

A Study on the Occurrence of the Modifier Marker DE 的

【作者】 王远杰

【导师】 沈家煊;

【作者基本信息】 首都师范大学 , 语言学及应用语言学, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 关于定语标记“的”的隐现,目前尚有争论。本文借鉴类型学、语法化、生成语法、认知和功能语法等方面的研究,讨论汉语虚词“的”的来源、演变、分合、作用,提出确定汉语名词短语的结构和类型的分析框架,在此基础上描写和解释定语标记“的”的隐现规律。虚词“的”的各种用法有共同的历史来源,它们都由历史上的指示词“底”语法化而来。语法化过程是渐变的,因此现在共时层面虚词“的”的各种用法之间既有区别又有联系。本文认为指示词的基本作用是“凸现”。由于语法化过程中存在“滞留”现象,既然指示词的基本作用是凸现,那么由指示词发展而来的虚词“的”也就可能仍然存留有凸现的作用。汉语名词短语可以区分为无标记结构和有标记结构,这两类结构的名词短语都可区分三类定语槽位:定位槽位、定量槽位、定类槽位。核心名词的数量定语所在的位置为定量槽位,定量槽位定语的作用是给核心名词所表示的事物定量,即确定数量;定量槽位前的定语位置为定位槽位,定位槽位定语的作用是给核心名词所表示的事物定位,即确定指称;定量槽位后的定语位置为定类槽位,定类槽位定语的作用是给核心名词所表示的事物定类,即确定类属。这三类槽位在名词短语内部的排序是“定位槽位>定量槽位>定类槽位”。在区分三类定语槽位的基础上进一步区分三类名词短语:定位短语,如“他的杯子”;定量短语,如“三个杯子”;定类短语,如“大杯子”。本文的名词短语分析框架便于描写汉语定语标记“的”的隐现规律:从单项定语“的”的隐现看,三类不同名词短语之间“的”的隐现表现平行一致:从多项定语“的”的隐现看,三类定语槽位之间“的”的隐现互不影响,而定类槽位内部“的”的隐现则互相影响。在本文名词短语分析框架下,结合对定语标记“的”的分合和作用等的认识,可以较好地解释定语标记“的”的隐现。由于名词短语与动词短语或小句之间存在平行现象,所以本文对名词短语的某些分析方法,可平行地运用于动词短语,从而用来分析“N的V”这类引起持续争论的结构。全文共8章:1)引言,2)现有“的”的隐现研究,3)“的”的来源、演变、分合和作用,4)汉语名词短语的分析框架,5)单项定语“的”的隐现,6)多项定语“的”的隐现,7)“N的V”的相关问题,8)结语。

【Abstract】 The occurrence of de in the syntax has been a controversial issue.This dissertation tries to describe and explain the phenomena of de based on some insights from various theories such as typology,grammaticalization,formalism and functionalism.It deals with these issues by investigating the historical source,grammaticalization,classification,and function of de,and introducing a new framework for Chinese noun phrases.From a diachronic perspective,the functional element de,which has different uses such as modifier maker,focus marker,suffix of adjectives,nominalizer,etc.,is developed from the demonstrative di底in the history by grammaticaliztion.The different uses of de in modern Mandarin Chinese correlate with each other because of the gradualness of the process of grammaticaliztion.Profiling,a term from Langacker,is the basic function of demonstratives. Most uses of modern de maintain this function of profiling due to persistence in grammaticalization.Chinese noun phrases have a distinction between unmarked and marked structures,and their modifier slots can be divided into three kinds:locational,quantificational,and classificational. The quantificational slot is the position occupied by the quantificational modifier of the head noun. Modifiers in this slot function as quantifying.Preceding the quantificational slot is the locational slot.Modifiers within it function as locating.The slot next to the quantificational is the classificational slot.Modifiers within it function as classifying.These three slots constitute a sequence of "locational slot>quantificational slot>classificational slot".Noun phrases of three kinds are distinguished correspondingly:locational phrase,quantificational phrase,and classificational phrase.With regard to the occurrence of de in single modifiers,there is a parallelism between the three kinds of noun phrase.As for the occurrence of de in multiple modifiers,the modifiers in three different slots are independent,but the modifiers inside the classificational slot are dependent of each other.These phenomena are described and explained based on the framework of the noun phrase,and the classification and function of de.There is some parallelism between noun phrases and verb phrases.So the framework of noun phrases in this dissertation can also be applied to analyzing the much disputed construction "N de V". This dissertation consists of 8 chapters:1) introduction,2) review of the past studies,3) the historical source,development,classification,and function of de,4) a framework of Chinese noun phrases,5) occurrence of de in single modifiers,6) occurrence of de in multiple modifiers,7) issues about "N de V",9) conclusion.

【关键词】 定语标记指示词名物化
【Key words】 modifier markerdedemonstrativenominalization
  • 【分类号】H146
  • 【被引频次】20
  • 【下载频次】1466

