论对我国农村专业合作经济组织的效率进行定性分析,并建立农村专业合作经济组织运营效率的指标评价体系,结合层次分析法和综合指标评分法对农村专业合作经济组织的运营效率进行实证分析,得出我国农村专业经济组织的运营效率水平的客观结果,在此基础上,分析影响其运营效率水平的主要因素,有助于丰富以往对专业合作经济组织的理论研究。我国的专业合作社建设刚刚起步,而且专业合作社的运营存在本土化的特点,许多人对专业合作社的制度也缺乏深入了解。在对农村专业合作经济组织效率水平及其影响因素进行定性和定量分析的基础上,探索建立农村专业合作经济组织的模式选择和运行机制,不仅对具体专业合作经济组织的规范与发展具有很强的指导作用,而且可为政府及相关部门科学决策提供参考依据。从运营效率低下影响我国专业合作经济组织的根本性因素出发,以此作为切入点,研究角度较为新颖。从提出我国农村专业合作经济组织效率低下的假设出发,通过构建农村专业合作经济组织的指标体系,采用综合评分法进行实证研究进行验证。此外在构建了农村专业合作经济组织效率涵义—评价指标体系—影响因素分析—机制创新的理论框架,研究方法具有创新性。本研究采用的研究方法多样化。由于农村专业合作经济组织是一种特殊的组织形式,所以主要采用制度经济学的方面,利用产权理论、代理理论进行研究;反映农村专业合作经济组织的效率问题主要采用实证分析方法;为真实地反映我国农村专业合作经济组织的发展现状、运营特点和影响因素,本研究采用了实地调查、采用调查问卷、典型调查相结合的研究方法。在提出高效运营的我国专业合作经济组织的创新机制、发展模式及政策建议时,采用和国外农业合作社进行比较的比较分析方法。此外,为深入地研究我国农村专业合经济组织的效率问题,本研究立足黑龙江省专业合作经济组织为基础进行分析和论证,采用了演绎的分析方法。本研究从界定农村专业合作经济组织效率涵义出发,分析了农村专业合作经济组织面临的成本与收益,建立了效率评价指标体系,并以效率测算结果为基础,进行影响因素分析,最后提出提高农村专业合作经济组织效率的创新机制、发展模式和政策建议。具体内容主要分为十章。第一章“引言”部分,主要介绍了本研究的背景、研究目的与意义、研究方法、研究的创新点与不足,并在分析大量国内外文献基础上着重对合作经济组织的效率问题进行了综述,以及进行了简要的评述。第二章“专业合作经济组织效率问题的理论分析”,从合作社的本质规定和特点出发,界定了农村专业合作经济组织的涵义。通过对效率涵义的理论分析,提出了农村专业合作经济组织的效率涵义,在此基础上分析了农村专业合作经济组织的效率特点,最后对与农村专业合作经济组织效率相关的理论问题进行了总结和说明。第三章“农村专业合作经济组织的收益与成本分析”,从农村专业合作经济组织既作为一种组织形式,又作为一种制度形态的角度出发,提出了农村专业合作经济组织的效率模式,并从收益和成本的角度对农村专业合作经济组织进行了效率分析。农村专业合作经济组织的收益主要来源于两方面:一是作为合作型组织的经济性收益;一是作为服务型组织的功能性收益。在成本分析中,着重从制度运营成本角度进行了分析,并对“公司+农户”和“合作社+农户”两种形式的交易成本进行了比较分析。第四章“国外农业合作经济组织的比较分析”,主要从效率角度出发,对国外农民合作社发展进行了比较分析,并对国外专业合作社在以效率改进为基础的发展趋势进行了综述,提出了可供我国借鉴的措施。第五章“我国农村专业合作经济组织的发展现状及运营状况”,依据大量的数据,分析了我国农村专业合作经济组织的运营特点和发展现状,并对存在的问题进行了分析。第六章“我国农村专业合作经济组织的运营效率评价”,提出我国农村专业合作经济组织运营效率低下的假设,构建了农村专业合作经济组织的评价指标体系,以黑龙江省为例,结合综合评分法和层次分析法对黑龙江省农村专业合作社的效率水平进行了实际测算,验证假设,并对结果进行了分析。第七章“影响我国专业合作经济组织效率的因素分析”,建立了影响农村专业合作经济组织效率的理论框架,分析了外部因素与内部因素。外部因素决定了农村专业合作组织整体效率低下,内部因素是影响农村专业合作经济组织个体差异的主要原因。第八章“提高我国农村专业合作经济组织效率的模式选择与机制创新”,确立了建立高效运营的农村专业合作经济组织的原则,探索建立了发展模式和创新机制。第九章“促进我国农村专业合作经济组织高效运营的政策建议”,在前面理论研究的基础上,结合我国国情,提出提高我国农村专业合作经济组织效率的政策建议。第十章“结论”,对研究的内容进行了深刻而清晰的总结,并将来可能进行的后续研究工作进行了展望。

【Abstract】 Over the two hundred-year development of agricultural cooperative community in foreign countries has shown that as a form of organization, cooperative community has played an important role in protecting the disadvantaged farmers, increasing farmers’ income and invigorating economy in rural areas. Since 1980s, the specialized cooperative economic organizations in our country have begun to take shape with over two-decade development, and have played an important role in promoting the economy in China’s rural areas, especially in increasing farmers’ income and providing socialized service. Therefore, the government has been vigorously engaged in developing the specialized cooperative economic organizations in rural areas, and has began to undertake the construction of the supportive services with the specialized cooperative economic organizations playing a leading role, thus initiating a brand-new situation in the specialized cooperative economic organizations in rural areas. However, it should be noted that as a whole, the specialized cooperative economic organizations in the rural areas of our country are low in efficiency, which manifests itself in the following aspects: they are small in scale, weak in competitiveness, narrow in its serving range etc., thus adversely affecting the level at which it serves the farmers, the communities and the government. Against the background, it’s necessary to find out the elements influencing the development of the specialized cooperative economic organizations in the rural areas of our country, so that the proposals can be put forward of establishing highly efficient specialized cooperative economic organizations in rural areas.The study on the problems of the efficiency of the cooperative community is in the international front of the study in the field. Domestically, rare is the systematic study of the efficiency in the specialized cooperative economic organizations. The study established the systematic analysis and evaluation framework to analyze the specialized cooperative economic organizations in the rural areas of our country, conducting the qualitative analysis on the efficiency of the specialized cooperative economic organizations in the rural areas of our country by adopting the theory of ownership and the theory of principle-agent, and carrying out positive analysis by establishing the evaluative system of the index in the operating efficiency of the specialized cooperative economic organizations in the rural areas and combining the method of gradation-analysis and that of index-evaluation of the organizations, thus the objective results of the level of the operating efficiency in rural specialize cooperation economic organization of our country. Based on this, analyzing the main elements influencing its level of operating efficiency is conducive to enriching the theoretical study of the specialized cooperative economic organizations. The specialized cooperative community is in its initial stage, the operation of the specialized cooperative community has the characteristics of localization, and many people lack understanding of the system of the specialized cooperative community. Based on the qualitative and quantitative analysis on the efficiency level of the specialized cooperative economic organization and its influencing factors, the mode selection and operating system are explored of rural specialize cooperation economic organization, which not only has a strong directing role on the normalization and development of specific the specialized cooperative economic organization, but also can provide reference for scientific decision-making for the government and the departments concerned.Departing from the fact that low operation efficiency affects our country’s the specialized cooperative economic organization’s fundamental factors; the perspective of the study is original. And from proposing the supposition that the specialized cooperative economic organization in our country has low efficiency, by constructing the index system of the specialized cooperative economic organization, the comprehensive evaluating method is used to conduct positive study and substantiate the hypothesis. In addition, the theoretical framework of the connotation of efficiency-evaluating index system-analysis of influencing elements-systematic innovation in the specialized cooperative economic organization has been constructed, with the studying method being original.The methodology adopted in the study is diverse. Because rural specialize cooperation economic organization is a special form of organization, the aspects of systematic economics were adopted such as the theory of ownership and agency, the method of positive analysis has been used to reflect the problem of efficiency in rural specialize cooperation economic organization; and on-the-sport method, the survey by questionnaire and typical surveys are combined to reflect the developing status quo, operating characteristics and influencing factors of rural specialize cooperation economic organization. In proposing the innovative system, developing mode and policy proposal of the highly-efficient operation of rural specialize cooperation economic organization, the method of comparative analysis has been adopted to compare Chinese agricultural cooperative community with that of the foreign countries. In addition, in order to further study the efficiency of rural specialize cooperation economic organization of our country, the study employed the method of deduction by focusing on the specialized cooperative economic organization in Heilongjiang province.The study began from defining the connotation of rural specialize cooperation economic organization, analyzing the cost and profit facing rural specialize cooperation economic organization. The system of efficiency-evaluating index has been set up, the influencing factors have been analyzed with the efficiency-calculating results as its basis, and then the innovative system, promoting the developing mode and policy proposal has been suggested of the highly-efficient operation of rural specialize cooperation economic organization. The contents have been divided into nine chapters.Chapter one is he introduction. It mainly introduced the background, the objective, the significance and the methodology of the study as well as the possible innovations and shortcomings. And it has a comprehensive discussion about and brief comment on the domestic and foreign literature concerned。Chapter two mainly dealt with the theoretical analysis of the efficiency of the specialized cooperative economic organization. It started from discussing the nature and characters of the cooperative, and made the definition of the specialized cooperative economic organization in rural areas. Through the theoretical analyses of the efficiency, proposed the definition of the efficiency, then analyzed the efficiency features of rural specialize cooperation economic organizationon the base of it. At last summarized and introduced some theories in relation to the efficiency of the specialized cooperative economic organization in rural areas.Chapter three mainly analyzed the revenue and cost of specialized cooperative economic organization in rural areas. Departing from the idea of rural specialize cooperation economic organizationas a form of organization and as a statue of institution, proposed the model of efficiency of it, and analyzed it form the point of the view of revenue and cost. The revenues of it mainly form the two channels: first, the economic revenue as a cooperative organization, second, the functional revenue as a service organization. In analyzing the cost of it stressed from the view of institutional operation cost, at last the comparative analysis has been made between the transaction costs of the two forms of "company+ farmers" and "cooperative economy organization+ farmers" respectively.Chapter four mainly made a comparative analysis between the domestic and foreign farmers’ cooperative community from the angle of efficiency, and the developing trend has been reviewed of foreign specialized cooperative community which has efficiency as its basis, thus proposing the measures that can be borrowed by our country.Chapter five mainly analyzed the present developing and operation status of the specialized cooperative economic organization of our country. based on a lot of dates,. It analyzed the operating characteristics, developing status quo and existing questions of the specialized cooperative community in the rural areas.The efficiency level of rural specialize cooperation economic organization has been analyzed from both quantitative and qualitative angles, the evaluating index system of it has been constructed and the efficiency level of it has been calculated by comprehensive evaluation.Chapter six mainly evaluating the efficiency lever of rural specialize cooperation economic organization. First, it proposed the hypothesis that the efficiency lever of rural specialize cooperation economic organization is low, then constructed the evaluating index system of its efficiency lever, and combined with synthetical and evaluation and AHP method evaluating the efficiency lever of the specialized cooperatives economic organization in the rural areas ,.taking Heilongjiang as an example. At last tested the hypothesis and analyzed the outcomes.Chapter seven mainly analyzed the factors that can influent the efficiency of rural specialize cooperation economic organization. It established the theoretical framework affecting the efficiency of rural specialize cooperation economic organization, analyzing the internal as well as the external factors. The external factors decided the low efficiency of rural specialize cooperation economic organization, and the internal ones affected the main cause that result in the individual difference of rural specialize cooperation economic organization.Chapter eight mainly discussed the innovative mechanism and the mode that can raise the efficiency rural specialize cooperation economic organization. It set up the principles to operate rural specialize cooperation economic organization with high efficiency, and explored the establishment of the developing mode and innovative mechanism.Chapter nine mainly try to make some proposes on policy that can promote specialized cooperative economic organization in the rural areas to operate high efficiently. Combined with the situation of our country, the proposals on policy have been put forward on the basis of the study ahead.Chapter ten is main the conclusion and forecast. It made a deep and clear conclusion about the content of the study and envisaged the study trend of rural specialized cooperation economic organization in the new environment.


